
Waterbase - Water Quantity (8 tables)

Data Table
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This page was archived on 03 Jul 2020 with reason: Other (New version data-and-maps/data/waterbase-water-quantity-12/waterbase-water-quantity-microsoft-access-database-2-tables was published)
The dataset contains time series of water quantity data, reported by EEA member countries and cooperating countries. The data has been compiled and processed by EEA. A list of monitoring site identifiers with selected attributes, reported through WFD and WISE Spatial data reporting, is added to dataset as spatial reference. Please refer to the metadata for additional information.
European data
Table definition

T_WISE3_MonitoringData (3771475 records)

Streamflow and groundwater level observations, by monitoring site.

Element nameElement definitionValue definitions
monitoringSiteIdentifier Unique international identifier of the monitoring site in which the data were obtained.
monitoringSiteIdentifierScheme Specification of whether the monitoring site is a WFD monitoring site ('euMonitoringSiteCode') or not ('eionetMonitoringSiteCode'). eionetMonitoringSiteCode: EIONET identifier;
euMonitoringSiteCode: WFD identifier
observedProperty Unique code of the parameter being reported, as defined in the code list. GWL: Groundwater level (m);
SF: Stream flow (m3/s)
phenomenonTimePeriod Reference time period of the reported result.
resultObservedValue Mean value of the observed parameter.
resultObservationStatus Status of the observed value in terms of its availability, relevancy, correctness or specifics of its source category. A: Record is confirmed as correct;
L: Missing observed value, the data were not collected;
M: Missing observed value, the data can not exist;
N: Missing observed value, observed value is not relevant or not significant;
O: Missing observed value, no further information is available or record reported in the past should be deleted;
W: Missing observed value, data are included in another source category;
X: Reported value includes data from another source category (categories);
Y: The source category does not exactly match the standard definition
Remarks Remarks, comments or explanatory notes.
metadata_versionId Unique metadata identifier of version of the feature or record. Url that points either to the source of the reported data or to a page providing information on the data origin.
metadata_beginLifeSpanVersion Timestamp when feature or record was created. In case of reported data it's the release date and time of the respective CDR envelope.
metadata_statusCode Status of the feature or record regarding its registration. valid: accepted and valid reported feature or record;
experimental: derived feature or record, e.g. legacy record converted to the new structure by EEA or records with updated spatial identifiers
metadata_observationStatus Status of the record regarding its reliability. A: Normal record;
U: Record with lower reliability;
V: Unvalidated record
metadata_statements Aditional information or statements regarding the reliability of the feature or record.
UID Unique identifier of the record in the EEA WISE_SOE database.

T_WISE3_ReservoirData (39084 records)

Mean inflow volume, mean outflow volume and mean stock volume, during each time period, for artificial or natural reservoirs, reported by water body and expressed in million cubic metre.

Element nameElement definitionValue definitions
waterBodyIdentifier Unique international identifier of the water body in which the data were obtained.
waterBodyIdentifierScheme Specification of whether the water body is a WFD water body ('euGroundwaterBodyCode' or 'euSurfaceWaterBodyCode') or not ('eionetGroundwaterBodyCode' or 'eionetSurfaceWaterBodyCode'). eionetGroundwaterBodyCode: Groundwater body identifier is an EIONET identifier;
eionetSurfaceWaterBodyCode: Surface water body identifier is an EIONET identifier;
euGroundwaterBodyCode: Groundwater body identifier is a WFD identifier;
euSurfaceWaterBodyCode: Surface water body identifier is a WFD identifier
observedProperty Unique code of the parameter being reported, as defined in the code list. RINV: Inflow volume, in million cubic metre;
ROUTV: Outflow volume, in million cubic metre;
RSTOCK: Reservoir stock, in million cubic metre
phenomenonTimePeriod Reference time period of the reported result.
resultObservedValue Volume, in million cubic metre.
resultObservationStatus Status of the observed value in terms of its availability, relevancy, correctness or specifics of its source category. A: Record is confirmed as correct;
L: Missing observed value, the data were not collected;
M: Missing observed value, the data can not exist;
N: Missing observed value, observed value is not relevant or not significant;
O: Missing observed value, no further information is available or record reported in the past should be deleted;
W: Missing observed value, data are included in another source category;
X: Reported value includes data from another source category (categories);
Y: The source category does not exactly match the standard definition
Remarks Remarks, comments or explanatory notes.
metadata_versionId Unique metadata identifier of version of the feature or record. Url that points either to the source of the reported data or to a page providing information on the data origin.
metadata_beginLifeSpanVersion Timestamp when feature or record was created. In case of reported data it's the release date and time of the respective CDR envelope.
metadata_statusCode Status of the feature or record regarding its registration. valid: accepted and valid reported feature or record;
experimental: derived feature or record, e.g. legacy record converted to the new structure by EEA or records with updated spatial identifiers
metadata_observationStatus Status of the record regarding its reliability. A: Normal record;
U: Record with lower reliability;
V: Unvalidated record
metadata_statements Aditional information or statements regarding the reliability of the feature or record.
UID Unique identifier of the record in the EEA WISE_SOE database.

