
Use of renewable energy for transport in Europe

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Affordable and clean energy
Policy-effectiveness indicator (Type D)
Supporting information
[{"type": "h4", "children": [{"text": "Methodology for indicator calculation"}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "The indicator uses information compiled by Eurostat (for historical trends), supplemented by the EEA\u2019s own approximated estimates for the latest year. This is replaced by the Eurostat value when that becomes available."}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "The Eurostat data are based on information gained through annual energy statistics (as mandated by "}, {"url": "http://data.europa.eu/eli/reg/2008/1099/oj", "type": "a", "data": {"link": {"external": {"external_link": "http://data.europa.eu/eli/reg/2008/1099/oj", "target": "_self"}}}, "children": [{"text": "Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 on energy statistics"}]}, {"text": "), and additional data required for the calculation of the share of energy from renewable sources in transport (RES-T), based on the RED. The EEA approximate estimates for the share are calculated in accordance with the methodology under RED."}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "The ratio determining a Member State\u2019s RES-T share is defined in the RED. Article 3(4) defines both the numerator and the denominator of the ratio:"}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "The denominator is the total amount of energy consumed in transport and includes: \u2018petrol, diesel, biofuels consumed in road and rail transport, and electricity, including electricity used for the production of renewable liquid and gaseous transport fuels of non-biological origin\u2019."}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "The numerator defines the \u2018energy from renewable sources consumed in transport\u2019. It is the total of compliant biofuels (liquid and gaseous), renewable electricity, hydrogen of renewable origin, synthetic fuels of renewable origin and other forms of renewable energy consumed in the transport sector."}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "h4", "children": [{"text": "Methodology for gap filling"}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "No gap-filling is applied.\u00a0"}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "h4", "children": [{"text": "Methodology references"}]}, {"type": "ul", "children": [{"type": "li", "children": [{"text": ""}, {"url": "https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/documents/38154/4956088/SHARES+tool+manual-2019.pdf/", "type": "a", "data": {"link": {"external": {"external_link": "https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/documents/38154/4956088/SHARES+tool+manual-2019.pdf/", "target": "_self"}}}, "children": [{"text": "SHARES Tool Manual"}]}, {"text": " Shares Tool Manual: Describes the Shares Tool that is designed to collect and present the information \u2013 the energy data \u2013 that is needed for the calculations as defined in Article 3 (transport sector) and Article 5 (overall target) of the Directive."}]}]}]
[{"type": "p", "children": [{"url": "https://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/external/share-of-energy-from-renewable-sources-1", "type": "a", "data": {"link": {"external": {"external_link": "https://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/external/share-of-energy-from-renewable-sources-1", "target": "_self"}}}, "children": [{"text": "Share of energy from renewable sources"}]}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"url": "https://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/approximated-estimates-for-the-share-5", "type": "a", "data": {"link": {"external": {"external_link": "https://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/approximated-estimates-for-the-share-5", "target": "_self"}}}, "children": [{"text": "Approximated estimates for the share of gross final consumption of renewable energy sources in 2021 (EEA 2021 RES share proxies)"}]}]}]
[{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "This indicator shows the percentage of energy consumed in the transport sector that comes from renewable energy sources. Values are tracked at the EU and country levels."}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "The indicator is based on Eurostat data and approximated values calculated by the EEA for the latest year."}]}]
