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News Genetically modified organisms (GMOs): The significance of gene flow through pollen transfer 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News The Barcelona EU summit. 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News Update on the environmental dimension of the EU Sustainable Development Strategy from Environmental signals 2002 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News EEA highlights key measures for reducing landfilling of biodegradable waste 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News EU reaches CO2 stabilisation target despite upturn in greenhouse gas emissions 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News Environmental signals 2002 : Benchmarking the millenium. 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News Energy and environment in the European Union 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News Interim director to take over at European Environment Agency 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News National and central estimates for air emissions from road transport 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News Towards an urban atlas: Assessment of spatial data on 25 European cities and urban areas 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News Indicator in focus: Total phosphorus and nitrate concentrations in rivers, selected EU and accession countries 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News Europe's biodiversity - biogeographical regions and seas 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News Floods in Europe 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News World Summit on Sustainable Development 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News Indicator in focus: Human health and air quality 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News EEA/WHO Workshop on health-related indicators of air quality. 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News EEA remembers Michele Fontana on 1st anniversary of Milan air crash 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News United Nations Environment Programme launches new European-wide environmental information portal on the internet 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News Summer 2002 smog levels exceed critical threshold three days in four 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News Air pollution by ozone in Europe : Overview of exceedances of EC ozone threshold values during the summer season April-August 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News Fishery indicator factsheets 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News Domingo Jiménez-Beltrán receives the "Twelve Stars for the Environment" Award 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News OECD/EU/EEA database on economic instruments 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News European Environment Agency pays tribute to Poul Harremoës 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News Oil spill off Galicia badly damages highly valuable ecosystems 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News EMEP/CORINAIR Emission Inventory Guidebook - Third edition, October 2002 update 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News Accession countries taking over EU's unsustainable transport patterns, EEA report warns 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News Indicators and fact sheets about transport have been updated 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News Further action needed to reach EU climate change target, projections show 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News The EEA wishes you a merry christmas and a happy new year 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News Turkey brings EEA membership to 31 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News Greenhouse gas emission trends in Europe, 1990-2000 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News Environmental scientist appointed to lead EEA 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News Greenhouse gas emission trends in Europe, 1990-2000 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News Importance of monitoring agri-environmental indicators highlighted in new publication 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News Annual work programme 2003 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News OECD/EEA launch new database on economic instruments used in environmental policy 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News SERIS - Links to national state of the environment reports 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News EU greenhouse gas emissions rise for second year running 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News From the Europa website: Commissioner Wallström calls for more stringent measures and policies to cut EU greenhouse gas emissions 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News Europe's environmental progress at risk from unsustainable economic activities 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News Europe's water: An indicator-based assessment - Summary 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News Forest fires in Southern Europe 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News Heatwaves, floods and droughts in Europe 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News Algal bloom in coastal waters 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News Heatwave sparks smog warnings through Europe 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News Climate change in the spotlight 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News EEA Evaluation 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News Indicator in focus 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News New nature database launched 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News European chemicals reform 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News Domestic measures taken or planned so far are insufficient to meet EU climate emissions targets, projections show 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News Summer 2003 ozone pollution hits high; levels could recur for several more years 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News European Environment Agency adopts new strategy and work programme 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News Europe's water quality generally improving but agriculture still the main challenge 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News Most of central and eastern Europe on track to meet Kyoto targets 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News Season's greetings 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News EEA issues briefing paper and poster to mark UN biodiversity conference 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News European Commission and EEA launch first Europe-wide industrial pollution register 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News Commission and EEA make public extensive information about industrial pollution in your neighbourhood 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News European packaging waste trends and the role of economic instruments 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News Mapping the impacts of recent natural disasters and technological accidents in Europe 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News Children in Their Environments: Vulnerable, Valuable and at Risk - The Need for Action 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News EEA seeks proposals for two European Topic Centres 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News EEA website goes multilingual 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News New EU states need measures to limit farming impact on environment 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News Nature-rich farmland areas need greater support to prevent species loss 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News The Day After Tomorrow 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News Launch of EEA Signals 2004 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News Latest trends show need for more environmental action in key sectors 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News EU needs to set renewable energy targets for 2020, EEA head says 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News Honoloko: environmental game 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News Website for kids 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News Budapest workshop on 'Children in their environments' 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News A more sustainable EU requires investments that benefit economy and environment alike 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News EEA Scientific Committee opinion on GMES 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News Natural disasters and their impacts 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News EEA 10th Anniversary 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News The European environment - State and outlook 2005 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News IRENA's insight into agriculture 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News Find out the level of ozone pollution in Europe 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News Agency passes eco-management test with flying colours 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Final result of The BET 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News Statement by Domingo Jiménez-Beltrán, EEA Executive Director 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News European Community and Member States greenhouse gas emission trends 1990-1999; Topic Report No. 10 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News European Commission Press note. 