This section deals with the process
by which sites could be selected by outlining the options that should be
tested in the first phase of network implementation. It would be the intention
that the site selection procedure would be modified where necessary in
the light of experience gained in the pilot implementation during 1996.
In addition, numbers of sites per station type have been given based on
existing data sources, largely the review of current surface monitoring
undertaken for DGXI and the Agency (Kristensen and Bøgestrand 1996).
The section has the following main
- The sampling sites to be included
into the EEA network should be selected from the sampling sites in national
monitoring programmes supplemented by additional sites to meet the requirement
of the EEA. In cases where no national monitoring programmes exist, the
sites to be included will, if possible, be selected from regional sampling
- The network should be a representative
sub-sample of the inland water bodies of the EEA area.
- The sampling sites to be included
in the network should be selected so that they are representative of:
- the size/numbers/types of water bodies
in the EEA area (e.g. lake surface area);
- the variation in human pressures (e.g.
population density and land use);
- and should include a number of reference
and flux sites.
8.1 Definition of river and monitoring
8.1.1 Types of river
If a stratified network design is to
be used then there are aspects of the target population (e.g. all rivers
in Europe) that require definition and identification. First the types
of water body to be sampled needs to be defined. At present the emphasis
in many States appears to be on the sampling of the most important rivers,
lakes and aquifers in terms of, for example, their size, status or use
(e.g. for drinking water). These water bodies are likely to be a small
proportion of the total river or lake population in terms of length or
surface area. In some countries smaller rivers and streams, especially
headwaters, may not be so intensively sampled even though headwaters are
very important ecologically and some would be particularly susceptible
to the effects of acidification. The combined length of small streams would
also be a large percentage of the total river length in a country.
Definitions will often be somewhat
arbitrary because one is trying to classify into compartments what is,
in reality in most cases, a continuum of types not discrete packages. However,
for the purposes of this network we have defined rivers as small, medium
and large. Their selection would ideally be based on their appearance on
a 1:50,000 scale map but, practically, for many States would relate to
1:250,000 maps which have been digitised for GIS. Size of rivers may also
relate to flow, width, stream order, catchment area or altitude. There
are advantages and disadvantages with each of these often interrelated
descriptors. In addition, the information associated with many of the descriptors
is often not readily available.
Stream order appears to be a good option
but would require the consistent use of the same scale maps in site selection.
The EEA have undertaken a pilot study on digitising Europes catchments
on a 1:50,000 scale but such maps would not currently be available for
most countries. Stream order (sensu Strahler) would then have to
be defined on 1:250,000 scale maps. Small would equate to 1 to 3rd order,
Medium to 4 or 5th order, and Large to 6th order or greater. Catchment
area might also be a good indicator but there would be difficulty in defining
a cut-off catchment area for small and medium rivers, for example. Also,
catchment details may be missing for some countries. Altitude would be
readily available from most maps and so it is suggested that for the pilot
study rivers be to be characterised by a combination of stream order and
Morris and Kronvang (1994) estimated
the river length for each country in the EEA area (using a sub-sample of
areas from 1:50,000 maps where possible) (Table 8.1). On this basis, it
was estimated that the EEA area contains approximately 2 million km of
rivers which is equivalent to approximately 0.65 km per km2 of
the surface area of the EEA area. This estimate only applies to rivers
significant enough to be mapped at 1:50,000 and artificial drainage ditches
are excluded. The estimated river lengths from this study are generally
2 to 3 times greater than the countries report as the national river length.
Ireland, for instance, reports its river length as 13,000 km compared to
the 33,700 km estimate from the 1:50 000 maps.
Table 8.1 General characterisation
of rivers and streams in the EEA area.
Country |
(km2) |
River length1
(L km) |
Length per surface area (km-L per km2) |
River length given by countries |
Number of river mouths2 |
Austria |
83,855 |
47,000 |
0.56 |
100,000 |
0 |
Belgium |
30,519 |
22,600 |
0.74 |
NI |
6 |
Denmark |
43,092 |
28,000 |
0.65 |
62,000 |
281 |
Finland |
338,145 |
159,000 |
0.47 |
20,000 |
526 |
France |
547,026 |
563,000 |
1.03 |
273,000 |
370 |
Germany |
357,000 |
179,000 |
0.50 |
NI |
184 |
Greece |
131,957 |
NI |
NI |
NI |
352 |
Iceland |
103,000 |
NI |
NI |
NI |
NI |
Ireland |
70,285 |
33,700 |
0.48 |
13,000 |
341 |
Italy |
301,268 |
136,000 |
0.45 |
NI |
902 |
Luxembourg |
2,586 |
1,330 |
0.51 |
NI |
0 |
Netherlands |
41,864 |
20,100 |
0.48 |
NI |
27 |
Norway |
324,219 |
210,000 |
NI |
NI |
1024 |
Portugal |
91,949 |
172,000 |
1.87 |
NI |
1137 |
Spain |
504,782 |
172,000 |
0.34 |
NI |
NI |
Sweden |
449,964 |
315,000 |
0.70 |
NI |
702 |
United Kingdom |
244,103 |
171,000 |
0.70 |
53,500 |
1362 |