[{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "Final energy consumption of biofuels, petrol and diesel, and electricity for transport is measured in kilotonnes of oil equivalent (ktoe). The share of energy from renewable sources used in transport is given as a percentage."}]}]
[{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "The "}, {"url": "https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=COM%3A2019%3A640%3AFIN", "data": {"link": {"external": {"external_link": "https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=COM%3A2019%3A640%3AFIN", "target": "_self"}}}, "type": "a", "children": [{"text": "European Green Deal"}]}, {"text": " sets out the aim for a carbon neutral EU by 2050. This requires the decarbonisation of all sectors."}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "The transport sector is responsible for nearly a quarter of Europe\u2019s greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, this sector has proven difficult to decarbonise. Increasing the share of renewable energy in the sector is a key means to reducing emissions and contributing to Europe\u2019s goal of carbon neutrality."}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "The policy and targets for the energy sector as a whole, and specifically for the transport sector, were established in the "}, {"url": "http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/ALL/?uri=CELEX:32009L0028", "data": {"link": {"external": {"external_link": "http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/ALL/?uri=CELEX:32009L0028", "target": "_self"}}}, "type": "a", "children": [{"text": "Renewable Energy Directive 2009/28/EC"}]}, {"text": " (RED). It requires that all EU countries ensure that by 2020 at least 10% of the fuels in the transport sector come from renewable sources. The RED also established sustainability criteria for biofuels, which must be fulfilled to be considered in the target."}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "In 2018, the recast "}, {"url": "http://data.europa.eu/eli/dir/2018/2001/oj", "data": {"link": {"external": {"external_link": "http://data.europa.eu/eli/dir/2018/2001/oj", "target": "_self"}}}, "type": "a", "children": [{"text": "Renewable Energy Directive 2018/2001/EU"}]}, {"text": " (RED II) was adopted. It extends the legal framework to 2030, setting new targets and extending the requirements for the sustainability of bioenergy. The target set in RED II for the share of energy coming from renewable sources in transport is 14%."}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}, {"type": "strong", "children": [{"text": "Targets"}]}, {"text": "\nNo targets have been specified for this indicator."}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "h4", "children": [{"text": "Related policy documents"}]}, {"type": "ul", "children": [{"type": "li", "children": [{"text": ""}, {"url": "https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=uriserv:OJ.L_.2018.328.01.0082.01.ENG", "data": {"link": {"external": {"external_link": "https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=uriserv:OJ.L_.2018.328.01.0082.01.ENG", "target": "_self"}}}, "type": "a", "children": [{"text": "Directive (EU) 2018/2001"}]}, {"text": ". Directive (EU) 2018/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources "}]}, {"type": "li", "children": [{"text": ""}, {"url": "https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32001L0077&from=en", "data": {"link": {"external": {"external_link": "https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32001L0077&from=en", "target": "_self"}}}, "type": "a", "children": [{"text": "DIRECTIVE 2001/77/EC Renewable electricity"}]}, {"text": ". Directive 2001/77/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 September 2001 on the promotion of electricity produced from renewable energy sources in the internal electricity market "}]}, {"type": "li", "children": [{"text": ""}, {"url": "https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32003L0030&from=en", "data": {"link": {"external": {"external_link": "https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32003L0030&from=en", "target": "_self"}}}, "type": "a", "children": [{"text": "Directive 2003/30/EC, use of biofuels and renewable fuels"}]}, {"text": ". Promotion of the use of biofuels and other renewable fuels for transport.