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Monitoring Data (WISE3_MonitoringData, 2908930 records)
Streamflow and groundwater level observations, by monitoring site.
FieldName | Definition | DataType |
UID | Unique identifier of the record in the EEA WISE SOE database. | int |
versionId | Reported data: url to the data source; Derived data: url to a summary information describing the origin of the data. | nvarchar (255) |
beginLifeSpanVersion | Reported data: the delivery date of the source data to the Reportnet. Derived data: the entry date to the EEA WISE SOE database. | datetime |
monitoringSiteIdentifier | Unique international identifier of the monitoring site in which the data were obtained. | nvarchar (42) |
monitoringSiteIdentifierScheme | Specification of whether the monitoring site is a WFD monitoring site ('euMonitoringSiteCode') or not ('eionetMonitoringSiteCode'). | nvarchar (255) |
observedProperty | Unique code of the parameter being reported, as defined in the code list. | nvarchar (255) |
phenomenonTimePeriod | Reference time period of the reported result. | nvarchar (16) |
resultObservedValue | Mean value of the observed parameter. | float |
resultObservationStatus | Status of the observed value in terms of its availability, relevancy, correctness or specifics of its source category. | nvarchar (255) |
Remarks | Remarks, comments or explanatory notes. | nvarchar (max) |
waterbaseObservationStatus | Status flag of the observation. The most common are 'A' - Normal value, 'V' - Unvalidated value, 'U' - Low reliability | nvarchar (100) |
waterbaseRemarks | Explanation of the 'U' status, if indicated in the waterbaseObservationStatus field, and any additional information entered during the data processing. | nvarchar (max) |
Reservoir Data (WISE3_ReservoirData, 12634 records)
Mean inflow volume, mean outflow volume and mean stock volume, during each time period, for artificial or natural reservoirs, reported by water body and expressed in million cubic metre.
FieldName | Definition | DataType |
UID | Unique identifier of the record in the EEA WISE SOE database. | int |
versionId | Reported data: url to the data source; Derived data: url to a summary information describing the origin of the data. | nvarchar (255) |
beginLifeSpanVersion | Reported data: the delivery date of the source data to the Reportnet. Derived data: the entry date to the EEA WISE SOE database. | datetime |
waterBodyIdentifier | Unique international identifier of the water body in which the data were obtained. | nvarchar (42) |
waterBodyIdentifierScheme | Specification of whether the water body is a WFD water body ('euGroundwaterBodyCode' or 'euSurfaceWaterBodyCode') or not ('eionetGroundwaterBodyCode' or 'eionetSurfaceWaterBodyCode'). | nvarchar (255) |
observedProperty | Unique code of the parameter being reported, as defined in the code list. | nvarchar (255) |
phenomenonTimePeriod | Reference time period of the reported result. | nvarchar (16) |
resultObservedValue | Volume, in million cubic metre. | float |
resultObservationStatus | Status of the observed value in terms of its availability, relevancy, correctness or specifics of its source category. | nvarchar (255) |
Remarks | Remarks, comments or explanatory notes. | nvarchar (max) |
waterbaseObservationStatus | Status flag of the observation. The most common are 'A' - Normal value, 'V' - Unvalidated value, 'U' - Low reliability | nvarchar (100) |
waterbaseRemarks | Explanation of the 'U' status, if indicated in the waterbaseObservationStatus field, and any additional information entered during the data processing. | nvarchar (max) |
Renewable Freshwater Resources (WISE3_RenewableFreshwaterResources, 12632 records)
The data in the RenewableFreshwaterResources table provides an overview of renewable freshwater resources available on the spatial unit (SU, RBD or country) and of their different flows (internal flow and actual external inflow). By definition, the concept of renewable resources excludes non-renewable resources available from the potential use of water reserves (essentially groundwater).
