EU environment and climate policies have delivered substantial benefits over recent decades, such as cleaner air and water. Nevertheless, Europe, as well as the rest of the globe, is facing environmental challenges of unprecedented scale and urgency.

Black and white view from above a circular clock looking down into a square with a building on the left and a parked car adjacent.

Five yearly snapshots of Europe's environment

Every five years, we publish our flagship report: the state and outlook of Europe’s environment (SOER). The sixth SOER identified serious gaps between the state of the environment and existing EU near‑ and long‑term policy targets.

While European environment and climate policies have helped to improve the environment over recent decades, Europe is not making enough progress and the outlook for the environment in the coming decade is not positive, according to the ‘European environment — state and outlook 2020 (SOER 2020)’ report.

Pollution, over-use and climate change threaten water resilience 

According to the largest assessment on the health of Europe’s water bodies, published by the EEA, Europe is not on track to meet its targets to improve the health of waters under EU rules.

Better water management is key to improve water resilience, to alleviate pressures on water and to ensure European citizens, nature and industry have enough good-quality water.

Agriculture is the most significant pressure impacting both surface and groundwaters, according to the EEA report ‘Europe's state of water 2024: the need for improved water resilience’.

This results from water use and pollution from the intensive use of nutrients and pesticides, according to Member States’ own monitoring. Agriculture is by far the highest net water consumer in Europe and, without changes in practices, demand from irrigated agriculture is likely to increase with climate change. 

What does Europe do to protect its nature?


protected areas


of land covered

by protected areas


habitats protected

under EU law


of Europe's seas covered

by protected areas

nearly 0,000

species and habitats protected

under EU law

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Urgent action needed to reverse soil degradation in Europe

Soil degradation threatens our competitiveness, food security, agricultural productivity, biodiversity, and resilience to extreme weather events and climate change. Joint efforts at EU, national, and local level focus on restoring soil health.

Launched at the EU Soil Observatory Stakeholder Forum, the 2024 State of Soils in Europe report assesses the state of soil degradation across the EU and other countries in the European Economic Area, including Ukraine, Türkiye, and the Western Balkans. The report shows alarming status and trends, with soil degradation getting much worse in recent years, and highlights the need for immediate action to reverse this trend.

The State of Soils in Europe report is a collaboration between the Joint Research Centre and the European Environment Agency.

A pollution-free Europe?

The zero pollution action plan is a cornerstone of the EU’s ambitions to improve the well-being and health of citizens and future generations under the European Green Deal. It sets out the vision that by 2050, the EU should have reduced pollution to the extent that it no longer harms human health and natural ecosystems. This is translated into key 2030 targets to reduce pollution at source. We produced our first zero pollution monitoring assessment to assess progress towards these targets.

Good progress has been made towards reducing air pollution from industry, transport and homes — reducing the number of premature deaths linked to air pollution as a result. At the same time, Europe has been maintaining and improving its bathing and drinking water quality and reducing the risk of antimicrobial resistance. Encouraging trends are also taking place in reducing pesticide use, although the resulting positive impact on the environment is yet to be seen.

Colourful picture of a fish-shaped net with recyclable waste inside and a seafront view behind it. The sign above reads “Spiaggia libera” (free beach).

Dive deeper

The European environment — state and outlook 2020: knowledge for transition to a sustainable Europe (SOER 2020)

Meeting EU environment policy targets by 2030 will be challenging

The EU 8th Environment Action Programme (EAP) builds on the European Green Deal and sets the framework for EU environmental policy until 2030.

The European Environment Agency’s (EEA) first monitoring report on the Programme shows that the EU may not meet most of the monitoring targets outlined in the European Commission’s 8th EAP Monitoring Communication.

The report takes stock of progress towards Europe’s key environment and climate goals, based on 28 indicators and monitoring targets.

According to the EEA analysis, the EU may not meet the majority of the targets by 2030. The situation looks particularly challenging when it comes to the 8th EAP priority objective of reducing environmental and climate pressures related to production and consumption. This includes targets on energy consumption, rate of circular material use, and share of area under organic farming, which all look very unlikely to be achieved by 2030.

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