
Explore greenhouse gas emissions data

The EEA, together with its European Topic Centre on Climate Change Mitigation and Energy (ETC/CME), compile and process the data reporting from the Member States. In addition, we analyse past and projected trends and underpinning drivers of GHG emissions, and monitor the EU’s progress in reducing GHG emissions.


The EU Greenhouse Gas (GHG) inventory report (mainly Section 4.3) provides information on methodologies, emission factors, completeness and qualitative uncertainty estimates. Detailed information on national methods and circumstances is available in Member States’ national inventory reports.

● Additional files:


The dataset on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and removals reflects the EU GHG inventory data.

The dataset on approximated estimates for greenhouse gas emissions provides an early estimate for GHG emissions for the year preceding the current calendar year

Data viewers

The EEA greenhouse gas (GHG) data viewer allows for the visualisation and downloading of GHG emission data reported by countries

The EEA greenhouse gas projections data viewer allows you to explore information and data on projections for GHG emissions, reported by countries

The EEA country profiles - greenhouse gases and energy 2020 data viewer allows you to explore key data on greenhouse gas emissions, renewable energy and energy efficiency for each EU Member State.

Data reported by the Member States

Member States report annually on greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories for the years between 1990 up to the current calendar year minus two (so in 2021, reporting until 2019), for emissions and removals within their territory, according to the EU Regulation (2018/1999) on the Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action. The reports from Member States follow the agreed structure, format and submission processes allowing for assessments at the EU. The reporting structure and format are the same as for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).


The GHG inventory report contains two parts. The Common Reporting Format (CRF) tables provide more quantitative information of the Member States’ GHG emissions. The National Inventory Report (NIR) contains more detailed information on the inventory (e.g. methodologies used, data sources, institutional arrangements for the preparation of the inventory etc.).

● CRF Tables:

NIRs delivered by Member States are published at the UNFCCC website


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