EEA Area |
3,665,614 |
2,200,000 |
0.65 |
- |
7200 |
NI No information
1 Based on 1:50,000
2 From Morris
and Kronvang (1994) based on 1:200,000 or 1:250,000 maps
Table 8.2 gives
an estimate of the number of rivers in the EEA area (excluding Iceland)
with catchments of specified sizes. These could be used to stratify sampling
sites according to the size of catchment area.
Table 8.2 Estimated distribution of rivers according to catchment area (based on
estimates from Morris and Kronvang, 1994)
Catchment area (km2)
Number of rivers in the EEA area |
>10,000 |
123 to 140 |
>5,000 |
280 |
>2,500 |
420 to 490 |
>1,000 |
800 to 1,200 |
>500 |
1,000 to 2,500 |
>250 |
1,500 to 4,200 |
>100 |
10,000 |

8.1.2 Types
of monitoring site
The need for
different types of monitoring site or station has been discussed in Section
4, and for the purposes of this section the following station types have
been used.
- Reference sites
located on rivers in natural catchments with little or no human activity
and with greater than 90% natural landscape. It is likely that such sites
will not be present in some parts of Europe.
- Baseline stations
in the context of surface water quantity monitoring which may be required
to characterise the generality of run-off behaviour of the region or country.
- Representative
sites that can give a spatial and temporal general assessment of quality
and quantity across Europe.
- Impact sites
could form part of the representative network for the collection of supportive
and interpretative information, or could form separate impact strata within
which sites could be randomly selected. Impact networks could reflect general
human activities, for example, urbanisation and agriculture, or more specific
impacts such as acidification or saltwater intrusion into aquifers.
- Flux sites established
where rivers discharge into sea, or cross-national boundaries, or there
is interchange between surface and groundwater.
8.1.3 Examples
of stratification options for rivers
Table 8.3 illustrates
how a river-sampling network might be stratified to provide information
on the general quality of small, medium and large rivers. As described
in previous sections there would also be a need for reference sites which
would be selected randomly from all rivers that met the reference criteria.
Flux sites would be selected on the basis of location in relation to VALIGN="TOP">
Representative |
Flux |

The sites representative
of general quality identified in Table 8.3 could be established and later
divided into different types of impact sites based on the supportive information
gathered, e.g. land-use, catchment altitude, population density. The disadvantage
here would be if areas impacted by different human activities were over
or under representatively sampled. An additional layer or stratum could
be added if part of the target population was not being representatively
sampled, for example, a stratum based on altitude. Such a potential stratification
is shown in Table 8.4. This should ensure that upland and lowland headwaters
were representatively sampled.
The next, higher,
level of definition of strata (Table 8.5) might include differentiation
between impacted and non-impacted sites, and within impacted sites between
different causal activities, land-use, population etc. Each additional
strata would increase the need for supportive information by which the
target population can be defined, and for definitions such as what population
density represents an urbanised catchment, what proportion of agricultural
use a predominately agricultural catchment, the predominant agricultural
use, a forested catchment. These definitions would require the assistance
of other EEA Topic Centres and may require revision in the light of experience
with the network developed during pilot implementation.
Table 8.4
Potential mid-level stratification of rivers into target populations for
Type of
monitoring site |
Relative size
(1:250,000) |
small rivers
(1 to 3rd order) |
medium rivers
(4 to 5th order) |
large rivers
(6th order and above) |
Relative European altitude
(class) |
a |
b |
c |
d |
e |
a |
b |
c |
d |
e |
a |
b |
c |
d |
e |

