
Table 10.2 Years of life lost (YLL) attributable to PM2.5, NO2 and O3 exposure in 41 European countries and the EU-28, 2013

PM2.5 NO2 O3
Country  YLL YLL/100 000 inhabitants YLL YLL/100 000 inhabitants YLL YLL/100 000 inhabitants
Austria 72 600 859 9 500 112 3 600 43
Belgium 103 600 928 23 900 214 2 300 21
Bulgaria 136 500 1 874 5 700 78 3 500 48
Croatia 47 800 1 122 1 600 37 2 500 58
Cyprus 4 700 540 < 10 0 300 37
Czech Republic 129 600 1 233 3 600 34 4 100 39
Denmark 31 600 563 600 12 1 300 23
Estonia 7 300 556 < 10 0 300 25
Finland 18 300 337 < 10 0 900 16
France 504 000 791 91 900 144 20 900 33
Germany 759 000 943 109 700 136 27 200 33
Greece 135 900 1 235 14 700 134 8 600 78
Hungary 138 700 1 400 4 200 42 5 100 51
Ireland 17 300 376 300 6 600 12
Italy 695 500 1 165 219 700 368 36 500 61
Latvia 22 000 1 085 1 200 57 600 32
Lithuania 31 600  1 063 < 10 0 900 30
Luxembourg 3 100 585 800 157 100 19
Malta 2 400 571 < 10 0 200 50
Netherlands 125 200 746 19 800 118 3 100 18
Poland 578 500 1 520 19 300 51 14 400 38
Portugal 62 700 632 1 600 16 4 500 45
Romania 265 700 1 327 19 900 100 4 800 24
Slovakia 63 100 1 167 < 10 0 2 400 45
Slovenia 21 400 1 037 1 700 80 1 200 56
Spain 253 100 569 45 300 102 19 300 43
Sweden 29 400 307 < 10 0 1 600 17
United Kingdom 407 400 637 128 300 201 8 100 13
Albania 21 000 730 100 3 1 200 43
Andorra 500 658 < 10 0 < 100 59
Bosnia and Herzegovina 38 700 1 007 900 23 2 000 52
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia   35 800 1 734 2 200 109 1 200 57
Iceland 900 269 < 10 0 < 100 9
Kosovo (a) 35 100 1 935 2 300 128 1 100 60
Liechtenstein 200 632  < 100 159 < 100 42
Monaco 300 760 < 100 160 < 100 62
Montenegro 6 700 1 083 300 52 400 64
Norway 16 200 321 1 700 34 800 16
San Marino 300 979 < 10 0 < 100 47
Serbia 107 000 1 490 13 400 186 3 400 47
Switzerland 51 400 639 11 700 146 2 700 33
Total (b) 4 982 000 756 000 192 000
EU-28 (b) 4 668 000 723 000 179 000 



YLL and YLL per 100 000 inhabitants: all-cause mortality.

(a)        Under the UN Security Council Resolution 1244/99.

(b)        Total and EU-28 figures are rounded up or down to the nearest thousand. YLL are rounded to the next hundred.


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Filed under: health impacts
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