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News How effective is EU environmental legislation? 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News Quelle est l'efficacité de la législation européenne matière d'environnement? 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News EEA Management Board meeting of 14-15 March 2002 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News The Barcelona EU summit: The results are worrying from an environmental and sustainable development viewpoint 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News Cumbre de Barcelona de la Unión Europea: Los resultados son preocupantes desde el punto de vista ambiental y del desarrollo sostenible 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News EEA celebrates its enlargement to 13 new countries 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News EEA continues shift from "report producer" to "information provider" 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News EEA remembers Michele Fontana on 1st anniversary of Milan air crash 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News United Nations Environment Programme launches new European-wide environmental information portal on the internet 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News OECD/EU/EEA database on economic instruments 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News Domingo Jiménez-Beltrán receives the "Twelve Stars for the Environment" Award 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News Oil spill off Galicia badly damages highly valuable ecosystems 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News Turkey brings EEA membership to 31 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News Importance of monitoring agri-environmental indicators highlighted in new publication 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News OECD/EEA Launch New Database on Economic Instruments Used in Environmental Policy 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News Second meeting of the EPA network 11-12 March 2004 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News The Day After Tomorrow 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News Summary report of workshop on Global Change and the Future of Ecosystems in Europe, 10-11 June 2004 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News Saturday night fever can be fatal 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News Network of European Environment Protection Agencies<br>3rd meeting, Stirling, 9-10 September 2004 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News New scientific consensus: Arctic is warming rapidly<br>Much larger changes are projected, affecting global climate 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News Launch event: Corine Land Cover 2000 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News 10th Anniversary of the European Environment Agency 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Corine Land Cover 2000 event 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Commission consults public on action plan to reduce air pollution 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Pan-European air pollution treaty celebrated 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Climate Change - Impacts and responses 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Corine land cover 2000 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Biodiversity 2010 - Video News Release 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News EEA pays tribute to Bjarne Norup, Denmark's National Focal Point in Eionet 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News EEA launches Environmental Technology portal as a contribution to the EU's Environmental Technology Action Plan 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News The Kyoto Protocol entered into force 16 February 2005 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News EEA-boss sets focus on communication 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News EEA and Airparif aim to cooperate on air quality information 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Technology cannot solve all environmental problems 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News EEA achieves EMAS registration 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News 30 sustainable energy indicators agreed 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Eco-innovation boosts economic growth 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Skeptical environmentalist Bjorn Lomborg visits the EEA 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News EEA wins awards for audiovisual communication 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Healthy environment - top priority for Europeans 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News EEA celebrates international biodiversity day 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Arctic leaders urge further action on climate change 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Network of Heads of European Environment Protection Agencies - 4th meeting, Ljubljana, 10 - 11 March 2005 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News High visibility for the Agency at Green Week 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Europe still fighting against air pollution 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Europe must help fast growing economies meet tomorrows transport challenge 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Room for improvement in environmental policy integration 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Environmental policy integration in Europe - the role of administrations 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Honoloko goes multilingual 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Gold medal to EEA director 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News A PRELUDE to the future? 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Environmental effect on diseases could be underestimated 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Transport greenhouse gas emissions: Range of measures needed 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News On the road again - for the environment 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Denmark clean but not spotless 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Programme: EEA launch of two pilot studies on policy effectiveness 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Bioenergy future doesn't cost the earth 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News EPA network calls for greater environmental regulation 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News The Ecological Footprint: A resource accounting framework for measuring human demand on the biosphere 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Launch of the European Environment - State and Outlook 2005 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News State and outlook 2005 - Country analysis 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Successful launch of the report in Brussels. 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Europe needs to adapt to climate change 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News New European Community biodiversity portal launched 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Bleak future forecast for the Mediterranean... and Europe 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Award winning glimpse into the future 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Market-based instruments spreading across Europe 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Thirty-one becomes thirty-two 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News European early warning systems would help against natural disasters 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Air pollution from traffic is still a pressing problem for European cities 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Gold and Silver for EEA's PRELUDE Project 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News The latest success of an early report 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Member States put Emissions Trading Scheme into practice 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News High-flying plans in Graz 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Tackling climate change delivers better air quality for Europe 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Information out in the open 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Plan B: Rethinking the future 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Agency feeds debate on quality of life in European cities 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News EEA opens its doors to UN's Environment Watch proposal 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Europe's biodiversity under pressure 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Climate change awareness campaign: The Finnish start 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Bioenergy - Fuelling Europe's future? 