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In this chapter, a brief description is given of the following monitoring networks:
Some of the monitoring stations in these networks may be (probably are) the same as some of the regional stations described under each country in chapter 3.1/3.2. We have not, however, attempted to link these networks/stations to those described under each country previously.
For 1994, data were reported for the following number of sites, and compounds (CAMP Secretariat, 1995):
25 sites in 10 countries
Priority compounds : Cd, Hg, NO3, NH4
Grey list : As, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, organo-halogens.Aerosols and gases:
12 stations in 6 countries
Priority compounds: Cd, Hg, a-HCN, g-HCN, HNO3, NO3, NO2, NO, NH3, NH4
Grey list: As, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn.
The stations and measurement program are listed in Tables 3.8 and 3.9 for precipitation and aerosols/gases respectively. Figure 3.2 shows the position of a selection of the monitoring stations.
The stations are located mostly along the rim of the North Sea, the waters to be protected by the Convention.
The compound selection is concentrated around nutrients (N-compounds) and heavy metals. Organo-halogens are also measured at some stations. The sampling frequency is generally daily (24-hour samples), and the whole year is covered.
Recently, persistent organic pollutants have been included in the programme, and work on inputs to the North Sea of PCBs, PAH, pesticides and dioxins have started.
Figure 3.2: Location of 15 OSPAR/CAMP monitoring sites for aerosols and gases.
Table 3.8: Precipitation data submitted under OSPAR/CAMP 19941).
Preci- |
Priority parameters |
Grey list |
Country |
Station |
Cd |
Hg |
a-HCH |
g-HCH |
NO3-N |
NH4-N |
As |
Cr |
Cu |
Ni |
Pb |
Zn |
Other |
Belgium |
Brugge |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
France |
Porspoder |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Germany |
Westerland |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
o/halogens |
Iceland |
Irafoss |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Ireland |
Turlough Hill Valentia |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
o/halogens |
Netherlands |
De Zilk Kollumer waard |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Norway |
Lista |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
o/halogens |
Portugal |
Viana do Castelo |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Sweden |
Gårdsjön |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
o/halogens |
United Kingdom |
East Ruston Driby High Muffles Banchory Glen Dye Isle of Wight Chilton |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
o/halogens |
1) The markings (x) represent the monitoring programme of each country. For countries with more than one monitoring station, all compounds are not necessarily measured at all sites.
Table 3.9: Aerosol and gas data submitted under OSPAR/CAMP 19941) .
Country |
Stations |
Priority parameters |
Grey list |
Cd |
Hg |
a-HCH |
g-HCH |
HNO3-N |
NO3-N |
HNO3-N + NO3-N |
NO2-N |
NO-N |
NH3-N |
NH4-N |
NH3-N + |
As |
Cr |
Cu |
Ni |
Pb |
Zn |
Other |
Belgium |
Houtem |
x |
x |
x |
Germany |
Westerland |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
V?? |
Netherlands |
Kollumer waard |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Norway |
Lista |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Sweden |
Rörvik |
Organics |
United Kingdom |
East Ruston High Muffles Banchory Isle of Wight |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
1) The markings (x) represent the monitoring programme of each country.
For countries with more than one monitoring station, all compounds are not necessarily measured at all sites.
The monitoring network under the HELCOM Commission consists totally of 31 stations in 8 countries. The location of 26 of those stations is shown in Figure 3.3, located mainly along the rim of the Baltic Sea (HELCOM, 1991).
The recommended list of parameters for the monitoring of "airborne pollution load" is as follows:
Minimum |
"Experimental" |
N |
precipitation |
+ |
precipitation |
+ |
gas |
- |
+ |
gas + particles |
- |
+ |
gas + particles |
- |
+ |
Pb |
precipitation |
+*) |
particles |
- |
+ |
Cd |
precipitation |
+*) |
particles |
- |
+ |
Cu, Zn |
precipitation |
+*) |
particles |
- |
+ |
Cr, Ni, As and Hg precipitation |
- |
+ |
+ monitored on routine or experimental basis
- not monitored on routine basis
*) monitored on routine basis, from at least one station of each country
Regarding data quality, the countries are requested to "apply reliable analytical procedures", and to report all major ion concentrations in precipitation, to check the ion balance of the results.