\u00a0Directive 2003/30/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 May 2003 on the promotion of the use of biofuels and other renewable fuels for transport. "}]}, {"type": "li", "children": [{"text": ""}, {"url": "http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2009:140:0016:0062:EN:PDF", "data": {"link": {"external": {"external_link": "http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2009:140:0016:0062:EN:PDF", "target": "_self"}}}, "type": "a", "children": [{"text": "DIRECTIVE 2009/28/EC"}]}, {"text": ". DIRECTIVE 2009/28/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 23 April 2009 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources and amending and subsequently repealing Directives 2001/77/EC and 2003/30/EC "}]}, {"type": "li", "children": [{"text": ""}, {"url": "http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32008R1099&from=EN", "data": {"link": {"external": {"external_link": "http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32008R1099&from=EN", "target": "_self"}}}, "type": "a", "children": [{"text": "Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 on energy statistics"}]}, {"text": ". Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics (OJ 2008 L 304, p. 1). "}]}, {"type": "li", "children": [{"text": ""}, {"url": "https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:52019DC0640", "data": {"link": {"external": {"external_link": "https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:52019DC0640", "target": "_self"}}}, "type": "a", "children": [{"text": "The European Green Deal"}]}, {"text": ". Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the European Council, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions (COM(2019) 640 final). "}]}]}]
[{"type": "h4", "children": [{"text": "Methodology uncertainty"}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "No uncertainty has been specified."}]}, {"type": "h4", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "h4", "children": [{"text": "Data sets uncertainty"}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "The data are collected on an annual basis by the European Commission and can be considered reliable and accurate. The requirement for data collection for low- and zero-sulphur fuels and biofuels is mandatory, and the results are harmonised at the EU level."}]}, {"type": "h4", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "h4", "children": [{"text": "Rationale uncertainty"}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "No uncertainty has been specified."}]}]
{"ec0bd7bd-ea48-43e0-971f-d62888ae58c4": {"ignoreSpaces": true, "@layout": "d060487d-88fc-4f7b-8ea4-003f14e0fb0c", "allowedBlocks": ["slate"], "title": "Disaggregate level assessment", "maxChars": "1000", "required": true, "disableNewBlocks": false, "as": "section", "data": {"blocks": {"d3d49723-14e5-4663-b346-37ee3572f28d": {"plaintext": "", "required": true, "value": [{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}], "readOnlySettings": true, "fixed": true, "@type": "slate", "instructions": {"content-type": "text/html", "data": "<p><br/></p>", "encoding": "utf8"}}, "4cbb7607-ddf0-4ea0-8510-231b3a34e7d5": {"plaintext": "In Norway, the use of renewable electricity in road transport has increased substantially as a result of policies that encourage electric mobility combined with the country\u2019s essentially renewable electricity supply. However, renewable electricity only constituted just over 3% of total energy used in transport in Norway in 2020.", "@type": "slate", "value": [{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "In Norway, the use of renewable electricity in road transport has increased substantially as a result of policies that encourage electric mobility combined with the country\u2019s essentially renewable electricity supply. However, renewable electricity only constituted just over 3% of total energy used in transport in Norway in 2020."}]}]}, "ef0e3c4d-059f-40c3-9722-fef5d4cbd7d6": {"plaintext": "The extent of progress varies among Member States. According to data from Eurostat, only 12 EU countries appear to have achieved the 2020 target of 10% (Sweden, Finland, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Estonia, Hungary, Belgium, Slovenia, Italy, Malta, Austria and Ireland). Preliminary estimates for 2021 show that Italy and Ireland dropped below the 2020 target of 10% in 2021. This is because of growth in the gross final consumption of energy from all fuels in transport as economic activity rebounded after the COVID-19 pandemic. Meanwhile Denmark, Portugal and Spain reached the 10% target in 2021.", "@type": "slate", "value": [{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "The extent of progress varies among Member States. According to data from Eurostat, only 12 EU countries appear to have achieved the 2020 target of 