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News EEA leaders visit Switzerland 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Summer ozone levels remain dangerously high over the Mediterranean 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Corine land cover database passes accuracy test 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Paper and cardboard waste - how to deal with it? 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News On the eve of enlargement of the EEA: 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News The Agency referees The BET between European youth and Environment Commissioner Margot Wallström 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News New report: Is the EU on target to meet its climate change commitments? 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Enlargement of the Agency a reality 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Enlargement of the Agency on course for 2001 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Environment and trade: Internet chat with Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy. 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News New report: total EU greenhouse gas emissions have fallen slightly (2%) from 1990 to 1998 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News EC CHM - The European Community Clearing House Mechanism 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Negotiations on enlargement of the European Environment Agency opened 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News What is NATLAN? 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Enlargement of the European Environment Agency 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Environment Policy of the European Union and implications for Cyprus - Nicosia - 22/23 February 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Environmental Film Festivals Symposium 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News The next five years - 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Conference on Sustainable Cities - Hanover, 9-12 February 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News New European topic centres 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Summary of EEA Management Board meeting of 20 March 2001 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Bridging the gap 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News EEA Statement on the OECD Environmental Outlook report 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News EEA expansion on course following EU ratification 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Summary of EEA Bureau meeting of 13 June 2001 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News EEA reorganises to meet new challenges 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News EEA publishes annual report for 2000 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News EEA enlarges to embrace countries in central and eastern Europe, Mediterranean 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News New-look EEA website improves accessibility 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Algal blooms disrupt holidaymakers across Europe 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News Troff document Swarming jellyfish dampening the holiday spirit 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News EEA meets its challenges 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:04 PM Published
News The inconvenient truth and you 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News 'An Inconvenient Truth' - EEA film review 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News The road from Dobříš to Belgrade 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News D source code Europe’s land cover on DVD 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Car Free Friday 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News chemical/x-mdl-rdfile PRELUDE picks up a fourth award 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Get an energy boost at the EEA during Kulturnatten 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Sulphur and nitrogen emissions continue to fall in EU-15 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News chemical/x-pdb Friends at the gates - Major success for EEA open house event. 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Octet Stream EEA member countries delivering more environmental data 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:03 PM Published
News EEA welcomes the Stern review 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News text/texmacs Proposed new classifying tools capture condition of Europe’s forests 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News D source code Updated European Pollutant Emission Register launched 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News EEA reaches European environmental management award finals 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News 1 KB 23 Oct 2012, 02:52 PM Published
News PRELUDE - interactive land use scenarios - officially launched 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News EEA workshop leads to new international activities on land and ecosystem accounting 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News The European Community submits its initial report under the Kyoto Protocol 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News chemical/x-pdb Pressure increases on Arctic environment 1 KB 17 Jul 2017, 12:14 PM Published
News Proof of climate change 'unequivocal' 1 KB 17 Jul 2017, 12:12 PM Published
News EEA fuels debate on adapting water policies to climate change 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News D source code Implementation of Emissions Trading Scheme still not fully aligned 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News chemical/x-pdb CIFAS: Good farming leads to a better environment 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Southern Europe hit by dangerous ozone levels in 2006 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News EEA takes first step in measuring European transport subsidies 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News chemical/x-pdb Green tax reform can boost eco-innovation and employment 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News D source code New water information system for Europe (WISE) unveiled 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News chemical/x-pdb Celebrating Europe and its environment 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News IPCC report — climate change impacts are a fact of life 1 KB 17 Jul 2017, 11:27 AM Published
News text/texmacs EEA offsets emissions by funding 'Gold Standard' carbon projects 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Asia and Europe — cooperating on climate change 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Action now on climate change makes economic sense 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News EU greenhouse gas emissions drop in 2005 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News C source code header Climate change the main environmental concern of European youth 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Europe's nature changing rapidly due to climate change 1 KB 17 Jul 2017, 11:53 AM Published
News Get WISE about clean bathing water 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News D source code European environmental technology atlas launched 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News x-conference/x-cooltalk Europeans hit by melting snow and ice 1 KB 17 Jul 2017, 11:51 AM Published
News Octet Stream European Topic Centre for Land Use and Spatial Information opens in Barcelona 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Better public information in European Pollutant Emission Register (EPER) 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Back to the future at Green Week 2007 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Planning to tackle climate change 1 KB 17 Jul 2017, 11:48 AM Published
News EEA takes on the ‘Siku Extreme Arctic Challenge’ 1 KB 08 May 2017, 04:24 PM Published
News D source code Agency's new eco-management ideas appreciated 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News European Commission's DG Environment is looking for high-quality candidates 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News text/texmacs St Andrews Prize for the Environment 2008 still open to entrants 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News D source code Radiation risk from everyday devices assessed 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News EEA staff walking the walk during European Mobility Week 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Major step in protecting the ozone layer 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Clear recommendations for the EU Action Plan on Sustainable Consumption and Production 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News No technical obstacles to bringing international aviation and shipping under post-Kyoto Protocol 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Experience 'Changing Climate — Changing People' during The Night of Culture in Copenhagen 2007 1 KB 17 Jul 2017, 11:54 AM Published
