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See all EU institutions and bodiesEnvironment and climate challenges are borderless. This is why at the EEA, we work closely with various partners and stakeholders across Europe.
The EEA's information and knowledge are designed to help policymakers develop environmentally sound and consistent policies. To achieve this, the EEA works closely with various European Union (EU) institutions, agencies and advisory bodies.
The EEA provides timely and trustworthy knowledge and data to its counterparts at the European Commission at critical moments in the policymaking cycle.
The Directorates-General for Environment (DG ENV) and for Climate Action (DG CLIMA) are the EEA’s main counterparts at the European Commission. We also work closely with the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG R&I), the Joint Research Centre (JRC), Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space (DG DEFIS), Eurostat, and other DGs on the knowledge base for European environment and climate policy.
The EEA produces briefings, and organises workshops and informal meetings to support the work of the European Parliament. We also participate in hearings upon request. We work closely with the Committee for Environment, Public Health and Food Safety.
The Council of the European Union is the main decision-making body of the European Union. The Executive Director of the EEA is regularly invited to attend informal meetings of EU environment ministers. The EEA also supports the environmental activities of the rotating EU Presidencies by, for example, preparing reports or organising workshops and seminars upon their request.
The EEA collaborates with various EU advisory bodies, such as the Committee of the Regions and the European Economic and Social Committee, by providing inputs to rapporteurs, participating in conferences and maintaining informal contacts. One such advisory body is the European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change that is tasked to provide independent scientific advice and produce reports on EU measures and climate targets and their coherence with the European Climate Law and the EU's international commitments under the Paris Agreement on climate change.
The EEA hosts the secretariat of the European Network of the Heads of Environment Protection Agencies (EPA Network). The EPA Network gathers Europe’s Environmental Protection Agencies that exchange experiences at a strategic level to improve their work for the environment.
The EEA belongs to the Network of EU Agencies that provides a forum for exchanging views and experiences on issues of common interest and new developments on the day-to-day implementation of environmental policy and communication of environmental issues. We are also an active member of the EU Agencies Network on Scientific Advice: EU ANSA.