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Press Release
New environmental co-operation between East & West Europe
Reinforcement of the EEA's contributions to the 1998 conference of European environment ministers in Denmark
Good environmental information in Central and Eastern Europe is essential to ensure that enlargement of the EU does not compromise environmental standards.
A 7 million ECU programme from PHARE [1] is at the heart of a unique partnership announced today between the European Environment Agency (EEA), the EU and countries of Central and Eastern Europe.
The programme is focused on providing practical tools to improve the quality of environmental information from Central and Eastern European countries.
The activities will include: the extension of the EEA's European Information & Observation Network, EIONET [2], to Central and Eastern Europe; close co-operation with UNEP's ENRIN network [3]; personnel training; technical back-up with hardware, software and other equipment; and help with disseminating information via workshops, publications etc.
This programme will help Central and Eastern countries to protect their environments, reduce their contribution to European and global pollution, and help pave the way for the successful enlargement of the European Union. In particular, this co-operation will directly contribute to the work leading from the last pan-European environment ministers conference held in Sofia, Bulgaria in October 1996, to the next to be hosted by the Danish government in May 1998.
At a press conference at 11.45 in the Board Room (1st floor) of Den Gyldne Fortun in Domus Technica, Ved Stranden 18, on June 10th,
Mr. Pelovski, Ministry of the Environment in Bulgaria,
Mr. Griepink from the European Commission,
Mr. Jiménez Beltrán, European Environment Agency, Executive Director,
Mr. Osborn, Chairman of EEA Management Board, and,
Mr. Alders, Director and Regional Representative of UNEP for Europe,
will provide details of this unique partnership.
Notes for Editors.
For further information on the European Environment Agency contact:
David Gee
The European Environment Agency
Kongens Nytorv 6
DK-1050 Copenhagen K
Tel: +
Fax: +
…concerning the PHARE programme, contact:
Mr. Griepink
The European Commission
Rue de la Loi 200
B-1049 Brussels
Tel: +
Fax: +
…and concerning UNEP, contact:
Michael Williams
United Nations Environment Programme
11, chemin des Anémones
CH-1219 Chatelaine
Tel: +41-22-979.92.42
Fax: +41-22-979.90.29
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