Reference |
Representative |
Flux |

Altitude classes:
a = >800m, b = 500 to 800m, c = 200 to 500m, d = 100 to 200m, e = <100m
Within impact
networks there may also be a case of establishing upstream and downstream
sites for comparison purposes. This would be relatively straightforward
in the case of large towns and cities but more difficult for more diffuse
sources such as from agricultural land. In the latter case they might be
established where there is a significant change in land-use. In all cases
sites should be located downstream of point sources of contaminants e.g.
sewage works discharges and at a point where the effluent has become fully
mixed within the flow, in other words downstream of the mixing zone. The
latter varies with river discharge and as such should be established at
the worst case conditions. Europes largest and most important rivers would
presumably be included in the flux stations as most would be industrialised
and urbanised and potentially the most polluted.
There may also
be a case for stratification on a regional basis reflecting biogeographic
or hydrological regions of Europe.
Table 8.5
Potential high level stratification of rivers into target populations for
Type of
monitoring site |
Relative size
(1:250,000 map) |
small rivers
(1 to 3rd order) |
medium rivers
(4 to 5th order) |
large rivers
(6th order and above) |
Relative European altitude
® |
a |
b |
c |
d |
e |
a |
b |
c |
d |
e |
a |
b |
c |
d |
e |

Catchment/reach characteristics

Reference or baseline |
natural (little or no human activity, >90% natural landscape) |
Representative sites divided according to type/source of impact |
- Impact |
urbanised |
a) with towns
> 2,000 inhabitants or
>50 inhabitants/km2 |
b) heavily urbanised >100,000 inhabitants or >100 inhabitants/km2 |
- Impact |
rural - with towns
< 2,000 inhabitants
< 50 inhabitants/km2 |
- Impact |
agricultural |
- Impact |
forested |
Flux |
Tidal limits, transboundary rivers, lakes |

Altitude classes
a = >800m, b = 500 to 800m, c = 200 to 500m, d = 100 to 200m, e = <100m
8.1.4 Selection of strata and sites
In the approach described above the selection of
strata and sites could proceed through the following steps. The numbers
of river reaches/river lengths meeting the criteria associated with each
of the matrix cells in Tables 8.3 to 8.5 would be defined. This would ideally
involve a comprehensive (probably GIS) database of the national river network.
A reach here is defined as the portion of a river that meets the stream
order criteria. Not all countries would have entries into each cell of
the matrix. For example relatively flat countries would not have altitude
categories a and b (Table 8.4) and some may not have reference sites.
As a first estimate ten percent of the river reaches/lengths
would then be randomly selected. The current national monitoring site database
would then be interrogated to determine how many and which sites appear
in each of the selected reaches. In many cases it is likely that several
sites would appear on the same reach. These may be located in relation
to differences in quality along that reach. The most downstream site per
reach should be selected provided that other criteria such as being downstream
of mixing zones are met. Other reaches may not have any current sites at
all. These gaps would be noted, and if possible as an interim measure,
sites from similar reaches would be selected.
Flux sites should be included in the representative
site selection but would also be treated and selected separately as flux
sites based on existing international requirements.
This procedure would potentially identify gaps, for
example if current networks did not adequately cover all small headwater
rivers or reference conditions. Where possible all existing national monitoring
sites would be used.
As an alternative to selecting river lengths or reaches,
existing national or regional monitoring sites could be selected by the
strata criteria. This would not give such a representative view of total
river resources but might be more easily implemented in the short term.
However, there would be a need to fill these gaps in progressively as the
networks change to become more representative.
8.2 Indicative example of site selection for rivers
Section 8.1 has described how a representative stratified
monitoring network might be established for rivers and this should perhaps
be the longer-term aim of the EEA network, and be developed as more information
and experience is obtained to test the validity and practicalities of the
design. In this section a stratified network is again suggested which could
be used as the basis for developing the higher level network described
in Section 8.1.
A general surveillance network to obtain information
on the general quality of rivers would consist of:
- A basic network containing 1,781 rivers, made up
of around 1,425 (80%) representative and 356 (20%) reference rivers. A
reference river would be in a catchment with little or no human activity
and the percentage of natural landscape would be higher than 90%. A representative
river should reflect the majority of rivers in a region with human activities
in the catchment consistent with the regions activities. These rivers
would be selected on the basis of 1 river site per 2,000 km2 surface
area. This density is that typically found across Europe (Kristensen and
Bøgestrand 1996).
- An impact network consisting of 1,588 rivers selected
on the basis of population density such that in catchments with:
- < 50 inhabitants/km2 there would be
1 river per 10,000 km2, and
- between, 50 and 100 inhabitants/km2,
1 river per 3,000 km2, and,
- > 100 inhabitants/km2, 1 river per
1,000 km2.
- The largest and most important rivers in the EEA
area comprising approximately 650 in total. In the EEA area there are approximately
450 rivers with a catchment area greater than 2,500 km2. In
addition, the most important or well-known rivers/canals in each country
should be included. These would also likely include those rivers currently
monitored for the Exchange of Information Decisions (see Section 6.1.2).
- 4. Flux stations. All monitoring information from
those sites currently being used for the assessment of international transboundary
loads or loads entering Europes Seas should be included in the network.
Some of these are likely to correspond to those included in (3) above.
There are obviously prime sources of existing information for these sites
particularly those in relation to the work of HELCOM and OSPAR quantifying
riverine loads entering the Baltic and North Atlantic (104 rivers), respectively.
However, methodologies would have to be assessed to determine whether valid
comparisons could be made or, at least, any differences identified.
This potential network in summarised in Table 8.6.
Table 8.6 Approximate number of rivers per country
in a general surveillance network
Country |
(km2) |
Representative rivers
1 per 2,000 km2 |
Impact rivers |
Total* |
Austria |
83,855 |
42 |
38 |
80 |
Belgium |
30,519 |
15 |
31 |
46 |
Denmark |
43,092 |
22 |
17 |
39 |
Finland |
338,145 |
169 |
41 |
210 |
France |
547,026 |
272 |
230 |
502 |
Germany |
357,000 |
179 |
357 |
536 |
Greece |
131,957 |
66 |
34 |
100 |
Iceland |
103,000 |
51 |
NI |
at least 51 |
Ireland |
70,285 |
35 |
23 |
58 |
Italy |
301,268 |
151 |
283 |
434 |
Luxembourg |
2,586 |
1 |
3 |
4 |
Netherlands |
41,864 |
21 |
40 |
61 |
Norway |
324,219 |
162 |
33 |
195 |
Portugal |
91,949 |
46 |
47 |
93 |
Spain |
504,782 |
253 |
161 |
414 |
Sweden |
449,964 |
225 |
59 |
284 |
United Kingdom |
244,103 |
122 |
191 |
313 |