T_WISE3_RenewableFreshwaterResources (35840 records)

The data in the RenewableFreshwaterResources table provides an overview of renewable freshwater resources available on the spatial unit (SU, RBD or country) and of their different flows (internal flow and actual external inflow).

By definition, the concept of renewable resources excludes non-renewable resources available from the potential use of water reserves (essentially groundwater).

Element nameElement definitionValue definitions
spatialUnitIdentifier Unique international identifier of the spatial unit for which the data is being reported. see Vocabulary
spatialUnitIdentifierScheme Specification of whether the spatial unit is a country ('countryCode'), a Water Framework Directive river basin district ('euRBDCode') or a Water Framework Directive sub-unit ('euSubUnitCode'). For data providers that do not report under the WFD, spatial units equivalent to river basin districts ('eionetRBDCode') or sub-units ('eionetSubUnitCode') should be used. see Vocabulary
observedProperty Renewable freshwater resources parameter AQUI: Aquifer recharge;
ART_GW_RECH: Artificial groundwater recharge;
EVAP_TSP: Actual evapotranspiration;
INFL: Actual external inflow;
OUTFL: Total actual outflow;
PRECIP: Areal precipitation;
SNOWP: Snowpack
phenomenonTimePeriod Reference time period of the reported result.
resultObservedVolume Measured water volume in million cubic metres (hm3).
resultObservationStatus Status of the observed value in terms of its availability, relevancy, correctness or specifics of its source category. A: Record is confirmed as correct;
L: Missing observed value, the data were not collected;
M: Missing observed value, the data can not exist;
N: Missing observed value, observed value is not relevant or not significant;
O: Missing observed value, no further information is available or record reported in the past should be deleted;
W: Missing observed value, data are included in another source category;
X: Reported value includes data from another source category (categories);
Y: The source category does not exactly match the standard definition
Remarks Remarks, comments or explanatory notes.
metadata_versionId Unique metadata identifier of version of the feature or record. Url that points either to the source of the reported data or to a page providing information on the data origin.
metadata_beginLifeSpanVersion Timestamp when feature or record was created. In case of reported data it's the release date and time of the respective CDR envelope.
metadata_statusCode Status of the feature or record regarding its registration. valid: accepted and valid reported feature or record;
experimental: derived feature or record, e.g. legacy record converted to the new structure by EEA or records with updated spatial identifiers
metadata_observationStatus Status of the record regarding its reliability. A: Normal record;
U: Record with lower reliability;
V: Unvalidated record
metadata_statements Aditional information or statements regarding the reliability of the feature or record.
UID Unique identifier of the record in the EEA WISE_SOE database.

T_WISE3_AdditionalWaterResources (2814 records)

The data in the AdditionalWaterResources table provides an overview of additional water resources available on the spatial unit (SU, RBD or country) from non-freshwater sources (seawater and transitional water, such as brackish water), desalinated water and reused water.

In addition, water imports and exports are requested on this category.

