European data
Table definition
  • Air quality measures:
Field nameDescriptionData type
Country Country or territory name. string
H-K Namespace Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
Year Year for which the data flow item has been reported. numeric
MeasureId Inspire identifier (Local Id) of air quality measures, given by data provider. string
AQ Plan Id Inspire identifier (Local Id) of air quality plan, given by data provider. string
AQ Plan Reporting Year Year for which the related Air Quality Plan has been reported. numeric
Source Apportionment Id Inspire identifier (Local Id) of source apportionment, given by data provider. string
Source Apportionment Reporting Year Year for which the related Source Apportionment has been reported. numeric
Scenario Id Inspire identifier (Local Id) of scenario, given by data provider. string
Scenario Reporting Year Year for which the related Scenario has been reported. numeric
Attainment Year The calendar year for which the projections have been calculated numeric
Code Unique local code for the measure, given by data provider. string
Name A short title of the pollution abatement measure. string
Description Descriptive information on the measure string
Measure Classification Classification of the measure using one of a series measure tyoes. The measure classifications type available to countries are controlled by codelist, see string
Measure Type Describe the high-level implementation mechanism or scope of the measure. The measure types available to countries are controlled by codelist, see string
Administration Level The administrative level responsible for implementation of the measure. string
Time Scale The timescale for the implementation of the measure. string
Estimated Costs Estimated costs for the implementation of the measure over its implementation life time. numeric
Actual Cost The actual costs of implementing the measure. numeric
Currency The currency of the costs provided. string
Cost Comment Comments / notes for clarification added to the costs information, given by data provider. string
Emission Reduction The reduction in total annual emissions attributable to the measure kt/yr Emissions in the area addressed by the measure for the year for which the projections are developed. numeric
Emission Reduction Comment Comments / notes for clarification to the emission reduction, given by data provider. string
Impact Concentration Delta The reduction in average concentrations for the relevant long-term reporting metric as a numerical value with recommended units of ug/m3. numeric
Impact Exceedance Delta Expected impact in number of exceedances in the Projection yearFor short-term reporting metrics values, this information class specifies the reduction in the number of exceedances for the relevant long-term reporting metric. numeric
Impact Exceedance Hours For short-term reporting metrics values, the units of measure for the number of exceedances from a codelist. Allowed values are ‘days’ or ‘hours’. string
Impact Comment Comments / notes for clarification on the expected impact on ambient concentration of the measure, given by data provider. string
Source Sector The high-level activity sector targeted by the measure. string
Spatial Scale The geographical scope of the measure. string
Valid Attainment Link Yes if there is valid link between measure and attainment report. string
AQ Attainment Id Inspire identifier (Local Id) of air quality attainment, given by data provider. string
B-G Namespace Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
Attainment Reporting Year Year for which the related Attainment has been reported. numeric
AQ Zone Id Inspire identifier (Local Id) of air quality zone, given by data provider. string
Air Pollutant Air polluting substance (see notation in Data Dictionary: for which the air quality assessment regime has been reported. string
Protection Target Protection target (see notation in Data Dictionary: for which the air quality assessment regime has been reported. string
Objective Type Objective type (see notation in Data Dictionary: for which the air quality assessment regime has been reported. string
Reporting Metric Reporting metric (see notation in Data Dictionary: for which the air quality assessment regime has been reported. string
Source Data URL URL of source data reported to the EEA. string
Imported Date and time of source data import into EEA's databases. datetime


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