Annex III
During the preparation of this report
several 'problems' were encountered while processing the data.
These problems and other remarks concerning data transmission are
summarized below.
- The definition of exceedance is
ambiguous: seven countries reported an exceedance when
the ozone concentration equals the threshold
value, the other countries indicated only when
concentrations are greater than the threshold
value. The latter definition is preferred.
- From the available information it is
not always clear whether no exceedances have been
observed at a station. In order to estimate the size of
attainment areas, it is recommended to report (in
computer readable form) explicitly results from stations
where no exceedances are observed.
- Information on data coverage (fraction
of time with valid measurements) is presented for hourly
values and for the moving eight hourly values; it is
recommended to give it also on a daily basis. Criteria
for the calculation of valid eight hourly and daily
values should be given. Following the criteria for the
validity of the calculation of percentile values (see
Annex III of the Ozone Directive), it could be considered
that at least 6 and 18 valid hourly values, distributed
uniformly throughout the period in question, should be
available for calculating of a valid eight hourly or
daily average value, respectively.
- For feedback on possible errors
encountered during the processing of the data it is
recommended to identify a contact person at the national
institute responsible for data submissions.
- the code for erroneous or missing data
for the station elevation (- 1) is confusing as an
elevation below sea level (small negative values) may
occur. It is recommended to use the error code - 999.
- VOC data has been submitted by 2
Member States only. According to the proposed format
Italy submitted statistical information on daily average
concentrations of total Non Methane Hydro Carbons (NMHC)
at two stations; for one staion averaging time was 1
hour. The Netherlands submitted data (for 8 stations
yearly averaged values based on an averaging time of one
week) of 47 individual organic compounds using a
different format. A further harmonization on VOC-data
transmission is to be discussed.
- In the reporting of NOx concentrations
there is confusion about the units. It is recommended to
report NOx concentrations (defined as the sum of NO and
NO2 concentrations) in ppb-units and NO2
in µg/m3.
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