EEA Area |
3,665,614 |
1,832 |
1,588 |
3,420 |
NI No information
* Excluding flux stations and nationally large rivers
not included in other categories
8.3 Selection of sites for surface water quantity
monitoring network
Europe has a dense network of flow measurement stations,
approximately 19,000 at an average density of 1 per 270 km2.
As has been indicated in an earlier section, it is recommended that a hierarchy
of monitoring stations be established from which surface water quantity
data can be obtained and these, where possible, should utilise existing
national gauging networks. The hierarchy of stations is:
- Reference stations that characterise regimes in
catchments undisturbed as far as possible by man.
- Baseline stations which, in total, characterise
the generality of runoff behaviour of the region or country and whose data
are appropriate for the transfer of hydrological characteristics to ungauged
- Representative stations that are a subset of the
network to provide summary estimates of the regional or national picture.
Typically, these sites will have long records to provide a good historical
- Impact sites that record and characterise the effects
of man's interference with the natural regime.
- Flux stations which when used in conjunction with
water quality measurements can be used to quantify loads of contaminants
entering Europes seas or crossing international boundaries. It is likely
that this latter type of station may well also meet the criteria of some
of the other stations and hence may serve a dual purpose.
The recommended types of monitoring station/site
for surface quantity and quality monitoring are compared in Table 8.7.
Some types would ideally be synoptically located as close together as possible,
for example for flux/load determinations. Others appear to have a common
aim but may not have to be synoptically located on the same river. In the
case of impact sites there may be again a case for locating quality and
quantity sites as close as possible. There appears to be no equivalence
between the baseline stations which might have to be selected independently
of surface quality stations. It would appear that the representative and
impact sites would equate to the general surveillance sites from which
supportive data would be acquired to identify sites with different impacts
and levels of impact.
It is recommended for the pilot implementation of
the network that the same selection procedure be applied to the surface
quantity network as for the river quality network. Where possible quality
and quantity sites would be selected at the same location or at least on
the same river reaches. Baseline sites should be selected independently.
The numbers and density of stations should be based on the variability
of the systems being monitored and the desired precision and confidence
of the information supplied.
Table 8.7 Comparison of types of monitoring station/site
for surface quantity and quality monitoring
Surface quantity
® |
Reference |
Baseline |
Representative |
Impact |
Flux |

Reference |
¥ |
¥ |
¥ |
¥ |
Representative |
¥ |
¥ |
¥ |
Impact |
¥ |
¥ |
+ |
¥ |
Flux |
¥ |
¥ |
¥ |
¥ |
+ |