The HELCOM data base covers the period from 1983-1984, and coverage is rather complete for a majority of the stations.
Figure 3.3: Location of HELCOM stations.
In the MEDPOL monitoring programme, a total of 13 stations in 10 countries are operated (1993). Figure 3.4 indicates the location of the stations along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The programme includes, as for OSPAR/CAMP and HELCOM, precipitation and aerosol, and gases at some stations.
The emphasis of the program is on heavy metals in aerosol and in precipitation, together with major ions in precipitation.
An overview of the data reported from the individual stations is given in Tables 3.10 and 3.11 for aerosol and precipitation respectively (WMO, 1994). Regarding data quality, recommendations are given in the programme on sampling and analytical procedures.
Figure 3.4: Location of MEDPOL airborne pollution stations (Ref.: WMO, 1994).
Table 3.10: Summary characteristics of stations for deposition sampling and analysis in the MEDPOL programme.
FRANCE (1) | Background | Major ions, pH, conductivity, soluble and insoluble elements | Event by event during campaigns | Wet only collector; Home-made collector |
Ion Chr., AAS, XRF |
FRANCE (2) | Background | Al, Si, P, Na, Mn, Fe, Zn, Pb | 15 days, for 3 years | Bulk (preacidified) | AAS, XRF |
MOROCCO (1) (Beni Mellal) | Background | Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu, SO4, NO3 | Event | Wet-only | AAS, UV-spectr. |
MOROCCO (2) (Tangiers) | Regional | Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu, SO4, NO3 | Event | Wet-only | AAS, UV-spectr. |
ISRAEL (1) | Coastal (regional) | Ca, Cu, Mg, Cd, Pb, Zn, S, conductivity | Daily | Wet-only | ICP |
ISRAEL (2) | Coastal (regional) | Ca, Cu, Mg, Cd, Pb, Zn, S, conductivity | Daily | Wet-only | ICP |
ITALY | Background | pH, conduc., Ca, Mg, Na, K, Mn, NO3, SO4, Cl, alkal. | Event | Wet and dry | Ion Chr., ICP, AAS |
TURKEY (1) (Antalya) | Background | pH, SO4, NO3, Cl, NH4, metals | Daily | Wet and dry (ions) Wet only (metals) |
Ion Chr., AAS |
TURKEY (2) (Erdemli) | Background | pH, cond., NO3, PO4, Ca, Na, Mg, Pb, Cd, Zn, Fe, Mn | Event | Wet and dry | AAS, Colorimetry |
CROATIA | Background | pH, Cond., HCO3, Cl, SO4, NO3, NH4, F, Na, K, Ca, Mg | Daily, monthly | Bulk | AAS, UV-Spect., Titrimetric |
TUNISIA (currently not operational) |
Background | Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, pH, Cl, SO4, NO3, NH4, Na, K, Ca, Mg | Weekly | ||
YUGOSLAVIA | Coastal (regional) | Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, pH, conduct., Cl, SO4, NO3, NH4, Na, K, Ca, Mg | Daily | Bulk | AAS, Spectrophotometry |
SLOVENIA | Regional | pH, conduct., Cl, SO4, NO3, NH4, Na, K, Ca, Mg | Monthly | Bulk | Flame photometry, Spectrophotometry |
CYPRUS | Background | Cd, Pb | Event | Wet only (KFA) | AAS (graph. Furn.) |
1) Stations from countries which responded to WMO questionnaire are included in the table.
Table 3.11: Summary characteristics of stations for aerosol sampling and analysis in the MEDPOL programme.