10% (Sweden, Finland, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Estonia, Hungary, Belgium, Slovenia, Italy, Malta, Austria and Ireland). Preliminary estimates for 2021 show that Italy and Ireland dropped below the 2020 target of 10% in 2021. This is because of growth in the gross final consumption of energy from all fuels in transport as economic activity rebounded after the COVID-19 pandemic. Meanwhile Denmark, Portugal and Spain reached the 10% target in 2021. "}]}]}, "02ba4a04-fcfe-4968-806f-1dac3119cfef": {"geolocation": [{"group": ["EEA32", "EEA33", "EEA39", "EU15", "EU25", "EU27", "EU28", "Pan-Europe"], "value": "geo-2782113", "label": "Austria"}, {"group": ["EEA32", "EEA33", "EEA39", "EU15", "EU25", "EU27", "EU28", "Pan-Europe"], "value": "geo-2802361", "label": "Belgium"}, {"group": ["EEA32", "EEA33", "EEA39", "EU27", "EU28", "Pan-Europe"], "value": "geo-732800", "label": "Bulgaria"}, {"group": ["EEA32", "EEA33", "EEA39", "EU28", "Pan-Europe"], "value": "geo-3202326", "label": "Croatia"}, {"group": ["EEA32", "EEA33", "EEA39", "EU25", "EU27", "Pan-Europe"], "value": "geo-146669", "label": "Cyprus"}, {"group": ["EEA32", "EEA33", "EEA39", "EU25", "EU27", "EU27", "EU28", "Pan-Europe"], "value": "geo-3077311", "label": "Czechia"}, {"group": ["EEA32", "EEA33", "EEA39", "EU15", "EU25", "EU28", "Pan-Europe"], "value": "geo-2623032", "label": "Denmark"}, {"group": ["EEA32", "EEA33", "EEA39", "EU25", "EU27", "EU28", "Pan-Europe"], "value": 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energy and carbon taxes to achieve these targets: a carbon tax on fuels has been in place since 1991 and exemptions and reductions apply for sustainable biofuels .", "@type": "slate", "value": [{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "Sweden, which has the highest share of energy from renewable sources in transport, has ambitious targets for the transport sector and uses energy and carbon taxes to achieve these targets: a carbon tax on fuels has been in place since 1991 and "}, {"data": {"footnote": "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<div class=\"csl-bib-body\" style=\"line-height: 1.35; \">\n <div class=\"csl-entry\">Ministry of Infrastructure, 2020, <i>Sweden&#x2019;s Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan</i>, Ministry of Infrastructure, Sweden.</div>\n</div>\n", "zoteroId": "B7QTH3P3", "uid": "6kUpY", "footnoteTitle": "Ministry of Infrastructure, 2020, Sweden's Integrated National Energy and , Sweden"}, "type": "zotero", "children": [{"text": "exemptions and reductions apply for sustainable biofuels"}]}, {"text": "."}]}]}}, "blocks_layout": {"items": ["02ba4a04-fcfe-4968-806f-1dac3119cfef", "ef0e3c4d-059f-40c3-9722-fef5d4cbd7d6", "bccc828d-68e6-4bb9-a609-a0f20366ec94", "4cbb7607-ddf0-4ea0-8510-231b3a34e7d5"]}}, "readOnly": false, "disableInnerButtons": true, "readOnlySettings": true, "fixed": true, "placeholder": "Disaggregate level assessment e.g. country, sectoral, regional level assessment", "@type": "group", "block": "7ee72497-fbc6-4a51-8c7f-63a83a3ee548", "instructions": {"content-type": "text/html", "data": "<ol keys=\"9bbul,b1sa2,171og,1c1t5\" depth=\"0\"><li>Depending on the indicator context, this text can provide information at country level or, if this is not relevant, at some other level, e.g. sectoral, regional level.</li><li>This text interprets the data represented in the chart, rather than describing results, i.e. it provides explanations for some of the results.</li><li>The text related to progress at this level does not have to be comprehensive.</li><li>If there is no information that adds value to what is already visible there is no need to have any text.</li></ol>", "encoding": "utf8"}}, "352a457a-fe12-49b9-adcd-c6b2f6dc684a": {"ignoreSpaces": true, "@layout": "1bc4379d-cddb-4120-84ad-5ab025533b12", "allowedBlocks": ["slate"], "title": "Aggregate level assessment", "maxChars": "2000", "required": true, "disableNewBlocks": false, "data": {"blocks": {"d3b43234-63b6-4a3b-88a3-cc3a4a749674": {"plaintext": "In 2009, the Renewable Energy Directive (RED; 2009/28/EC) set the target for each Member State, whereby 10% of all energy used in transport should be from renewable sources by 2020. The RED also introduced sustainability criteria and, since 2011, only biofuels that comply with these criteria count towards the renewable energy share.", "@type": "slate", "value": [{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "In 2009, the "}, {"data": {"footnote": "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<div class=\"csl-bib-body\" style=\"line-height: 1.35; \">\n <div class=\"csl-entry\">EU, 2009, Directive 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources and amending and subsequently repealing Directives 2001/77/EC and 2003/30/EC, OJ L 140, 5.6.2009, p. 16-62.