News Legacies of the past – opportunities for a sustainable future 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Становление устойчивого потребления и производства как основная проблема стран постсоветского пространства, в том числе бывшей Югославии — Наследие прошлого дает надежду на уверенность в будущем 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News D source code New toolkit for biodiversity conservation — SEBI 2010 set of indicators launched 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Al Gore and IPCC win Nobel Peace Prize 1 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:05 PM Published
News chemical/x-pdb No 'one size fits all' solution for European municipal waste management 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Concentrations of air pollutants constant despite drop in emissions 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News IPCC report calls for immediate action on climate change 1 KB 17 Jul 2017, 12:05 PM Published
News Pascal source code Beyond GDP — Brussels Conference 1 KB 31 Aug 2016, 03:05 PM Published
News text/texmacs Progress reducing emissions of some air pollutants 1 KB 02 Sep 2016, 01:26 PM Published
News Our Arctic Challenge 1 KB 17 Jul 2017, 12:02 PM Published
News text/texmacs Several EU Member States to miss 2010 air pollutant targets 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Pascal source code New website connects European EPAs 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Counting the cost of climate change 1 KB 08 May 2017, 04:09 PM Published
News Climate action and renewable energy package a major step forward 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Getting the most out of Europe's bioenergy potential 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Improved waste management delivering climate benefits 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Danish civil society debates EU climate proposals 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Getting an instant, sharper picture of Europe's air pollution 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Explore Europe's changing landscape 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Sharing environmental information to improve policy 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Troff document Time to step up efforts towards sustainable consumption and production, says a new report 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Witness climate change in the Arctic: watch 'Our Arctic Challenge' 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News application/x-troff-me Greenhouse gases: Member States shaping up reporting under the Emission Trading Scheme 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Discover Europe's landscape through satellite and ground-level pictures 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Six success stories on improving environmental performance of road transport in Europe 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News D source code President Pöttering visits the EEA: climate change — a 'shared top priority' 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Suspend 10 percent biofuels target, says EEA's scientific advisory body 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Pascal source code Become an undercover agent to defend the environment in a comic strip 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News More transparent data on EU's greenhouse gas emissions 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Sustainable use of forests is a must for halting biodiversity loss 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News chemical/x-mdl-rdfile 'Our Arctic Challenge' wins audience award for best documentary 1 KB 17 Jul 2017, 11:48 AM Published
News EEA unveils preliminary EU inventory of greenhouse gas emissions 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Octet Stream Challenges ahead for South-East Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Ozone levels last summer lowest in a decade 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News text/texmacs High potential to cut air pollution from Europe's power plants 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News PostScript document EEA and Microsoft will bring environmental information to your fingertips 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Bridging the Gap between scientists and policy-makers 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News text/texmacs More EU Member States to miss 2010 air pollutant limits 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News text/texmacs Europe cannot halt the loss of biodiversity without sustainable use of forests 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Understanding the full value of biodiversity loss 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Plain Text Check last year's water quality in your favourite bathing spot 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Taming Goliath — tackling consumption patterns 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News EEA reports on progress in greenhouse gas emissions reductions in 2006 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Biodiversity indicators SEBI 2010 among the 'best ideas to save nature' 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Reducing the environmental impact of our activities 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Troff document Climate change targets: 350 ppm and the EU two-degree target 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News text/texmacs Greening European transport consumption: change user behaviour and set carbon targets 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Environmental taxes on aggregate materials in the EU: towards sustainable construction 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News St Andrews Prize for the Environment 2009 open for submissions 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News European Green Capital Award: how green is your town? 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News C source code Ireland takes a glimpse of climate change in the Arctic 1 KB 04 May 2017, 03:17 PM Published
News Heading for your favourite beach? Is the bathing water clean? 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Transport remains main source of health-damaging pollutants 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Sustainable water management: better information for better choices 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Are you an eco traveller? 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Kopernikus to take environmental monitoring one step further 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Consumption patterns need to change to cope with growing cities 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Europe is losing biodiversity — even in protected areas 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News How to optimise the use of bioenergy for Europe’s climate efforts 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News chemical/x-pdb EEA wins award for its environment friendly management 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Aarhus Convention: empowering citizens 10 years on 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Troff document EU to exceed air pollutant limit due to growth in road transport 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News D source code Climate change conference opens in Poland 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Policy makers must address transport demand in Europe 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Informing. Interpreting. Empowering. 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Europe’s first Green Capitals: Stockholm and Hamburg 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News How clean is Europe's air? 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News EEA co-hosts media-environment conference 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Octet Stream A first glimpse at 2008 emissions trading data 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Europe must grasp the true value of biodiversity 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News C source code header Biodiversity loss and climate change: the need for an ecosystem approach 1 KB 08 May 2017, 03:38 PM Published
News Troff document Cherishing the variety of life on our planet 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News EEA awarded for its contribution to environment policy 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News World Environment Day – Friday 5 June: your planet needs you! 1 KB 17 Jul 2017, 11:12 AM Published
News chemical/x-pdb Landfilling down as Europe shifts to better waste management 1 KB 20 Feb 2017, 03:58 PM Published