FRANCE | Background | Na, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ti, Mn, Fe, Zn, Pb | Daily continuous | Low-Vol Sampler, Nucleopore filter | XRF except for Na, Zn, Pb (AAS) |
MOROCCO (1) (Beni Mellal) | Background | Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu, SO4 | Monthly | Hi-Vol Sampler, Glass fibre filter |
AAS, S (UV-spec) |
MOROCCO (2) (Tangiers) | Regional | Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu, SO4 | Monthly | Hi-Vol Sampler, Glass fibre filter |
AAS, S (UV-spec) |
ISRAEL (1) | Coastal (regional) | Ca, Cu, Mg, Cd, Pb, Zn, S | Weekly | Hi-Vol Sampler (Aquero), Glass fibre filter | ICP |
ISRAEL (2) | Coastal (regional) | Ca, Cu, Mg, Cd, Pb, Zn, S | Weekly | Hi-Vol Sampler (Aquero), Glass fibre filter | ICP |
ITALY | Background | Ca, Mg, K, Mn, Pb, Zn, (soluble) Ca, Mg, Na, Si, Al, Fe, K, Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd (insoluble) |
3 days | Hi-Vol Sampler (Andersen), Whatman 41 and Polyester filters |
AAS (Graph. Fur.) |
TURKEY (1) (Antalya) | Background | Al, Na, Cd, Zn, Sb, Pb, As, Se, V, Ni, SO4, NO3, Cl, NH4 | Daily | Hi-Vol Sampler (Andersen), Impactor (Sierra) Whatman 41 and nucleopore filters |
TURKEY (2) (Erdemli) | Background | Al, Fe, Mn, Ca, Na, Mg, Cr, Ni, Zn, Cd, Pb, V, NO3, PO4 | 1-2 days | Hi-Vol Sampler (Andersen) Whatman 41 filter |
CROATIA | Background | SO2, NO2, Cl | Glass, Polyethylene | ||
TUNISIA (currently not operational) |
Background | Cd, Pb, Zn, Na, Al, SO4, 137Cs | Weekly | ||
YUGOSLAVIA | Coastal (regional) | SPM | Daily | Hi-Vol sampler (Aquero) Glass fibre filter |
AAS, Spectrophotometry |
SPAIN | Background | SPM, nutrients (nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, phosphates, silicates) | Daily | Hi-Vol sampler (Strohlein, HVS-150) | Colorimetry |
CYPRUS | Background | Cd, Pb, PAH | Monthly | Hi-Vol Sampler | AAS, HPLS |
Table 3.11: Cont.
Information required | Approach | Sampling duration 1) | Sampling frequency 2) | Supplementary data needed | Parameters of interest | Sampler type | Filter type |
Assessment of deposition on monthly basis | Bulk deposition sampling | 2 weeks | Continuous | Local met. data | Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Al, Na | Bottle and funnel sampler | None |
Assessment of long term trends in concentration over long periods | Aerosol measurements | 1 week (or for 3 days every week) | Continuous | Local met. data | Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Al, Na | Hi-Vol sampler at reduced flow rate | GFF 3) |
Assessment of wet vs. dry deposition | Simultaneous wet-only and bulk sampling, or wet and dry sampling 4) | 2 weeks | Continuous | Local met. data | Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Al, Na | Wet-only + bottle and funnel, or wet and dry sampler | None |
Assessment of wet and dry deposition and identification of the origin of the particulate matter | Simultaneous wet-only + bulk (or wet and dry) deposition and aerosol sampling | Aerosols 1-3 days (preferably 1-day) Wet
only Bulk |
Continuous | Size separated concentrations Back trajectories |
Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Al, Na id. (plus major ions) id. |
Wet-only + bottle and funnel (or
wet and dry) sampler
W-41 5) |
1) Sampling duration, refers
to the time interval in which samplers remain operational
2) Sampling frequency refers to the frequency of sampling in one year
3) Glass fibre filter
4) Dry and wet sampling refers to separate collection of wet-only and dry
deposition samples
5) Whatman-41 cellulose filter
There are (1993) 157 GAW stations in operation in Europe (Region VI) (WMO, 1993). Two of them is defined as "global (baseline)" stations (Pallas-Sodankylä in Finland and Schauinsland/Wank/Zugspitze in Germany (for different compounds)), the rest are "regional".