Element nameElement definitionValue definitions
spatialUnitIdentifier Unique international identifier of the spatial unit for which the data is being reported. see Vocabulary
spatialUnitIdentifierScheme Specification of whether the spatial unit is a country ('countryCode'), a Water Framework Directive river basin district ('euRBDCode') or a Water Framework Directive sub-unit ('euSubUnitCode'). For data providers that do not report under the WFD, spatial units equivalent to river basin districts ('eionetRBDCode') or sub-units ('eionetSubUnitCode') should be used. see Vocabulary
observedProperty Additional water resources parameter DSW_NACE_A011_A013: Desalinated water for irrigation;
DSW_NACE_E36: Desalinated water for water collection, treatment and supply;
DSW_TOTAL: Desalinated water;
EXP: Water exports;
IMP: Water imports;
NFW_C_CL: Non-freshwater for manufacturing (cooling water);
NFW_D_CL: Non-freshwater for electricity production (cooling water);
NFW_TOTAL: Non-freshwater (total);
RECL_NACE_C: Recycled water for manufacturing;
RECL_TOTAL: Recycled water;
RUW_DOM: Reused water for domestic purposes;
RUW_NACE_A011_A013: Reused water for irrigation;
RUW_NACE_C: Reused water for manufacturing;
RUW_TOTAL: Reused water
phenomenonTimePeriod Reference time period of the reported result.
resultObservedVolume Measured water volume in million cubic metres (hm3).
resultObservationStatus Status of the observed value in terms of its availability, relevancy, correctness or specifics of its source category. A: Record is confirmed as correct;
L: Missing observed value, the data were not collected;
M: Missing observed value, the data can not exist;
N: Missing observed value, observed value is not relevant or not significant;
O: Missing observed value, no further information is available or record reported in the past should be deleted;
W: Missing observed value, data are included in another source category;
X: Reported value includes data from another source category (categories);
Y: The source category does not exactly match the standard definition
Remarks Remarks, comments or explanatory notes.
metadata_versionId Unique metadata identifier of version of the feature or record. Url that points either to the source of the reported data or to a page providing information on the data origin.
metadata_beginLifeSpanVersion Timestamp when feature or record was created. In case of reported data it's the release date and time of the respective CDR envelope.
metadata_statusCode Status of the feature or record regarding its registration. valid: accepted and valid reported feature or record;
experimental: derived feature or record, e.g. legacy record converted to the new structure by EEA or records with updated spatial identifiers
metadata_observationStatus Status of the record regarding its reliability. A: Normal record;
U: Record with lower reliability;
V: Unvalidated record
metadata_statements Aditional information or statements regarding the reliability of the feature or record.
UID Unique identifier of the record in the EEA WISE_SOE database.

T_WISE3_WaterAbstraction (42081 records)

The data in the WaterAbstraction table provides an overview of the volume of water abstraction on the spatial unit (SU, RBD or country) from freshwater resources (surface and groundwater) for different sectors.

Element nameElement definitionValue definitions
spatialUnitIdentifier Unique international identifier of the spatial unit for which the data is being reported. see Vocabulary
spatialUnitIdentifierScheme Specification of whether the spatial unit is a country ('countryCode'), a Water Framework Directive river basin district ('euRBDCode') or a Water Framework Directive sub-unit ('euSubUnitCode'). For data providers that do not report under the WFD, spatial units equivalent to river basin districts ('eionetRBDCode') or sub-units ('eionetSubUnitCode') should be used. see Vocabulary
observedProperty Water abstraction parameter ABS_GW: Groundwater abstraction;
ABS_GW_DOM: Groundwater abstraction for domestic purposes;
ABS_GW_NACE_A: Groundwater abstraction for agriculture, forestry and fishing;
ABS_GW_NACE_A011_A013: Groundwater abstraction for irrigation;
ABS_GW_NACE_A0322: Groundwater abstraction for aquaculture;
ABS_GW_NACE_B: Groundwater abstraction for mining and quarrying;
ABS_GW_NACE_C: Groundwater abstraction for manufacturing;
ABS_GW_NACE_C_CL: Groundwater abstraction for manufacturing (cooling water);
ABS_GW_NACE_D: Groundwater abstraction for electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply;
ABS_GW_NACE_D_CL: Groundwater abstraction for production, transmission and distribution of electricity (cooling water);
ABS_GW_NACE_E36: Groundwater abstraction for water collection, treatment and supply;
ABS_GW_NACE_F: Groundwater abstraction for construction;
ABS_GW_NACE_I: Groundwater abstraction for accommodation and food service activities;
ABS_GW_OTHER: Groundwater abstraction for other economic activities;
ABS_RAINW_DOM: Rainwater harvesting for domestic purposes;
ABS_SW: Surface water abstraction;
ABS_SW_DOM: Surface water abstraction for domestic purposes;
ABS_SW_LAKE: Surface water abstraction from natural reservoirs (lakes);
ABS_SW_NACE_A: Surface water abstraction for agriculture, forestry and fishing;
ABS_SW_NACE_A011_A013: Surface water abstraction for irrigation;
ABS_SW_NACE_A0322: Surface water abstraction for aquaculture;
ABS_SW_NACE_B: Surface water abstraction for mining and quarrying;
ABS_SW_NACE_C: Surface water abstraction for manufacturing;
ABS_SW_NACE_C_CL: Surface water abstraction for manufacturing (cooling water);
ABS_SW_NACE_D: Surface water abstraction for electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply;
ABS_SW_NACE_D3511_HYDR: Surface water abstraction for production of electricity (hydropower);
ABS_SW_NACE_D_CL: Surface water abstraction for production, transmission and distribution of electricity (cooling water);
ABS_SW_NACE_E36: Surface water abstraction for water collection, treatment and supply;
ABS_SW_NACE_F: Surface water abstraction for construction;
ABS_SW_NACE_I: Surface water abstraction for accommodation and food service activities;
ABS_SW_OTHER: Surface water abstraction for other economic activities;
ABS_SW_RES: Surface water abstraction from artificial reservoirs;
ABS_SW_RIV: Surface water abstraction from rivers
phenomenonTimePeriod Reference time period of the reported result.
resultObservedVolume Measured water volume in million cubic metres (hm3).
resultObservationStatus Status of the observed value in terms of its availability, relevancy, correctness or specifics of its source category. A: Record is confirmed as correct;
L: Missing observed value, the data were not collected;
M: Missing observed value, the data can not exist;
N: Missing observed value, observed value is not relevant or not significant;
O: Missing observed value, no further information is available or record reported in the past should be deleted;
W: Missing observed value, data are included in another source category;
X: Reported value includes data from another source category (categories);
Y: The source category does not exactly match the standard definition
Remarks Remarks, comments or explanatory notes.
metadata_versionId Unique metadata identifier of version of the feature or record. Url that points either to the source of the reported data or to a page providing information on the data origin.
metadata_beginLifeSpanVersion Timestamp when feature or record was created. In case of reported data it's the release date and time of the respective CDR envelope.
metadata_statusCode Status of the feature or record regarding its registration. valid: accepted and valid reported feature or record;
stable: accepted and valid reported record, confirmed by the reporter as correct;
experimental: derived feature or record, e.g. legacy record converted to the new structure by EEA or records with updated spatial identifiers
metadata_observationStatus Status of the record regarding its reliability. A: Normal record;
U: Record with lower reliability;
V: Unvalidated record
metadata_statements Aditional information or statements regarding the reliability of the feature or record.
UID Unique identifier of the record in the EEA WISE_SOE database.