News PostScript document Everything about your favourite beach is now at your fingertips 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News "Climate change: act and adapt" at Green Week 2009 1 KB 08 May 2017, 02:14 PM Published
News A greener music festival in Roskilde 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News chemical/x-pdb St Andrews Prize 2010: are you doing something for the environment? 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Assessing biodiversity — where does Europe stand? 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Ozone pollution is declining — but not everywhere 1 KB 20 Feb 2017, 03:57 PM Published
News Forest fires in Southern Europe destroy much more than trees 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News In memory of Svend Auken 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Emissions of air pollutants down in EU-27 1 KB 20 Feb 2017, 03:55 PM Published
News New estimates confirm the declining trend in EU greenhouse gas emissions 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News chemical/x-pdb Effectiveness of EU cohesion spending on the environment 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News application/x-internet-signup The Alps: Europe’s cherished but endangered mountains 1 KB 17 Jul 2017, 11:11 AM Published
News Troff document Best way to get around: bicycle, car or on foot? 1 KB 20 Feb 2017, 03:55 PM Published
News Pascal source code EEA joins forces with European Water Partnership 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News text/texmacs EU set to miss 2010 air pollutant limits 1 KB 20 Feb 2017, 03:54 PM Published
News EEA kicks off public activities in the run-up to COP15 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News COP15 is on: let's talk climate change 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News text/texmacs Bend the trend — every small act counts 1 KB 08 May 2017, 03:23 PM Published
News Biodiversity is life. Biodiversity is our life. 1 KB 08 May 2017, 03:28 PM Published
News chemical/x-mdl-rdfile COP15: outcomes and the way forward 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News EEA's input to post-2010 biodiversity policy 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News EEA set to improve data flows for GMES 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Summer ozone: record low concentrations in 2009 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Better targeted agricultural spending could enhance biodiversity protection 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Marine biodiversity: life in seas under threat 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Everything about fresh water in Europe 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Biodiversity and forest ecosystems in Europe 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Check out Europe's 'Urban Atlas' 1 KB 20 Feb 2017, 03:52 PM Published
News application/x-troff-me How can waste policy contribute to a resource-efficient economy? 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Volcanic ash is having little impact on Europe's air quality 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Troff document Europe to exceed air pollutant emission limits – NOx in particular 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News How will the Western Balkans shape its environmental future? 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Europe in bloom: a living façade adds life to central Copenhagen 1 KB 20 Feb 2017, 03:48 PM Published
News BISE and baseline: new tools to combat biodiversity loss in Europe 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Reconnect with Europe's nature on World Environment Day 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Take a look at your water environment 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News How Europe's agriculture can boost biodiversity 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Europe's mountains: rich in biodiversity but increasingly vulnerable 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News D source code Emissions of sulphur oxides and ozone-forming pollutants fall significantly 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Europe's coasts: reconciling development and conservation 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Recession accelerates the decline in EU greenhouse gas emissions 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Putting a value on nature 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Troff document Taking a closer look at Europe's renewable energy plans for 2020 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Recognising the true value of Europe's mountains 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News European Mobility Week 2010: travel smarter, live better 1 KB 20 Feb 2017, 03:48 PM Published
News D source code Air pollutant emissions to exceed limits 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News D source code Protecting Europe's cultural landscapes and biodiversity heritage 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Biodiversity in Europe: policy scope must be widened for effective conservation 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Biodiversity beyond 2010: deciding the way ahead 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Troff document Discovering what lies beneath our feet 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News C source code header COP10: Nature talks ended with three inter-linked goals 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Teaming up to cut noise across Europe 1 KB 25 Aug 2016, 10:46 AM Published
News D source code EEA to enhance cooperation with Greenland 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News image/x-jg COP16: climate change talks start in Mexico 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News COP16: Climate talks set the way forward 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News D source code Biodiversity year comes to end, the challenge remains 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Has policy improved Europe's air quality? 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News text/texmacs Disasters in Europe: more frequent and causing more damage 1 KB 08 May 2017, 04:13 PM Published
News Renewable energy production must grow fast to reach the 2020 target 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News UNEP report maps the pathways to a green economy 1 KB 31 Aug 2016, 02:46 PM Published
News World Forest Day highlights multiple threats on forests 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News PostScript document Europe's water information at your fingertips 1 KB 20 Feb 2017, 03:46 PM Published
News Nuclear accident in Japan: where to get up-to-date information 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Land use conflicts necessitate integrated policy 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Searching for noise solutions on awareness day 1 KB 25 Aug 2016, 10:43 AM Published
News Greening the economy – preparing for a new Earth Summit in Rio 1 KB 10 Jan 2018, 03:33 PM Published
News Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Troff document How to manage the planet within its limits 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News OpenDocument Spreadsheet A walk in the woods on May 22 - International Biodiversity Day 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Using resources more efficiently: Green Week 2011 1 KB 31 Aug 2016, 02:45 PM Published
News chemical/x-pdb Commission and EEA sign agreement to provide detailed information on land cover in Europe 1 KB 08 May 2017, 04:07 PM Published
News EU to exceed nitrogen oxides emission ceiling, mostly due to road transport 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Taking stock of our resource use on World Environment Day – 5 June 2011 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News More efforts required to reduce ozone pollution in Europe 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News text/texmacs Greenland is stepping up its efforts to improve waste management 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News The search is now on for European Green Capital 2014 1 KB 20 Feb 2017, 03:44 PM Published
News Environment Commissioner and Danish Minister meet 80,000 workers at the EEA 1 KB 20 Feb 2017, 03:45 PM Published
News Carbon efficiency of new cars is increasing 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News text/x-sh Hazardous substances in Europe’s fresh and marine waters – an overview 1 KB 02 Sep 2016, 12:04 PM Published
News Octet Stream Changing environmental governance in a changing world 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News chemical/x-pdb Water quality and wastewater treatment — WISE interactive maps updated 1 KB 20 Feb 2017, 03:41 PM Published
News Troff document Recession contributes to air pollutant emissions decrease in 2009 1 KB 20 Feb 2017, 03:37 PM Published
News Big potential of cutting greenhouse gases from waste 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Increasing fragmentation of landscape threatens European wildlife 1 KB 20 Feb 2017, 03:36 PM Published