61 stations in 23 countries measure precipitation chemistry.
100 stations in 29 countries measure the trace gases "in general", of which 81 stations measure O3, 43 stations measure NOx, 34 stations measure SO2, 20 stations measure CO2, 7 stations measure CH4, 3 stations measure N2O, and 4 stations measure CFCs.
42 stations in 19 countries measure aerosols (mainly aerosol/particle mass), but some stations measure carbon black, physical characteristics such as size distribution, volatility, scattering, chemical composition, and turbidity.
16 stations in 5 countries measure radiation.
14 stations in 10 countries measure turbidity.
Figure 3.5 indicates the location of stations in Europe. The sampling programme and names of stations is given in Table 3.12.
Figure 3.5: GAW stations in Region VI - Europe, as per 31 December 1993. (Ref.: WHO, 1993b.)
Table 3.12: GAW measurement programme in Region VI - Europe. (Ref.: WHO, 1993b.)
Country |
Number of stations | Names of stations measuring |
Estab |
Active |
Aerosols |
Trace Gases G (i) |
Precipitation |
Radiation |
Turbidity |
1 |
2 |
46-49 |
12 |
51 |
3-9 |
43-45 |
83 |
15 |
57 |
72 |
In general |
CO2 |
O3 |
CH4 |
N2O |
CFCs |
NO2 |
H2O |
CH3CCl3 |
14CO2 |
SO2 |
Austria |
3 |
2 |
Sonnblick Wien |
Sonnblick | Sonnblick Wien |
Sonnblick | Sonnblick | ||||||||||
Belarus |
1 |
1 |
Berezinskii B.R. |
Berezinskii B.R. |
Berezinskii B.R. |
Berezinskii B.R. |
Berezinskii B.R. |
Berezinskii B.R. |
Belgium |
1 |
1 |
Uccle | ||||||||||||||
Bulgaria |
8 |
0 |
Croatia |
3 |
2 |
Varazdin Zavizan |
Varazdin Zavizan |
Varazdin Zavizan |
Czech Republic |
4 |
4 |
Kosetice |
Hradec Kralove Kosetice Praha Svratouch |
Kosetice | Hradec Kralove Kosetice Praha |
Kosetice Svratouch |
Kosetice Svratouch |
Kosetice Svratouch |
Denmark |
4 |
4 |
Søndre Strømfjord | Søndre Strømfjord | Edje Godhavn Tange |
Finland |
6 |
6 |
Ahtari |
Ahtari Oulanka Pallas- Sodankylä Utö Virolahti |
Ahtari Oulanka Pallas- Sodankylä Utö Virolahti |
Ahtari Pallas- Sodankylä Utö Virolahti |
Ahtari Oulanka Utö Virolahti |
Ahtari Jokioinen Oulanka |
France |
4 |
4 |
Haute Provence | Haute Provence | Abbeville Carpentras Gourdon |
Carpentras | |||||||||||
Georgia |
2 |
2 |
Abastumani Tbilisi |
Abastumani Tbilisi |
Germany |
13 |
13 |
Arkona |
Arkona | Brotjacklriegel | Arkona | Schauins- land |
Schauins- land |
Brotjacklriegel | Brotjacklriegel | Deuselbach | Arkona | Lindenberg | ||||
Brotjacklriegel |
Brotjacklriegel | Deuselbach | Brotjacklriegel | Deuselbach | Deuselbach | Hohenpeiss- enberg |
Hohenpeiss- enberg |
Potsdam | |||||||||
Deuselbach |
Garmisch- Partenkirchen |
Neuglobsow | Deuselbach | Zugspitze | Hohenpeiss- enberg |
Hohenpeiss- enberg |
Neuglobsow |
Schauinsland | Garmisch- Partenkirchen |
Neuglobsow | Potsdam | |||||||||||||
Schauinsland |
Hohenpeiss- enberg |