</div>\n</div>\n", "zoteroId": "T3J38RZZ", "uid": "A_n71", "footnoteTitle": "EU, Directive 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources and amending and subsequently repealing Directives 2001/77/EC and 2003/30/EC"}, "type": "zotero", "children": [{"text": "Renewable Energy Directive"}]}, {"text": " (RED; 2009/28/EC) set the target for each Member State, whereby 10% of all energy used in transport should be from renewable sources by 2020. The RED also introduced sustainability criteria and, since 2011, only biofuels that comply with these criteria count towards the renewable energy share."}]}]}, "6d8cc24d-2c48-4d3b-a7cf-488ea75b4b40": {"plaintext": "In 2018, the new RED, known as RED II, strengthened the sustainability criteria for bioenergy and set a new goal for 2030, increasing the target for the share of renewable energy used in transport to 14% by 2030 . The European Plenary voted in September 2022 to raise the overall renewable energy target to 45% and subsequently to increase the GHG intensity transport target to 16% by using larger shares of advanced biofuels and a more ambitious quota for renewable fuels of non-biological origin. The text is currently subject to upcoming negotiations between the Council and the European Parliament.", "@type": "slate", "value": [{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "In 2018, the new RED, known as RED II, strengthened the sustainability criteria for bioenergy and set a new goal for 2030, increasing the target for the share of "}, {"data": {"footnote": "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<div class=\"csl-bib-body\" style=\"line-height: 1.35; \">\n <div class=\"csl-entry\">EU, 2018, Directive (EU) 2018/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources, OJ L 328, 21.12.2018, p. 82-209.</div>\n</div>\n", "zoteroId": "934NH59A", "uid": "ThQn8", "footnoteTitle": "EU, Directive (EU) 2018/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources"}, "type": "zotero", "children": [{"text": "renewable energy used in transport to 14% by 2030"}]}, {"text": ". The European Plenary voted in September 2022 to raise the overall renewable energy target to 45% and subsequently to increase the GHG intensity transport target to 16% by using larger shares of advanced biofuels and a more ambitious quota for renewable fuels of non-biological origin. The text is currently subject to upcoming negotiations between the Council and the European Parliament."}]}]}, "b0279dde-1ceb-4137-a7f1-5ab7b46a782c": {"geolocation": [{"group": ["EEA32", "EEA33", "EEA39", "EU15", "EU25", "EU27", "EU28", "Pan-Europe"], "value": "geo-2782113", "label": "Austria"}, {"group": ["EEA32", "EEA33", "EEA39", "EU15", "EU25", "EU27", "EU28", "Pan-Europe"], "value": "geo-2802361", "label": "Belgium"}, {"group": ["EEA32", "EEA33", "EEA39", "EU27", "EU28", "Pan-Europe"], "value": "geo-732800", "label": "Bulgaria"}, {"group": ["EEA32", "EEA33", "EEA39", "EU28", "Pan-Europe"], "value": "geo-3202326", "label": "Croatia"}, {"group": ["EEA32", "EEA33", "EEA39", "EU25", "EU27", "Pan-Europe"], "value": "geo-146669", "label": "Cyprus"}, {"group": ["EEA32", "EEA33", "EEA39", "EU25", "EU27", "EU27", "EU28", "Pan-Europe"], "value": "geo-3077311", "label": "Czechia"}, {"group": ["EEA32", "EEA33", "EEA39", "EU15", "EU25", "EU28", "Pan-Europe"], "value": "geo-2623032", "label": 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"2020_target": 10, "label": 10, "value": 1, "year": "2005"}, {"country": "Malta", "2020_target": 10, "label": 11, "value": 0, "year": "2005"}, {"country": "Austria", "2020_target": 10, "label": 12, "value": 5.1, "year": "2005"}, {"country": "Ireland", "2020_target": 10, "label": 13, "value": 0.1, "year": "2005"}, {"country": "Germany", "2020_target": 10, "label": 14, "value": 4, "year": "2005"}, {"country": "Denmark", "2020_target": 10, "label": 15, "value": 0.4, "year": "2005"}, {"country": "Portugal", "2020_target": 10, "label": 16, "value": 0.5, "year": "2005"}, {"country": "Spain", "2020_target": 10, "label": 17, "value": 1.3, "year": "2005"}, {"country": "Czechia", "2020_target": 10, "label": 18, "value": 1.1, "year": "2005"}, {"country": "Slovakia", "2020_target": 10, "label": 19, "value": 1.7, "year": "2005"}, {"country": "France", "2020_target": 10, "label": 20, "value": 0.8, "year": "2005"}, {"country": "Bulgaria", "2020_target": 10, "label": 21, "value": 