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European bathing water quality in 2019

European bathing water quality in 2019

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Briefing Published 08 Jun 2020 Last modified 20 Jun 2023
11 min read
Photo: © Syracuse, Lidija Globevnik/TC VODE
Bathing is an extremely popular and important leisure activity in Europe. This annual assessment of European bathing sites shows how well environmental protection measures are implemented, allowing people to make informed decisions on where to go to best enjoy Europe’s inland and coastal bathing sites.
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   Title   Size   Modified   State 
Image figure 1 122.6 KB 09 Mar 2021, 03:33 PM Published
Image figure 2 25.3 KB 09 Mar 2021, 03:33 PM Published
File Inland BWQ 245.9 KB 09 Mar 2021, 03:33 PM Published
File Coastal BWQ 235.7 KB 09 Mar 2021, 03:33 PM Published