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Energy support policies: putting the EU on a low-carbon path?

European countries have increased renewable energy’s share of energy consumption in recent years, in part thanks to support mechanisms for the renewables sector. A new report finds that many energy support policies could be better focused to lead the EU more effectively to decarbonise the energy sector.

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Europe's transport network vulnerable to climate change

Disasters such as floods and storms have led to several high-profile disruptions of Europe's transport network over the last few years. As the climate changes, the transport system urgently needs to adapt, according to a new assessment.

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More action needed to reduce transport's environmental impact

The transport sector is still generating excessive greenhouse gas emissions and harmful levels of air pollution and noise, according to the latest edition of the European Environment Agency's annual report on environment and transport.

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Not just dirt: the importance of soil

Soil is connected to almost all aspects of our lives, yet we often take it for granted. To mark the International Day of Soil on December 5, we interviewed several project managers at the European Environment Agency (EEA) about this precious resource.

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EEA signs agreement to work with Copernicus programme

The European Environment Agency (EEA) will continue to work with Copernicus, the European earth observation programme, after an agreement signed 1 December.

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