Here you will find logos and high-resolution images that may be reproduced without restrictions, provided the source is acknowledged. For any additional information, please contact us.

High-resolution photos for press use

EEA logos

The Agency logo is the property of the EEA and is registered with WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organisation). It may not be cropped or amended in any other way (see further details in the EEA's corporate identity manual). The EEA's corporate identity manual provides a graphical style guide for EEA reports and online services as well as guidelines for a coherent look of other items produced by the Agency.

The logo may be reproduced for journalistic purposes in articles etc. without advance permission. In order to request permission to use the logo in other contexts, please address your request to our online form.

The Agency normally allows for use of its logo on products or services prepared jointly with other bodies, or in connection with events where it is a contributor or co-organiser. It should be noted that requests to use the Agency logo to endorse products, services, events or activities in which the EEA is not actively involved are normally declined.

EEA 30th anniversary logo: PNG

EEA logo (standard): EPSSVGJPGPNG 

EEA logo (standard in white): EPSSVGPNG

EEA logo (compact): EPSSVGJPEGPNG

 EEA logo (compact in white): EPSSVGPNG


EEA logo (mini in white): EPSSVGPNG

Eionet logo (high resolution): PNG

Eionet plus text 2023 (standard): PNG

Eionet plus text 2023 (negative): PNG