T_WISE3_WaterUse (8957 records)

The data in the WaterUse table provides an overview of the volume of water used on the spatial unit (SU, RBD or country) for different sectors of economic activity or purposes.

Contains information about water use (spatial information, water use by sector).

Element nameElement definitionValue definitions
spatialUnitIdentifier Unique international identifier of the spatial unit for which the data is being reported. see Vocabulary
spatialUnitIdentifierScheme Specification of whether the spatial unit is a country ('countryCode'), a Water Framework Directive river basin district ('euRBDCode') or a Water Framework Directive sub-unit ('euSubUnitCode'). For data providers that do not report under the WFD, spatial units equivalent to river basin districts ('eionetRBDCode') or sub-units ('eionetSubUnitCode') should be used. see Vocabulary
observedProperty Water use parameter WU_DOM: Water use for domestic purposes;
WU_NACE_A: Water use for agricultural, forestry and fishing;
WU_NACE_A011_A013: Water use for irrigation;
WU_NACE_B: Water use for mining and quarrying;
WU_NACE_C: Water use for manufacturing;
WU_NACE_C_CL: Water use for manufacturing (cooling water);
WU_NACE_D: Water use for electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply;
WU_NACE_D_CL: Water use for production, transmission and distribution of electricity (cooling water);
WU_NACE_E36: Water used for water collection, treatment and supply;
WU_NACE_F: Water use for construction;
WU_NACE_I: Water use for accommodation and food service activities;
WU_OTHER: Water use for other economic activities
phenomenonTimePeriod Reference time period of the reported result.
resultObservedVolume Measured water volume in million cubic metres (hm3).
resultObservationStatus Status of the observed value in terms of its availability, relevancy, correctness or specifics of its source category. A: Record is confirmed as correct;
L: Missing observed value, the data were not collected;
M: Missing observed value, the data can not exist;
N: Missing observed value, observed value is not relevant or not significant;
O: Missing observed value, no further information is available or record reported in the past should be deleted;
W: Missing observed value, data are included in another source category;
X: Reported value includes data from another source category (categories);
Y: The source category does not exactly match the standard definition
Remarks Remarks, comments or explanatory notes.
metadata_versionId Unique metadata identifier of version of the feature or record. Url that points either to the source of the reported data or to a page providing information on the data origin.
metadata_beginLifeSpanVersion Timestamp when feature or record was created. In case of reported data it's the release date and time of the respective CDR envelope.
metadata_statusCode Status of the feature or record regarding its registration. valid: accepted and valid reported feature or record;
stable: accepted and valid reported record, confirmed by the reporter as correct;
experimental: derived feature or record, e.g. legacy record converted to the new structure by EEA or records with updated spatial identifiers
metadata_observationStatus Status of the record regarding its reliability. A: Normal record;
U: Record with lower reliability;
V: Unvalidated record
metadata_statements Aditional information or statements regarding the reliability of the feature or record.
UID Unique identifier of the record in the EEA WISE_SOE database.