Waldhof | Lindenberg | Lindenberg | Schauinsland | Schauinsland | |||||||||||
Waldhof |
Wank | Hohenpeiss- enberg |
Neuglobsow | Neuglobsow | Waldhof | Wank | |||||||||||
Westerland |
Lindenberg | Westerland | Schauinsland | Schauinsland | Wank | Zugspitze | |||||||||||
Neuglobsow | Zugspitze | Lindenberg | Waldhof | Waldhof | |||||||||||||
Potsdam | Neuglobsow | Wank | Wank | ||||||||||||||
Schauinsland | Potsdam | Westerland | Westerland | ||||||||||||||
Waldhof | Schauinsland | Zugspitze | |||||||||||||||
Wank | Waldhof | ||||||||||||||||
Westerland | Wank | ||||||||||||||||
Zugspitze | Westerland | ||||||||||||||||
Zugspitze | |||||||||||||||||
Greece |
9 |
7 |
Thessaloniki |
Thessaloniki | Thessaloniki | Thessaloniki | Methoni | Attica | Thessaloniki | ||||||||
Halkidiki |
Table 3.12 (contd.)
Country |
Number of stations | Names of stations measuring |
Estab |
Active |
Aerosols |
Trace Gases G (i) |
Precipitation |
Radiation |
Turbidity |
1 |
2 |
46-49 |
12 |
51 |
3-9 |
43-45 |
83 |
15 |
57 |
72 |
In general |
CO2 |
O3 |
CH4 |
N2O |
CFCs |
NO2 |
H2O |
CH3CCl3 |
14CO2 |
SO2 |
Greece |
9 |
7 |
Heraklion | |||||||||||||||||||||
(contd.) |
Komotini | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Kos Thessaloniki |
Hungary |
2 |
2 |
K-Puszta |
Budapest-Lorinc K-Puszta |
K-Puszta | Budapest-Lorinc K-Puszta |
K-Puszta | K-Puszta | K-Puszta | K-Puszta | ||||||||||||||
Iceland |
3 |
2 |
Irafoss |
Irafoss Reykjavik |
Reykjavik | Irafoss | Irafoss | |||||||||||||||||
Ireland |
2 |
2 |
Mace Head Valentia |
Mace Head Valentia |
Mace Head | Mace Head Valentia |
Mace Head | Mace Head | Mace Head | Mace Head Valentia |
Valentia | Mace Head Valentia |
Mace Head Valentia |
Valentia | ||||||||||
Italy |
10 |
8 |
Monte |
Brindisi Cagliari/ Elmas Monte Cimone Sestola Vigna di Vale |
Monte Cimone |
Brindisi Cagliari/ Elmas Sestola Vigna di Vale |
Monte Cimone |
Monte Cimone Trapari/Birgi Verona Viterbo |
Monte Cimone Verona Viterbo |
Jordan |
1 |
1 |
Shoubak | Shoubak | ||||||||||||||||||||
Latvia |
2 |
2 |
Rutsava |
Riga Rutsava |
Riga Rutsava |
Rutsava | ||||||||||||||||||
Macedonia |
1 |
1 |
Lazaropole | Lazaropole | Lazaropole | |||||||||||||||||||
Netherlands |
1 |
1 |
De Bilt | De Bilt | ||||||||||||||||||||
Norway |
4 |
4 |
Ny-Ålesund/ |
Longyearbyen Ny-Ålesund Oslo Tromsø |
Longyearbyen Ny-Ålesund Oslo Tromsø |
Ny-Ålesund | Ny-Ålesund | Ny-Ålesund | Ny-Ålesund | Ny-Ålesund | ||||||||||||||
Poland |
4 |
4 |
Jarczew |
Jarczew Sniezka Suwalki |
Suwalki | Jarczew Sniezka |
Jarcew Sniezka Suwalki |
Jarcew Sniezka Suwalki |
Portugal |
7 |
7 |
Angra Do Heroismo Braganca Castello Branco Faro Viana Do Castelo |
Angra Do Heroismo Funchal Lisboa Penhas Duradas |
Angra Do Heroismo Funchal Lisboa Penhas Duradas |
Angra Do Heroismo Funchal Lisboa Penhas Duradas |
Angra Do Heroismo Braganca Castello Branco Faro Viana Do Castelo |
Table 3.12 (contd.)
