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CORINAIR 90 Data dictionary for lps
Installation |
Data |
LPS | Reference year |
Country (NUTS level 0 code) | |
LPS code | |
Territorial unit code (level 1) | |
Territorial unit code (level 2) | |
Territorial unit code (level 3) | |
Geographical coordinates (longitude in degrees; negative values mean WEST, positive ones mean EAST) | |
Geographical coordinates (latitude in degrees; negative values mean SOUTH, positive ones mean NORTH) | |
Sector type of combustion activity (legal values: A, B, C, D) | |
Corrected thermal capacity (MW) | |
Combustion SNAP code of LPS (group) | |
Combustion SNAP code of LPS (subgroup) | |
Combustion SNAP code of LPS (activity) | |
Plan covered by LCP Directive? (Y/N) | |
N -> New, E -> Existing | |
Original license date | |
SO2 emissions (in Mg) under LCP directive | |
Is SO2 emission value less than Directive limit value?(Y/N) | |
NOx emissions (in Mg) under LCP directive | |
Is NOx emission value less than Directive limit value?(Y/N) | |
Do the above values have suffered any modification since last inventory? (Y/N) | |
Description of modification | |
Comment code | |
STACKS | Reference year |
Country (NUTS level 0 code) | |
LPS code | |
LPS stack number | |
Number of similar stacks aggregated together to form a virtual single one | |
Height of the stack in metres | |
Section surface of the stack in squared metres | |
Quality of height and surface data (K -> Known, E -> Estimated, U -> Unknown) | |
Confidentiality of height and surface data | |
Temperature of exiting gases, degrees centrigrade | |
Exiting gases flowrate (Nm3/h dry) | |
Quality of gas parameters (K -> Known, E -> Estimated, U -> Unknown | |
Confidentiality of gas parameters | |
Comment code | |
PARTS | Reference year |
Country (NUTS level 0 code) | |
LPS code | |
Part number | |
SNAP activity code (group) | |
SNAP activity code (subgroup) | |
SNAP activity code (activity) | |
Annex rubric code | |
Is this part a thermal equipment? (Y/N) | |
Is this part concerned by LCP Directive? (Y/N) | |
Nominal activity rate | |
Quality of NOMINAL_RATE | |
Confidentiality of NOMINAL_RATE | |
Actual activity rate | |
Quality of ACTUAL_RATE | |
Confidentiality of ACTUAL_RATE | |
Nominal and actual activities unit | |
Year of starting operation | |
Quality of STARTING_YEAR | |
Confidentiality of STARTING_YEAR | |
Description of process or thermal equipment | |
Quality of DESCRIPTION | |
Confidentiality of DESCRIPTION | |
Working time in the year | |
Quality of OPERATION | |
Confidentiality of OPERATION | |
Comment code | |
CONTROLS | Reference year |
Country (NUTS level 0 code) | |
LPS code | |
Part number | |
Emission control device code | |
Origin of DEVICE | |
Confidentiality of DEVICE | |
STACKS PARTS | Reference year |
Country (NUTS level 0 code) | |
Code of LPS | |
Stack number | |
Part number | |
Percentage of emissions that the part ouputs to the stack | |
Comment code | |
FUEL CONSUMPTION | Reference year |
Country (NUTS level 0 code) | |
Code of LPS | |
Part number | |
Fuel characteristic code | |
Fuel consumption (Mg) | |
Comment code | |
EMISSION FACTORS | Reference year |
Country (NUTS level 0 code) | |
Code of LPS | |
Part number | |
Fuel characteristic code | |
Pollutant code | |
Emission factor (in emission unit/GJ) | |
Comment code | |
PARTS EMISSIONS | Reference year |
Country (NUTS level 0 code) | |
Code of LPS | |
Part number | |
Pollutant code | |
Emitted quantity (units indicated in the table POLLUTANTS) | |
Estimation method code | |
Emission factors (in emission units per activity units) | |
Efficiency of control devices (%) | |
Quality of CONTROL_EFFICIENCY (K -> Known, E -> Estimated, U -> Unknown) | |
Confidentiality of CONTROL_EFFICIENCY (K -> Known, E -> Estimated, U -> Unknown) | |
Comment code |
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