News Green budgets: the potential for economic instruments to power environmental change 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Environmental information network extends across Europe, Central Asia and Russian Federation 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Using models for air quality assessment and planning: a guide 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News object code From efficient water use to quitting fossil fuels – survey shows different approaches to resource efficiency across Europe 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Health risks from mobile phone radiation – why the experts disagree 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Common Agricultural Policy reform – reducing the impact of farming 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News chemical/x-pdb New film on waste management in Greenland 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Building better environmental policy by looking into the future 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Assessing climate change impacts in the Pyrenees 1 KB 08 May 2017, 03:16 PM Published
News Ozone and particulates most serious air quality problems in Europe 1 KB 20 Feb 2017, 03:34 PM Published
News Troff document Cutting noise with quiet asphalt and traffic lane management 1 KB 25 Aug 2016, 10:40 AM Published
News D source code Carbon capture and storage could also impact air pollution 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News New IPCC report addresses risks of extreme events and disasters 1 KB 15 Dec 2016, 06:44 PM Published
News Huge renewable energy growth this decade, if EU countries meet projections 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Noise levels across Europe now mapped by new EEA application 1 KB 25 Aug 2016, 10:39 AM Published
News Recycling industry can boost the European economy 1 KB 15 Jul 2016, 11:32 AM Published
News Homes responsible for one quarter of European greenhouse emissions from energy 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Global initiative for sharing information takes off at Eye on Earth Summit 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News COP17 climate talks: Mapping the way towards a legal framework by 2015 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Most carmakers must further improve carbon efficiency by 2015 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News D source code Economic growth must be decoupled from environmental harm – the EEA evaluates findings from 2011 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Environmental tax reform: increasing individual incomes and boosting innovation 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Greenland’s Health Ministry signs cooperation agreement with EEA 1 KB 17 Jul 2017, 10:16 AM Published
News Vacancy notice now published for EEA Executive Director - to take office June 2013 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News chemical/x-mdl-rdfile Soil protection critical for Europe's economy and ecosystems 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News D source code Air pollutant emission limits exceeded in twelve EU Member States 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Unsustainable consumption – the mother of all environmental issues? 1 KB 15 Jul 2016, 11:31 AM Published
News More effort needed to reduce summer ozone 1 KB 20 Feb 2017, 03:33 PM Published
News chemical/x-isostar Major new website to assist with climate change adaptation in Europe 1 KB 15 Dec 2016, 05:34 PM Published
News What money can't buy - UN discusses happiness as a measure of progress 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News object code Vote for your favourite video in our competition! 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News chemical/x-pdb Creating a quiet environment 1 KB 20 Feb 2017, 03:32 PM Published
News Rio 2012 is an opportunity to move towards a green economy 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News D source code Generation ’92 video competition: And the winners are... 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Troff document Water: how can we account for our most vital resource? 1 KB 15 Jul 2016, 11:31 AM Published
News Octet Stream Do we live in a 'green economy'? New report assesses progress in Europe 1 KB 15 Jul 2016, 11:30 AM Published
News Troff document Building the future we want – new report launched on World Environment Day 1 KB 15 Jul 2016, 11:30 AM Published
News C source code header World remains on unsustainable path – UNEP report on eve of Rio+20 Summit 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Europe's demand for resources reaching far beyond its borders 1 KB 15 Jul 2016, 11:28 AM Published
News European consumption still highly unsustainable, despite efficiency gains 1 KB 15 Jul 2016, 11:28 AM Published
News object code Rio+20 – time to rethink the way we use natural resources 1 KB 15 Jul 2016, 11:27 AM Published
News New cars sold in 2011 were 3.3 % more fuel efficient than those sold in 2010 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Troff document Rio+20 agreement - a modest step in the right direction 1 KB 15 Jul 2016, 11:26 AM Published
News Octet Stream Nitrogen oxide emissions still a major problem in Europe 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Troff document Copenhagen beats Bristol and Frankfurt to win European Green Capital 2014 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News D source code Sahara dust, sea spray and fires contribute to bad air quality 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News ECRINS map project pinpoints water information in Europe 1 KB 15 Jul 2016, 11:23 AM Published
News Eleven Member States exceed air emissions limits under LRTAP Convention 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Deputy Director Gordon McInnes retires after 20 years at the EEA 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News EEA seeks five new members of its Scientific Committee 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Avoiding harmful ozone pollution this summer 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News How vulnerable could your city be to climate impacts? 1 KB 17 Jul 2017, 10:14 AM Published
News Managing water and human activities together 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News European Union's total greenhouse emissions down 2.5 % in 2011 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Potent greenhouse gases – fluorinated gases in the European Union 1 KB 02 Sep 2016, 11:48 AM Published
News European Mobility Week 2012: Moving in the right direction 1 KB 25 Aug 2016, 10:37 AM Published
News Capture the invisible for the EEA photo story competition 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Measuring biodiversity with indicators – new report describes SEBI approach 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Pascal source code Europe still playing catch-up on air pollution, despite reduction successes 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News object code Protected areas have increased to cover one fifth of Europe’s land 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News EU exporting more waste, including hazardous waste 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Berlin park wins award for its soundscape design 1 KB 25 Aug 2016, 10:31 AM Published
News More than half of EU surface waters below ‘good’ ecological status 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Europe's air story told in pictures 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Europe using less ozone-damaging chemicals 1 KB 02 Sep 2016, 11:46 AM Published
News Most car manufacturers on track to meet 2012 CO2 targets 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News object code EEA land cover data to be used in mobile phone maps 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Hans Bruyninckx selected as new EEA Executive Director to take office 1 June 2013 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Households and industry responsible for half of EU greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News 2013: Kicking off the ‘Year of Air’ 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Fewer summer ozone peaks in 2012, but levels still harmful 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Invasive alien species: a growing problem for environment and health 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Climate change and flood risk in European cities 1 KB 08 May 2017, 03:53 PM Published
News How to measure environmental pressures from production and consumption? 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News application/java-serialized-object Eye on Earth First User Conference: A real eye opener 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News International shipping should cut air pollutants and greenhouse gases together 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Troff document Independent evaluation commends EEA impact and efficiency 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Can we save energy by changing our behaviour? 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Every breath we take – Signals 2013 focuses on air quality in Europe 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News The European Soundscape Award 2013 - open for applications 1 KB 25 Aug 2016, 10:30 AM Published