Country | Number of stations | Names of stations measuring |
Estab |
Active |
Aerosols |
Trace Gases G (i) |
Precipitation |
Radiation |
Turbidity |
1 |
2 |
46-49 |
12 |
51 |
3-9 |
43-45 |
83 |
15 |
57 |
72 |
In general |
CO2 |
O3 |
CH4 |
N2O |
CFCs |
NO2 |
H2O |
CH3CCl3 |
14CO2 |
SO2 |
Romania |
6 |
6 |
Bucharest | Bucharest | Bucharest | Bucharest | |||||||||||
Fundsta | Fundsta | Fundsta | Fundsta | ||||||||||||||
Predeal | Predeal | Predeal | Predeal | ||||||||||||||
Rareu | Rareu | Rareu | Rareu | ||||||||||||||
Semenic Stina de Vale |
Semenic Stina de Vale |
Semenic Stina de Vale |
Semenic | ||||||||||||||
Russian Federation |
23 |
23 |
Pinega Yaniskoski |
Arkhangelsk Barentsburg Bering Is Kheysa Is Moscow Murmansk Pechora Kamchatskii Pinega St. Petersburg |
Bering Is. Teriberka |
Arkhangelsk Barentsburg Kheysa Is Moscow Murmansk Pechora Kamchatskii Pinega St. Petersburg |
Arkhangelsk Barentsburg Yaniskoski |
Yaniskoski | Pinega Pushkinskiye Gory Pyatigorsk Syktyvkar Voronezh Yaniskoski Yasnaya Polyana |
Pyatigorsk Syktyvkar |
Samara | Samara | ||||||||||||||||
Teriberka Tsimlyarsk Volgograd Voronezh Yaniskoski |
Teriberka Tsimlyarsk Volgograd Voronezh |
Slovakia |
4 |
2 |
Chopok |
Chopok Ganouce |
Ganouce | Chopok | Chopok | ||||||||||
Slovenia |
1 |
0 |
Spain |
5 |
3 |
La Cartuja Logroño Roquetas |
La Cartuja Logroño Roquetas |
La Cartuja Logroño Roquetas |
La Cartuja Logroño Roquetas |
La Cartuja Logroño Roquetas |
Sweden |
4 |
3 |
Sjöangen |
Norrköping Vindeln |
Norrköping Vindeln |
Switzerland |
4 |
4 |
Jungfraujoch Payerne |
Arosa Jungfraujoch Payerne |
Arosa Jungfraujoch Payerne |
Payerne |
Jungfraujoch Payerne |
Payerne |
Davos | ||||||||
Ukraine |
6 |
5 |
Rava-Russkaya |
Feodosiya Kiev Lvov Odessa |
Feodosiya Kiev Lvov Odessa |
Rava-Russkaya |
UK |
6 |
5 |
Eskdalemuir Lerwick |
Camborne Eskdalemuir Lerwick Sibton |
Sibton | Camborne Lerwick Sibton |
Lerwick | Camborne Eskdalemuir |
Camborne Eskdalemuir |
Eskdalemuir Lerwick |
Ocean Station "L" | ||||||
Yugoslavia |
3 |
3 |
Kamenicki-Vis Zabljak |
Kamenicki-Vis Zabljak |
Herceg-novi Kamenicki-Vis Zabljak |
Total No. |
Stations |
157 |
134 |
42 |
100 |
20 |
81 |
7 |
3 |
4 |
43 |
1 |
34 |
61 |
16 |
14 |
Countries |
32 |
30 |
19 |
29 |
9 |
24 |
6 |
3 |
4 |
16 |
1 |
15 |
23 |
5 |
10 |
In 1994, there were a total of 29 stations in the network doing ground-based measurements, as shown in Table 3.13. In addition, there were 5 sounding stations. Many of the stations are part of other programmes, and were already in operation before TOR started. The measurement program is given in Table 3.14, as it was in 1992. The location of the stations is indicated on the map in Figure 3.6.