FieldName | Definition | DataType |
UID | Unique identifier of the record in the EEA WISE SOE database. | int |
versionId | Reported data: url to the data source; Derived data: url to a summary information describing the origin of the data. | nvarchar (255) |
beginLifeSpanVersion | Reported data: the delivery date of the source data to the Reportnet. Derived data: the entry date to the EEA WISE SOE database. | datetime |
spatialUnitIdentifier | Unique international identifier of the spatial unit for which the data is being reported. | nvarchar (255) |
spatialUnitIdentifierScheme | Specification of whether the spatial unit is a country ('countryCode'), a Water Framework Directive river basin district ('euRBDCode') or a Water Framework Directive sub-unit ('euSubUnitCode'). For data providers that do not report under the WFD, spatial units equivalent to river basin districts ('eionetRBDCode') or sub-units ('eionetSubUnitCode') should be used. | nvarchar (255) |
observedProperty | Renewable freshwater resources parameter | nvarchar (255) |
phenomenonTimePeriod | Reference time period of the reported result. | nvarchar (16) |
resultObservedVolume | Measured water volume in million cubic metres (hm3). | float |
resultObservationStatus | Status of the observed value in terms of its availability, relevancy, correctness or specifics of its source category. | nvarchar (255) |
Remarks | Remarks, comments or explanatory notes. | nvarchar (max) |
waterbaseObservationStatus | Status flag of the observation. The most common are 'A' - Normal value, 'V' - Unvalidated value, 'U' - Low reliability | nvarchar (100) |
waterbaseRemarks | Explanation of the 'U' status, if indicated in the waterbaseObservationStatus field, and any additional information entered during the data processing. | nvarchar (max) |
Additional Water Resources (WISE3_AdditionalWaterResources, 1954 records)
The data in the AdditionalWaterResources table provides an overview of additional water resources available on the spatial unit (SU, RBD or country) from non-freshwater sources (seawater and transitional water, such as brackish water), desalinated water and reused water. In addition, water imports and exports are requested on this category.
FieldName | Definition | DataType |
UID | Unique identifier of the record in the EEA WISE SOE database. | int |
versionId | Reported data: url to the data source; Derived data: url to a summary information describing the origin of the data. | nvarchar (255) |
beginLifeSpanVersion | Reported data: the delivery date of the source data to the Reportnet. Derived data: the entry date to the EEA WISE SOE database. | datetime |
spatialUnitIdentifier | Unique international identifier of the spatial unit for which the data is being reported. | nvarchar (255) |
spatialUnitIdentifierScheme | Specification of whether the spatial unit is a country ('countryCode'), a Water Framework Directive river basin district ('euRBDCode') or a Water Framework Directive sub-unit ('euSubUnitCode'). For data providers that do not report under the WFD, spatial units equivalent to river basin districts ('eionetRBDCode') or sub-units ('eionetSubUnitCode') should be used. | nvarchar (255) |
observedProperty | Additional water resources parameter | nvarchar (255) |
phenomenonTimePeriod | Reference time period of the reported result. | nvarchar (16) |
resultObservedVolume | Measured water volume in million cubic metres (hm3). | float |
resultObservationStatus | Status of the observed value in terms of its availability, relevancy, correctness or specifics of its source category. | nvarchar (255) |
Remarks | Remarks, comments or explanatory notes. | nvarchar (max) |
waterbaseObservationStatus | Status flag of the observation. The most common are 'A' - Normal value, 'V' - Unvalidated value, 'U' - Low reliability | nvarchar (100) |
waterbaseRemarks | Explanation of the 'U' status, if indicated in the waterbaseObservationStatus field, and any additional information entered during the data processing. | nvarchar (max) |
Water Abstraction (WISE3_WaterAbstraction, 20842 records)
The data in the WaterAbstraction table provides an overview of the volume of water abstraction on the spatial unit (SU, RBD or country) from freshwater resources (surface and groundwater) for different sectors.
FieldName | Definition | DataType |
UID | Unique identifier of the record in the EEA WISE SOE database. | int |
versionId | Reported data: url to the data source; Derived data: url to a summary information describing the origin of the data. | nvarchar (255) |
beginLifeSpanVersion | Reported data: the delivery date of the source data to the Reportnet. Derived data: the entry date to the EEA WISE SOE database. | datetime |
spatialUnitIdentifier | Unique international identifier of the spatial unit for which the data is being reported. | nvarchar (255) |
spatialUnitIdentifierScheme | Specification of whether the spatial unit is a country ('countryCode'), a Water Framework Directive river basin district ('euRBDCode') or a Water Framework Directive sub-unit ('euSubUnitCode'). For data providers that do not report under the WFD, spatial units equivalent to river basin districts ('eionetRBDCode') or sub-units ('eionetSubUnitCode') should be used. | nvarchar (255) |
observedProperty | Water abstraction parameter | nvarchar (255) |
phenomenonTimePeriod | Reference time period of the reported result. | nvarchar (16) |
resultObservedVolume | Measured water volume in million cubic metres (hm3). | float |
resultObservationStatus | Status of the observed value in terms of its availability, relevancy, correctness or specifics of its source category. | nvarchar (255) |
Remarks | Remarks, comments or explanatory notes. | nvarchar (max) |
waterbaseObservationStatus | Status flag of the observation. The most common are 'A' - Normal value, 'V' - Unvalidated value, 'U' - Low reliability | nvarchar (100) |
waterbaseRemarks | Explanation of the 'U' status, if indicated in the waterbaseObservationStatus field, and any additional information entered during the data processing. | nvarchar (max) |
Water Use (WISE3_WaterUse, 4011 records)
The data in the WaterUse table provides an overview of the volume of water used on the spatial unit (SU, RBD or country) for different sectors of economic activity or purposes. Contains information about water use (spatial information, water use by sector).