News Consumers buying more efficient cars in Europe 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Neonicotinoid pesticides are a huge risk – so ban is welcome, says EEA 1 KB 02 Sep 2016, 11:45 AM Published
News Green fiscal reform can create jobs and stimulate innovation across the EU 1 KB 31 Aug 2016, 02:42 PM Published
News Octet Stream Is there a protected area near you? Find out on UN Biodiversity Day 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Octet Stream Jacqueline McGlade leaves the EEA after 10 years as Executive Director 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Europe’s environment now healthier – but new risks emerging 1 KB 02 Sep 2016, 11:44 AM Published
News What does waste look like? Photo, cartoon and video competition 1 KB 31 Aug 2016, 02:41 PM Published
News text/texmacs New director Hans Bruyninckx starts work at the EEA 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News World Environment Day: Why is the environment important? 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Flood risk in Europe: the long-term outlook 1 KB 16 Dec 2016, 02:50 PM Published
News Putting clean air laws in to practice – report shows potential for improvement 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Van manufacturers must make new models more efficient by 2020 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Our Natural Europe: conservation stories show importance of local action 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News EU meets most international air pollutant emissions limits, further cuts possible 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News chemical/x-mdl-rdfile Biodiversity-rich Croatia becomes 33rd full EEA member country 1 KB 02 Oct 2017, 03:52 PM Published
News Urban sprawl eating into wildlife habitats in Europe 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Populations of grassland butterflies decline almost 50 % over two decades 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News chemical/x-pdb An overview of EU environment policy targets and objectives 1 KB 08 May 2017, 02:56 PM Published
News Blue-green algae - check the water before you swim 1 KB 02 Oct 2017, 03:52 PM Published
News Marine litter – a growing threat worldwide 1 KB 02 Oct 2017, 03:52 PM Published
News Hot summer weather exacerbating ozone pollution 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News River Rhine commended for river basin management 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Water: Charging full cost can encourage more efficient use 1 KB 31 Aug 2016, 02:12 PM Published
News IPCC report provides new evidence of climate change 1 KB 17 Jul 2017, 10:07 AM Published
News Use of climate-forcing F-gases underlines need for innovation 1 KB 13 Jan 2017, 03:34 PM Published
News All larger carmakers met CO2 targets in 2012 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Campaigning for the use of low-noise tyres 1 KB 25 Aug 2016, 10:28 AM Published
News EU satellite data to be freely available 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News chemical/x-pdb Competing demands on Europe's environment undermining human well-being 1 KB 31 Aug 2016, 02:36 PM Published
News chemical/x-pdb Global megatrends shaping Europe's environment 1 KB 17 Jul 2017, 10:05 AM Published
News D source code Black carbon: Better monitoring needed to assess health and climate change impacts 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News An artistic view of Europe's waste – EEA announces competition winners 1 KB 15 Jan 2019, 05:11 PM Published
News CO2 emissions from new vans – revised data 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News text/texmacs CO2 emissions calculations: explaining concepts and methodologies 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Water: nutrient and heavy metal pollution 'decoupling' from growth 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Octet Stream New Year, new focus: EEA priorities in 2014 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News A summary of the Year of Air – what we know about air pollution in 2013 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Bat populations recovering, according to largest ever European study 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News application/x-troff-ms Mapping habitats to describe ecosystems 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News New mobile phone app will help track marine litter 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Ten things everyone should know about Europe's productive seas 1 KB 17 Jul 2017, 10:03 AM Published
News New mapping method for 'green infrastructure', Europe's vital natural areas 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Summer ozone at harmful levels in 2013 1 KB 20 Feb 2017, 03:29 PM Published
News Very high air pollution levels across Western Europe 1 KB 20 Feb 2017, 03:29 PM Published
News application/x-troff-ms Eight facts about Europe’s forest ecosystems 1 KB 15 Jul 2016, 11:20 AM Published
News Troff document Eleven countries exceed air pollutant emission limits 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News IPCC report shows growing risks from already-present climate change 1 KB 17 Jul 2017, 10:02 AM Published
News chemical/x-mdl-rdfile Environmental innovation award - winners announced 1 KB 08 Jun 2020, 07:38 PM Published
News Climate change: immediate action is the best economic option 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Finding Europe's quiet areas 1 KB 20 Feb 2017, 03:28 PM Published
News Troff document New cars meet CO2 target two years ahead of the deadline 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News ‘Environment & Me’ photo competition open for entries 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Soil contamination widespread in Europe 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Let's clean up Europe! 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Improving transparency in water services 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Reducing pollution in the southern Mediterranean 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News chemical/x-pdb New vans more fuel efficient 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Explore nature across Europe on Biodiversity Day 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Towards better tools for decision-making – EEA indicators and accounts 1 KB 31 Aug 2016, 02:38 PM Published
News Signals 2014: Our well-being depends on a resource-efficient, circular economy 1 KB 31 Aug 2016, 02:40 PM Published
News Ljubljana wins European Green Capital Award for 2016 1 KB 20 Feb 2017, 03:27 PM Published
News Air pollution still harming Europe's ecosystems, despite reduced emissions 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Magic or recycling? 1 KB 11 Jan 2019, 02:51 PM Published
News Europe’s climate continues to change 1 KB 08 May 2017, 04:32 PM Published
News Octet Stream New Chair of the EEA Management Board takes up duty 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Europe successfully phasing out known ozone layer-harming chemicals 1 KB 13 Jan 2017, 03:33 PM Published
News Climate-forcing F-gases – new report published 1 KB 13 Jan 2017, 03:33 PM Published
News Reducing noise pollution - success stories 1 KB 25 Aug 2016, 10:25 AM Published
News object code Extreme weather driving countries to adapt to climate change 1 KB 15 Dec 2016, 05:22 PM Published
News object code Vote for your favourite environmental photo 1 KB 11 Jan 2018, 03:26 PM Published
News D source code Production and consumption systems need fundamental rethink 1 KB 11 Jan 2018, 03:27 PM Published
News Abundant 'natural capital' in Europe's faraway lands 1 KB 02 Oct 2017, 04:03 PM Published
News River basin management relies on effective public participation 1 KB 15 Jul 2016, 11:18 AM Published
News Car and van makers continue to meet CO2 emission targets ahead of schedule 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News River Mur recognised for effective river basin management 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Protected areas cover a quarter of Europe's land and almost 6 % of regional seas 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News EEA signs agreement to work with Copernicus programme 1 KB 20 Feb 2017, 03:26 PM Published
News Not just dirt: the importance of soil 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News More action needed to reduce transport's environmental impact 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News object code Europe's transport network vulnerable to climate change 1 KB 20 Feb 2017, 03:25 PM Published
News Energy support policies: putting the EU on a low-carbon path? 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News D source code Environment & Me: photo competition winners announced 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Renewables successfully driving down carbon emissions in Europe 1 KB 13 Jan 2017, 03:32 PM Published
News Waste prevention: decoupling waste generation from economic growth 1 KB 04 Jul 2018, 03:35 PM Published
News A quarter of Europe’s population exposed to harmful traffic noise 1 KB 20 Feb 2017, 03:24 PM Published