0.9, "year": "2005"}, 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"Denmark", "2020_target": 10, "label": 45, "value": 9.7, "year": "2020"}, {"country": "Portugal", "2020_target": 10, "label": 46, "value": 9.7, "year": "2020"}, {"country": "Spain", "2020_target": 10, "label": 47, "value": 9.5, "year": "2020"}, {"country": "Czechia", "2020_target": 10, "label": 48, "value": 9.4, "year": "2020"}, {"country": "Slovakia", "2020_target": 10, "label": 49, "value": 9.3, "year": "2020"}, {"country": "France", "2020_target": 10, "label": 50, "value": 9.2, "year": "2020"}, {"country": "Bulgaria", "2020_target": 10, "label": 51, "value": 9.1, "year": "2020"}, {"country": "Romania", "2020_target": 10, "label": 52, "value": 8.5, "year": "2020"}, {"country": "Cyprus", "2020_target": 10, "label": 53, "value": 7.4, "year": "2020"}, {"country": "Latvia", "2020_target": 10, "label": 54, "value": 6.7, "year": "2020"}, {"country": "Croatia", "2020_target": 10, "label": 55, "value": 6.6, "year": "2020"}, {"country": "Poland", "2020_target": 10, "label": 56, "value": 6.6, 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9.3, "year": "2021 proxy"}, {"country": "Slovakia", "2020_target": 10, "label": 79, "value": 7.6, "year": "2021 proxy"}, {"country": "France", "2020_target": 10, "label": 80, "value": 8.9, "year": "2021 proxy"}, {"country": "Bulgaria", "2020_target": 10, "label": 81, "value": 8.2, "year": "2021 proxy"}, {"country": "Romania", "2020_target": 10, "label": 82, "value": 7.8, "year": "2021 proxy"}, {"country": "Cyprus", "2020_target": 10, "label": 83, "value": 6.9, "year": "2021 proxy"}, {"country": "Latvia", "2020_target": 10, "label": 84, "value": 6.4, "year": "2021 proxy"}, {"country": "Croatia", "2020_target": 10, "label": 85, "value": 8.3, "year": "2021 proxy"}, {"country": "Poland", "2020_target": 10, "label": 86, "value": 6.3, "year": "2021 proxy"}, {"country": "Lithuania", "2020_target": 10, "label": 87, "value": 6.6, "year": "2021 proxy"}, {"country": "Greece", "2020_target": 10, "label": 88, "value": 5.6, "year": "2021 proxy"}, {"country": "Iceland", "2020_target": 10, "label": 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This indicates that the 2020 target of 10% was reached at the EU level. Preliminary EEA estimates suggest that this share stayed at the same 10.2% level in 2021. The increase since 2005 was mainly the result of an expansion in the use of biofuels across Europe: between 2011 and 2020, the amount of energy that came from RED-compliant biofuels and was used in transport more than doubled . Meanwhile, the electrification of road and rail transport has played a small role in the progress made so far.", "@type": "slate", "value": [{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "In 2020, 10.2% of the total energy used in transport in the EU was from renewable sources, following a steady increase in this share since 2005, when it was just under 2%. This indicates that the 2020 target of 10% was reached at the EU level. Preliminary EEA estimates suggest that this share stayed at the same 10.2% level in 2021. The increase since 2005 was mainly the result of an expansion in the use of biofuels across Europe: between 2011 and 2020, the amount of energy that came from RED-compliant biofuels and was used in transport more than doubled"}, {"data": {"footnote": "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<div class=\"csl-bib-body\" style=\"line-height: 1.35; \">\n <div class=\"csl-entry\">Eurostat, 2020, 'Share of energy from renewable sources', (https://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=nrg_ind_ren&amp;lang=en) accessed November 8, 2021.</div>\n</div>\n", "zoteroId": "6PCQ3ZG6", "uid": "i15U9", "footnoteTitle": "Eurostat, 2020, Share of energy from renewable sources"}, "type": "zotero", "children": [{"text": " "}]}, {"text": ". Meanwhile, the electrification of road and rail transport has played a small role in the progress made so far."}]}]}, "deb7e84d-d2c8-4491-90fa-3dc65fe02143": {"plaintext": "", "required": true, "value": [{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}], "readOnlySettings": true, "fixed": true, "@type": "slate", "instructions": {"content-type": "text/html", "data": "<p><br/></p>", "encoding": "utf8"}}}, "blocks_layout": {"items": ["b0279dde-1ceb-4137-a7f1-5ab7b46a782c", "d3b43234-63b6-4a3b-88a3-cc3a4a749674", "bd86e60d-c442-40a3-b5ee-039b5028d95d", "6d8cc24d-2c48-4d3b-a7cf-488ea75b4b40"]}}, "as": "section", "disableInnerButtons": true, "readOnlySettings": true, "fixed": true, "placeholder": "Aggregate level assessment e.g. progress at global, EU level..", "@type": "group", "block": "8f15d0cb-90b3-4ba1-8b47-e6b7f52834dc", "instructions": {"content-type": "text/html", "data": "<p><strong>Assessment text remains at</strong> <strong>the relevant</strong> <strong>aggregate level</strong> <strong>(i.e.