+ synoptic sites
¥ no overlap
@> equivalent purpose,
though specific sites may not have to be synoptic
8.4 Sampling frequency
According to the inventory of river quality monitoring
(Section 5.2.1) most monitoring is undertaken annually with a sample frequency
ranging from 4 to 26 samples per year. The statistical aspects of sampling
frequency and sample numbers are discussed in Appendix A in particular
in relation to how the information is to be reported. It is recommended
that at least for the pilot implementation study that assessments are taken
on data obtained over the whole year, spread approximately evenly over
that period (e.g. monthly). In addition, long time series (monthly or more
frequent) data should be obtained from a range of hydrological river types
to assess relatively short term (e.g. monthly, seasonal) and longer term
(yearly) variability. This would enable a more rational sample frequency
to be established and take into account problems such as rivers drying
out in summer in some countries.
8.5 Selection of determinants
The issues which the Agency may wish to address when
determining the state of inland waters have been defined according to the
following categories:
- ecological quality;
- acidification;
- nutrient status;
- pesticides;
- heavy metals;
- organic pollution;
- pathogens;
- water availability;
- physical intervention.
Table 8.8 lists the importance of the information
required according to water type.
Through previous Tasks in the work programme it has
been possible to identify determinants which would provide useful information
for these categories. The determinants have been selected on the following
- they are commonly measured under international agreements;
- they are commonly measured in national programmes.
Table 8.8 Information requirements for each water
Information required |
Rivers |
Lakes |
Groundwater |
ecological quality; |
+++ |
acidification; |
+++ |
+++ |
+++ |
nutrient status; |
+++ |
+++ |
+++ |
pesticides |
++ |
++ |
+++ |
heavy metals; |
+++ |
++ |
+++ |
organic pollution; |
+++ |
++ |
++ |
pathogens; |
+++ |
++ |
++ |
water availability |
+++ |
+ |
+++ |
physical intervention. |
+++ |
++ |

+++ Key
++ Important
+ Useful
Table 8.9 lists the suggested primary determinants, that is those that are essential, and secondary determinants, that is those which would be useful but not essential, that would provide useful information to answer specific problems or issues. It should be noted that pesticides, other synthetic organic substances and heavy metals would be selected on the basis of their use in the catchment of interest.
Supportive determinants used to interpret the information listed above for example, salinity when measuring DO in estuaries, land-use, population in catchment will also be required. It is recommended that other Topic Centres, such as that on Land Cover, are consulted about which indicators are most appropriate for quantifying human activities.
Table 8.9 List of suggested primary and secondary determinants required for the river and lake monitoring networks
Indicator determinants
¯ |
® |
EQ |
AC |
NS |
TS |
OP |
WU |
RA |
PI |
FL |
++ |
+++ |
+++ |
+ |
++ |
++ (ss) |
Flow |
Flows, levels |
+++ |
++ |
++ |
++ |
++ |
+++ |
+ |
+++ |
+++ |
Additional determinants |
Biochemical oxygen demand
Chemical oxygen demand
Total organic carbon, Secchi disc, Aluminium fractions |
++ |
+++ |
++ |
+ |
+++ |
++ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Nutrients |
Total phosphorus, Soluble reactive phosphorus, Nitrate
Nitrite, Ammonia, Organic nitrogen, Total nitrogen |
++ |
+ |
+++ |
+ |
++ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+++ |

Table 8.9 (contd)
Indicator determinants
¯ |
® |
EQ |
AC |
NS |
TS |
OP |
WU |
RA |
PI |
FL |
Examples of indicators ¯
Major ions |
Calcium, Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium, Chloride, Sulphate, Bicarbonate |
+ |
+++ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
++ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Heavy metals |
Cadmium, Mercury
Based on catchment/land-use |
+ |
+ |
+ |
++ |
+ |
++ |
+ |
+ |
++ |
Pesticides |
Based on catchment/land-use |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+++ |
+ |
++ |
+ |
+ |
+++ |
Other synthetic organic substances |
Based on catchment/land-use |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+++ |
+ |
++ |
+ |
+ |
+++ |
Microbes |
Total and faecal coliforms, Faecal streptococci, Salmonella, Enteroviruses |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+++ |
++ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Radionuclides |
Total alpha and beta activity
Caesium 137 |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+++ |
+ |
++ |

Key to problems/issues |
Key to importance: |
EQ Ecological quality |
+++ Key determinants - primary |
AC Acidification |
++ Important but not key determinants - secondary |
NS Nutrient status |
+ Not considered as essential |
TS Toxic substances |
OP Organic pollution Other: |
WU Water use and availability ss Suspended solids |
RA Radioactivity |
PI Physical intervention |
FL Fluxes |

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