FieldName | Definition | DataType |
UID | Unique identifier of the record in the EEA WISE SOE database. | int |
versionId | Reported data: url to the data source; Derived data: url to a summary information describing the origin of the data. | nvarchar (255) |
beginLifeSpanVersion | Reported data: the delivery date of the source data to the Reportnet. Derived data: the entry date to the EEA WISE SOE database. | datetime |
spatialUnitIdentifier | Unique international identifier of the spatial unit for which the data is being reported. | nvarchar (255) |
spatialUnitIdentifierScheme | Specification of whether the spatial unit is a country ('countryCode'), a Water Framework Directive river basin district ('euRBDCode') or a Water Framework Directive sub-unit ('euSubUnitCode'). For data providers that do not report under the WFD, spatial units equivalent to river basin districts ('eionetRBDCode') or sub-units ('eionetSubUnitCode') should be used. | nvarchar (255) |
observedProperty | Water use parameter | nvarchar (255) |
phenomenonTimePeriod | Reference time period of the reported result. | nvarchar (16) |
resultObservedVolume | Measured water volume in million cubic metres (hm3). | float |
resultObservationStatus | Status of the observed value in terms of its availability, relevancy, correctness or specifics of its source category. | nvarchar (255) |
Remarks | Remarks, comments or explanatory notes. | nvarchar (max) |
waterbaseObservationStatus | Status flag of the observation. The most common are 'A' - Normal value, 'V' - Unvalidated value, 'U' - Low reliability | nvarchar (100) |
waterbaseRemarks | Explanation of the 'U' status, if indicated in the waterbaseObservationStatus field, and any additional information entered during the data processing. | nvarchar (max) |
Water Returns (WISE3_WaterReturns, 1321 records)
The data in the WaterReturns table provides an overview of the volume of water returns on the spatial unit (SU, RBD or country), disaggregated in treated and non-treated effluents and leakage losses.
FieldName | Definition | DataType |
UID | Unique identifier of the record in the EEA WISE SOE database. | int |
versionId | Reported data: url to the data source; Derived data: url to a summary information describing the origin of the data. | nvarchar (255) |
beginLifeSpanVersion | Reported data: the delivery date of the source data to the Reportnet. Derived data: the entry date to the EEA WISE SOE database. | datetime |
spatialUnitIdentifier | Unique international identifier of the spatial unit for which the data is being reported. | nvarchar (255) |
spatialUnitIdentifierScheme | Specification of whether the spatial unit is a country ('countryCode'), a Water Framework Directive river basin district ('euRBDCode') or a Water Framework Directive sub-unit ('euSubUnitCode'). For data providers that do not report under the WFD, spatial units equivalent to river basin districts ('eionetRBDCode') or sub-units ('eionetSubUnitCode') should be used. | nvarchar (255) |
observedProperty | Water return parameter | nvarchar (255) |
phenomenonTimePeriod | Reference time period of the reported result. | nvarchar (16) |
resultObservedVolume | Measured water volume in million cubic metres (hm3). | float |
resultObservationStatus | Status of the observed value in terms of its availability, relevancy, correctness or specifics of its source category. | nvarchar (255) |
Remarks | Remarks, comments or explanatory notes. | nvarchar (max) |
waterbaseObservationStatus | Status flag of the observation. The most common are 'A' - Normal value, 'V' - Unvalidated value, 'U' - Low reliability | nvarchar (100) |
waterbaseRemarks | Explanation of the 'U' status, if indicated in the waterbaseObservationStatus field, and any additional information entered during the data processing. | nvarchar (max) |
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