The monitoring programme includes the compounds O3, NO, NO2, NOy, CH4, CO, NMHC, JNO2 and meteorological data.
The last operating year of the TOR network was 1994. However, most of the stations, if not all, are still in operation under other programmes.
Table 3.13: TOR stations, 1994.
Northern Europe |
Central Europe |
Ny-Ålesund |
Donon |
Åreskutan |
Schauinsland |
Utö island |
Jungfraujoch |
Aspvreten |
Zugspitze |
Birkenes |
Wank |
Rörvik |
Sonnblick |
Lille Valby |
Krvavec |
Puntijarka |
Western Europe |
Zagreb-RBI |
Mace Head |
K-Puszta |
Porspoder |
Brennilis |
Southern Europe |
Weybourne |
Pic du Midi |
Kollumerwaard |
Penh. Douradas |
Lisbon-INMG |
Angra do Heroismo |
Funchal |
Izana |
Athens |
Sounding stations |
Hungriger Wolf |
Jülich |
Uccle |
Garmisch |
Haute Provence |
Figure 3.6: Locations of TOR stations, 1994. (Ref.: Cvita and Kley, 1994).
Table 3.14: TOR stations, measurement program, 1992. (Ref.: Kley et al., 1993.)
TOR station # | Name of site | Principal Investigator(s) | O3 | NO | NO2 | NOY | CH4 | CO | NMHC C2-C5 | NMHC > C5 |
JNO2 | Met-data |
1 | Ny Ålesund | Ø. Hov | CO | CO | CO | CO | W3 | CO | W3 | W3 | CO | CO |
2 | Birkenes | Ø. Hov | CO | - | W7 | - | W3 | - | W3 | W3 | - | CO |
3 | Utö island | T. Laurila | d24 | d24 | d24 | - | W3 | - | W3 | - | d24 | d24 |
4 | Åreskutan | P. Oyola | CO | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
5 | Rörvik | A. Lindskog | CO | CO | CO | - | - | - | d6 | d6 | - | CO |
7 | Weybourne | S.A. Penkett | CO | CO | CO | CO | - | CO | OC | OC | CO | CO |
8 | Mace Head | P. Simmonds | d24 | - | - | - | d12 | d24 | - | - | - | - |
9 | Kollumerwaard | J. Beck | CO | CO | CO | - | CO | CO | CO | - | CO | CO |
10 | Porspoder | G. Toupance | CO | CO | CO | - | - | - | d24 | d24 | CO | CO |
11 | Schauinsland | A. Volz-Thomas D. Kley |
CO | CO | CO | CO | - | CO | d8 | d8 | CO | CO |
12b | Wank | H. Scheel W. Seiler |
CO | CO | CO | CO | - | - | - | - | - | CO |
12c | Zugspitze | H. Scheel W. Seiler |
CO | CO | CO | - | d72 | d72 | - | - | CO | CO |
13 | Sonnblick | H. Puxbaum K. Radunsky |
CO | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | CO |
14 | Pic du Midi | A. Marenco | CO | see notes | see notes | see notes | - | d48 | - | - | - | - |
15 | K-Puszta | L. Haszpra | CO | - | W7 | - | - | - | W1 | W1 | - | CO |
16 | RBI | L. Klasinc | CO | CO | CO | - | - | - | - | - | CO | CO |
17 | Izana | R. Schmitt | CO | CO | CO | CO | CO | see notes | see notes | see notes | CO | CO |
18 | Jungfraujoch | L. Delbouille | see notes |
19 | Aspvreten | P. Oyola | CO | CO | CO | CO | - | CO | OC | - | CO | CO |
20 | Donon | G. Toupance | CO | CO | CO | - | - | - | - | - | - | CO |
21 | Lille Valby | T. Nielsen | d48 | d48 | d24 | d48 | - | - | OC | - | - | CO |
25 | UK-network | M.L. Williams J.S. Bower |
27 | Puntijarki | L. Klasinc | CO | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | CO |
? | Kravec | B. Gomiscek | CO | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | CO |
The activities in AMAP covers several environmental media (air, water, marine and terrestrial ecosystems, and effects on these). There are 5 monitoring stations for air associated with AMAP: Ny Ålesund at Spitzbergen, Nord on Greenland, Pt. Barrow in Alaska, Alert in Canada, and Wrangel Island in Russia. Of these, only Ny Ålesund is located within the European Arctic.
