The European Environment Agency is governed by a Management Board, whose members are mandated to act in the public interest. The day-to-day operation of the EEA is the responsibility of the Executive Director.

Management Board and Bureau

The Management Board plays a key role in overseeing the effective and efficient functioning of the EEA and ensures that the EEA fulfils its mission and mandate in line with its founding regulation. The Management Board is also responsible for appointing the Executive Director and Scientific Committee members.

The Bureau provides recommendations to the Management Board and takes executive decisions to ensure effective EEA operations, thus enabling the Management Board to focus on strategic matters.

EEA Executive Director

Leena Ylä-Mononen took up post on 1 June 2023. As Executive Director, she is responsible for day-to-day management, and operational and staffing matters. In cooperation with the EEA Management Board, she ensures delivery of the vision outlined in the EEA-Eionet Strategy and Single Programming Documents.

Ms Ylä-Mononen, a Finnish national, has worked with  national, European, and international environmental policy and administration for over 30 years. 

Leena Ylä-Mononen, Executive Director of the European Environment Agency

Scientific Committee

The Scientific Committee assists the EEA Management Board and the Executive Director by providing advice and professional opinions on scientific matters. It is composed of up to 20 independent scientists from the EEA member countries, who are identified through an open selection process and appointed for a four-year term, renewable once.

EEA Management

The day-to-day operation of the EEA is the responsibility of the Executive Director and the EEA management comprising Heads of Department and Heads of Unit. The EEA has six departments: Environment, Climate, Sustainability, Communications, Digital and Resources, which carry out the EEA tasks, and deliver and support operational services and products.

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