T_WISE3_WaterReturns (3484 records)

The data in the WaterReturns table provides an overview of the volume of water returns on the spatial unit (SU, RBD or country), disaggregated in treated and non-treated effluents and leakage losses.

Element nameElement definitionValue definitions
spatialUnitIdentifier Unique international identifier of the spatial unit for which the data is being reported. see Vocabulary
spatialUnitIdentifierScheme Specification of whether the spatial unit is a country ('countryCode'), a Water Framework Directive river basin district ('euRBDCode') or a Water Framework Directive sub-unit ('euSubUnitCode'). For data providers that do not report under the WFD, spatial units equivalent to river basin districts ('eionetRBDCode') or sub-units ('eionetSubUnitCode') should be used. see Vocabulary
observedProperty Water return parameter LOSS_LEAK: Leakage losses;
NON_TREATED_EFFL: Non-treated effluent;
TREATED_EFFL: Treated effluent
phenomenonTimePeriod Reference time period of the reported result.
resultObservedVolume Measured water volume in million cubic metres (hm3).
resultObservationStatus Status of the observed value in terms of its availability, relevancy, correctness or specifics of its source category. A: Record is confirmed as correct;
L: Missing observed value, the data were not collected;
M: Missing observed value, the data can not exist;
N: Missing observed value, observed value is not relevant or not significant;
O: Missing observed value, no further information is available or record reported in the past should be deleted;
W: Missing observed value, data are included in another source category;
X: Reported value includes data from another source category (categories);
Y: The source category does not exactly match the standard definition
Remarks Remarks, comments or explanatory notes.
metadata_versionId Unique metadata identifier of version of the feature or record. Url that points either to the source of the reported data or to a page providing information on the data origin.
metadata_beginLifeSpanVersion Timestamp when feature or record was created. In case of reported data it's the release date and time of the respective CDR envelope.
metadata_statusCode Status of the feature or record regarding its registration. valid: accepted and valid reported feature or record;
stable: accepted and valid reported record, confirmed by the reporter as correct;
experimental: derived feature or record, e.g. legacy record converted to the new structure by EEA or records with updated spatial identifiers
metadata_observationStatus Status of the record regarding its reliability. A: Normal record;
U: Record with lower reliability;
V: Unvalidated record
metadata_statements Aditional information or statements regarding the reliability of the feature or record.
UID Unique identifier of the record in the EEA WISE_SOE database.

T_WISE3_MonitoringSite_DerivedData (12028 records)

List of monitoring site identifiers present in the WISE3 dataset tables. Contains selected information reported through WFD or WISE5 spatial data reporting.

Element nameElement definitionValue definitions
monitoringSiteIdentifier Unique international identifier of the monitoring site.
monitoringSiteIdentifierScheme Specification of whether the monitoring site is a WFD monitoring site ('euMonitoringSiteCode') or not ('eionetMonitoringSiteCode'). eionetMonitoringSiteCode: EIONET identifier;
euMonitoringSiteCode: WFD identifier
waterBodyIdentifier Unique international identifier of the water body being monitored.
waterBodyIdentifierScheme Specification of whether the water body is a WFD water body ('euGroundwaterBodyCode' or 'euSurfaceWaterBodyCode') or not ('eionetGroundwaterBodyCode' or 'eionetSurfaceWaterBodyCode'). eionetGroundwaterBodyCode: Groundwater body identifier is an EIONET identifier;
eionetSurfaceWaterBodyCode: Surface water body identifier is an EIONET identifier;
euGroundwaterBodyCode: Groundwater body identifier is a WFD identifier;
euSurfaceWaterBodyCode: Surface water body identifier is a WFD identifier
confidentialityStatus Information about the sensitivity and confidentiality status of the monitoring site location. F: Free for publication;
N: Not for publication
lon Longitude of the monitoring site. It is not provided for monitoring sites where publication is restricted.
lat Latitude of the monitoring site. It is not provided for monitoring sites where publication is restricted.
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