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   Title   Size   Modified   State 
Publication Computer-based models in integrated environmental assessment 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 05:42 PM Published
Publication A checklist for state of the environment reporting 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 05:42 PM Published
Publication EUROAIRNET site selection 1998 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 05:42 PM Published
Publication Integration of information on Europe's marine environment 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 05:42 PM Published
Publication Annual European Community Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990-1996 - Submission to the Secretariat of the UNFCCC 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 05:42 PM Published
Publication Changes in business and the environment: metaphors, partnerships, tools - Background paper for ECO 99, 6-9 June, Paris 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 05:42 PM Published
Publication EIONET workshop on air quality monitoring and assessment - 3rd workshop, Copenhagen, 12-13 October 1998 - Workshop proceedings 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 05:42 PM Published
Publication Groundwater quality and quantity in Europe - Data and basic information 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 05:42 PM Published
Publication Report on an overall data model for ETC/Waste 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 05:42 PM Published
Publication Information on waste management practices - A proposed electronic framework 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 05:42 PM Published
Publication Environmental indicators:Typology and overview 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 05:42 PM Published
Publication State of the environment reporting: Institutional and legal arrangements in Europe 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 05:42 PM Published
Publication Guidelines for defining and documenting data on costs of possible environmental protection measures 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 05:42 PM Published
Publication The United States' Sulfur Dioxide Emissions Allowance Program: An Overview with Emphasis of Monitoring Requirements and Procedures and a summary report on U.S. experience with Environmental Trading Systems 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 05:42 PM Published
Publication EUROWATERNET - The European Environment Agency's Monitoring and Information Network for Inland Water Resources - Technical Guidelines for Implementation 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 05:42 PM Published
Publication Pilot implementation EUROWATERNET - groundwater - State of groundwater in selected groundwater bodies with reference to nitrogen 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 05:42 PM Published
Publication The Global Biodiversity Information Facility - Architectural and Implementation Issues 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 05:43 PM Published
Publication Information about waste management facilities in EEA member countries 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 05:43 PM Published
Publication Questions to be answered by a state-of-the-environment report - The first list 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 05:43 PM Published
Publication Evaluation of the Air Quality Model Documentation System 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 05:43 PM Published
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