At Ny Ålesund, the measurement program covers acidity, heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants (POP) such as pesticides (a and g HCH, chlordanes, DDT) PCBs, PAH.
Table 3.15 shows the cities in Europe which have been involved in the GEMS/AIR programme since about 1970. As the table shows, only 9 cities have reported data for 1993 and/or 1994 to the central GEMS data base.
It is safe to assume that the monitoring sites in the cities of Table 3.15 which report to GEMS, are in operation under other, national monitoring networks, and are thus included in the network descriptions of Appendix B and in Tables 3.2 and 3.3.
The GEMS/AIR programme is so far restricted to monitoring SO2 and SPM.
Data quality assurance
Data validation and the reliability and comparability of the monitoring data is considered a crucial element of the programme. This will be achieved by means of collaborative reviews through UNEP/WHO Regional Support Centres which will be performed in South America, South East Asia, Northern and Sub Saharan Africa and Eastern Europe.
Data storage, representation and access
Data are presently put into a database from hard copy and via the GEMSDATA PC programme. The database is the Aerometric Information Retrieval System AIRS of USEPA in which the air quality data are stored under the auspices of UNEP/WHO. As the use of the GEMSDATA diskette requires some manipulation to transfer the data into the AIRS format; in the future a PC programme GEMSAIRS will be used in order to transfer the data from an ASCII format directly to the AIRS interface. AIRS then will provide a data presentation on the basis of a geographical information system. It is planned to have access to the data via the Internet.
Table 3.15: GEMS/AIR network stations in Europe.
Country |
City |
Last year of reporting |
Austria |
Retz |
1971 |
Belgium |
Brussels |
Croatia |
Zagreb |
1993 |
Czechoslovakia |
Praha |
1978 |
Denmark |
Copenhagen |
1986 |
Finland |
Helsinki |
1993 |
France |
Toulouse |
1984 |
Germany |
Frankfurt |
1994 |
Greece |
Athens |
1994 |
Ireland |
Dublin |
1990 |
Italy |
Milan |
1983 |
Luxembourg |
Luxembourg |
1988 |
Netherlands |
Amsterdam |
1986 |
Poland |
1993 |
Portugal |
1993 |
Romania |
1994 |
Spain |
1994 |
Sweden |
Stockholm |
1980 |
Switzerland |
Zurich |
1978 |
United Kingdom |
London |
1994 |
Data from the programme is reported occasionally in City Air Quality Trends reports (UNEP/WHO, 1992, 1993, 1995). As an example, the data for Madrid, as reported by UNEP/GEMS (1993) is reproduced in Figures 3.7 and 3.8.
At present, efforts are made by the GEMS/AIR secretariat in Geneva to revitalise the programme.
Figure 3.7: Annual mean SO2, Madrid.
Figure 3.8: Annual mean SPM (smoke), Madrid.
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