</strong> <strong>global, EU, sectoral)</strong> <strong>and addresses the following: </strong></p><ol keys=\"dkvn8,e367c,f4lpb,9j981,7ai6k,3g3pd\" depth=\"0\"><li>Explains in one or two sentences on the environmental rationale of the indicator, i.e. why it matters to the environment that we see an increase/decrease in the value measured.</li><li>Explains in one or two sentences the associated policy objective, which can be either quantitative or directional. More information on the policy objective and related references will be included in the supporting information section. Where there is no policy objective associated with the indicator, i.e. where the indicator addresses an issue that is important for future policy formulation, this text should explain instead why this issue is important.</li><li>IF NECESSARY \u2014 Explains any mismatch between what the indicator tracks and what the policy objective/issue is.</li><li>Qualifies the historical trend (e.g. steady increase) and explains the key reasons (e.g. policies) behind it. If there is a quantitative target it explains if we are on track to meet it.</li><li>IF NECESSARY \u2014 Explains any recent changes to the trend and why.</li><li>IF NECESSARY \u2014 Describes what needs to happen to see adequate progress in future, for instance in order to remain on track to meet targets.</li></ol><p><strong>Please cite your work if</strong> <strong>necessary</strong> <strong>using the EEA citation style (i.e.</strong> <strong>EEA, 2020). A full reference list appears in the supporting information section.</strong></p>", "encoding": "utf8"}}, "9ac9a45f-4cc3-41cd-8493-3cf2c6f88deb": {"styles": {"style_name": "environment-theme-bg"}, "@layout": "794c9b24-5cd4-4b9f-a0cd-b796aadc86e8", "allowedBlocks": [], "title": "Content header", "required": true, "disableNewBlocks": true, "as": "section", "fixedLayout": true, "disableInnerButtons": true, "readOnlySettings": true, "fixed": true, "data": {"blocks": {"ddde07aa-4e48-4475-94bd-e1a517d26eab": {"required": true, "disableNewBlocks": true, "readOnlySettings": true, "fixed": true, "placeholder": "Indicator title", "@type": "title"}, "9f452ca7-172a-42e0-a699-8df0714c89f8": {"styles": {"align": "full"}, "readOnlySettings": true, "align": "full", "@type": "splitter"}, "12d8c532-f7ad-43fe-ada7-330b2d7a7a39": {"plaintext": "Published: date \u2012 25min read", "required": true, "disableNewBlocks": true, "value": [{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}, {"type": "sup", "children": [{"text": "Published: "}, {"data": {"widget": "datetime", "id": "effective"}, "type": "mention", "children": [{"text": "date"}]}, {"text": " \u2012 25min read"}]}, {"text": ""}]}], "readOnly": true, "readOnlySettings": true, "fixed": true, "@type": "slate", "instructions": {"content-type": "text/html", "data": "<p><br/></p>", "encoding": "utf8"}}, "ca212ba0-859e-4e67-b610-debe0d498b74": {"ignoreSpaces": true, "allowedBlocks": ["slate"], "fixedLayout": false, "maxChars": "500", "required": true, "disableNewBlocks": true, "data": {"blocks": {"60cd55c5-6833-4532-b1de-6b09b0f22fa8": {"plaintext": "The share of energy from renewable sources used for transport in the EU increased from under 2% in 2005 to 10.2% in 2020. 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examined.</p><p>If there has been an important change over the most recent period of the time series, e.g. over the last year, this is indicated too.</p><p>Furthermore, if there is a quantitative target, it also indicates whether we are on track to meet it and if not what are the reasons preventing that, e.g. socio-economic drivers, implementation gap etc.</p>", "encoding": "utf8"}}}, "blocks_layout": {"items": ["ddde07aa-4e48-4475-94bd-e1a517d26eab", "ca212ba0-859e-4e67-b610-debe0d498b74", "9f452ca7-172a-42e0-a699-8df0714c89f8", "12d8c532-f7ad-43fe-ada7-330b2d7a7a39"]}}, "@type": "group", "block": "9ac9a45f-4cc3-41cd-8493-3cf2c6f88deb", "instructions": {"content-type": "text/html", "data": "<p><br/></p>", "encoding": "utf8"}}, "aaaf0a54-6dbc-481c-bec2-dea6fb07cca9": {"fixed": true, "title_size": "h3", "readOnlyTitles": true, "allowedBlocks": [], "fixedLayout": true, "non_exclusive": false, "collapsed": true, "required": true, "disableNewBlocks": true, "readOnly": false, 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