News Europe’s green economy and other stories: what you may have missed in 2014 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News New cars’ CO2 emissions well below Europe’s 2015 target 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Building a shared environmental information system with Eastern neighbours 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Ozone pollution in Europe: fewer alert days but concentrations still high 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Sharing knowledge on climate change adaptation 1 KB 20 Feb 2017, 03:23 PM Published
News New vans sold in Europe are increasingly more fuel-efficient 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News State of nature in the EU: biodiversity still being eroded, but some local improvements observed 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Cherishing nature: World Biodiversity Day 1 KB 15 Jul 2016, 11:15 AM Published
News Picture2050: new photo competition now open for submissions 1 KB 02 Sep 2016, 02:24 PM Published
News Green Week: stakeholders put nature in the spotlight 1 KB 15 Jul 2016, 11:13 AM Published
News object code How vulnerable are cities to climate change? 1 KB 20 Feb 2017, 03:22 PM Published
News Troff document Many European countries' air pollutant emissions above legal limits 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Living in a changing climate 1 KB 02 Oct 2017, 04:02 PM Published
News Troff document Air pollutant emissions declining, but still above limits 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Strengthening cooperation on Earth observation and the environment 1 KB 11 Jan 2018, 03:27 PM Published
News Troff document Europe continues to phase out ozone layer-damaging chemicals 1 KB 02 Sep 2016, 11:39 AM Published
News Can nature help reduce the impacts of climate change? 1 KB 20 Feb 2017, 03:21 PM Published
News OpenDocument Spreadsheet Forests can help prevent floods and droughts 1 KB 17 Jul 2017, 09:46 AM Published
News Protecting marine life in Europe’s seas 1 KB 02 Oct 2017, 04:02 PM Published
News Picture2050: and the winners are… 1 KB 31 Aug 2016, 02:01 PM Published
News CO2 emissions from new vehicles in Europe continued to decrease in 2014 1 KB 06 Dec 2016, 03:20 PM Published
News Climate change adaptation in Europe: tracking progress and sharing know-how 1 KB 08 May 2017, 03:49 PM Published
News Waste prevention: where do European countries stand? 1 KB 31 Aug 2016, 01:59 PM Published
News Phase-down of fluorinated gases essential to reduce effect on climate 1 KB 13 Jan 2017, 03:32 PM Published
News Pascal source code Resource-efficient cities: vital step towards urban sustainability in Europe 1 KB 20 Feb 2017, 03:21 PM Published
News Technological solutions and behavioural change needed to decarbonise transport 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Circular economy to have considerable benefits, but challenges remain 1 KB 31 Aug 2016, 01:57 PM Published
News Floodplain management: reducing flood risks and restoring healthy ecosystems 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Explaining vehicle emissions – why do laboratory and road measurements differ? 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:46 PM Published
News Europe’s grasslands, woodlands, and marine areas face increased threats 1 KB 13 Jan 2017, 03:25 PM Published
News Renewables increasingly curbing reliance on fossil fuels 1 KB 06 Dec 2016, 03:20 PM Published
News object code Is Europe doing enough to ensure long-term health of forests? 1 KB 15 Jul 2016, 11:12 AM Published
News Is Europe's freshwater use sustainable? 1 KB 20 Feb 2017, 03:18 PM Published
News Reported CO2 emissions from new cars continue to fall 1 KB 06 Dec 2016, 03:20 PM Published
News Take part in our photography competition ‘My City’ 1 KB 20 Feb 2017, 04:03 PM Published
News More action required to protect soil in the city 1 KB 15 Jul 2016, 11:35 AM Published
News Better integration of land use impacts needed across EU policies 1 KB 21 Jun 2016, 03:45 PM Published
News Reduction of CO2 emissions from new vans slowed in 2015 1 KB 11 Jul 2016, 03:13 PM Published
News object code Better targeted measures needed to tackle urban sprawl in Europe 1 KB 20 Feb 2017, 03:18 PM Published
News text/texmacs Resource efficiency in Europe: benefits of doing more with less 1 KB 31 Aug 2016, 01:54 PM Published
News C source code header Ten EU countries continue to breach National Emission Ceilings Directive limits 1 KB 24 May 2018, 11:06 AM Published
News Communication tools can foster greener behaviour 1 KB 22 Feb 2017, 03:57 PM Published
News Mapping Europe’s quiet areas 1 KB 24 May 2018, 11:06 AM Published
News Troff document EU greenhouse gas emissions at lowest level since 1990 1 KB 06 Dec 2016, 03:20 PM Published
News Towards clean and smart mobility 1 KB 29 Jun 2016, 12:49 PM Published
News Air pollution from agriculture: EU exceeds international limit in 2014 1 KB 06 Jul 2016, 11:38 AM Published
News object code Building resilient cities key to tackling effects of climate change 1 KB 22 Feb 2017, 03:56 PM Published
News Octet Stream Designing tax systems for a green economy transition 1 KB 22 Oct 2019, 02:11 PM Published
News Europe reduced use of ozone layer-harming chemicals in 2015 1 KB 16 Sep 2016, 11:49 AM Published
News Electric vehicles will help the shift toward EU's green transport future 1 KB 30 Nov 2018, 10:11 AM Published
News text/texmacs Decommissioning fossil fuel power plants between now and 2030 essential for Europe’s low carbon future 1 KB 06 Dec 2016, 03:20 PM Published
News Surplus emission permits start decreasing in the EU’s emissions trading system 1 KB 06 Dec 2016, 03:20 PM Published
News D source code Fish to fork: a need to implement changes in the food system 1 KB 04 Oct 2017, 03:27 PM Published
News Restoring European rivers and lakes in cities improves quality of life 1 KB 20 Feb 2017, 03:13 PM Published
News Milan, Uherský Brod, Nicosia take top prizes in ‘My City’ photo competition 1 KB 20 Feb 2017, 04:00 PM Published
News object code EU firmly on course to reach 2020 target, despite a slight increase in greenhouse gas emissions in 2015 1 KB 06 Dec 2016, 03:20 PM Published
News object code Less household waste going to landfill in Europe 1 KB 22 Feb 2017, 03:56 PM Published
News D source code Stronger measures needed to tackle harm from air pollution 1 KB 26 Apr 2018, 03:39 PM Published
News Quality of Europe’s water for people’s use has improved, but challenges remain to keep it clean and healthy 1 KB 30 Nov 2016, 10:47 AM Published
News Renewables continue to grow in the EU, but Member States need to step up ambition on energy savings 1 KB 07 Dec 2016, 10:40 AM Published
News Innovations across Europe lead way towards sustainable future 1 KB 17 Feb 2017, 03:38 PM Published
News Land recycling helps Europe to maintain its land resource 1 KB 03 Aug 2017, 10:22 AM Published
News object code More action is needed to protect the natural environment and people’s health 1 KB 08 Dec 2016, 02:24 PM Published
News Fluorinated gases continue to be phased down in Europe 1 KB 13 Dec 2016, 09:41 AM Published
News D source code TERM 2016: Fundamental changes needed for sustainable mobility 1 KB 14 Dec 2016, 10:51 AM Published
News D source code CO2 emissions from cars and vans: all larger manufacturers met their 2015 targets 1 KB 17 Jan 2018, 12:16 PM Published
News European hazardous waste management improving, but its prevention needs attention 1 KB 04 Jul 2018, 03:35 PM Published
News Climate change poses increasingly severe risks for ecosystems, human health and the economy in Europe 1 KB 17 Feb 2017, 03:50 PM Published
News Klimatske promjene predstavljaju sve veći rizik za ekosustave, ljudsko zdravlje i gospodarstvo u Europi 1 KB 17 Feb 2017, 03:50 PM Published
News Cities taking action, learning from each other to adapt to climate change 1 KB 08 Mar 2017, 11:25 AM Published
News object code What does nature mean to you? NATURE@work photo competition launched 1 KB 16 Mar 2017, 02:34 PM Published
News Renewables assuming greater role in the EU energy mix, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 1 KB 03 Apr 2017, 10:29 AM Published
News Road traffic remains biggest source of noise pollution in Europe 1 KB 24 Apr 2017, 09:02 AM Published
News Fuel efficiency improvements of new cars in Europe slowed in 2016 1 KB 24 Apr 2017, 09:38 AM Published
News Carbon dioxide emissions from new vans in Europe continued to fall in 2016 1 KB 27 Jun 2017, 03:00 PM Published
News Application of EU’s Emissions Trading System rules improving 1 KB 14 Feb 2018, 09:56 AM Published
News chemical/x-pdb More European sites meet excellent bathing water quality standards than ever before 1 KB 31 May 2017, 01:36 PM Published
News Celebrating and protecting biodiversity 1 KB 22 May 2017, 12:21 PM Published
News D source code EU greenhouse gas emissions from transport increase for the second year in a row 1 KB 01 Jun 2017, 12:18 PM Published
News PGP keys Smarter products and services key to resource-efficient, circular economy 1 KB 06 Jun 2017, 10:09 AM Published
News European action can help ease pressure on threatened Arctic environment 1 KB 04 Oct 2017, 03:28 PM Published
News Better mix of measures including pricing and awareness campaigns key to improving sustainable water use 1 KB 04 Jul 2017, 09:44 AM Published
News Air pollution in Europe: Countries struggle to meet emission limits due to emissions from agriculture and transport 1 KB 30 Jun 2017, 04:27 PM Published
News Rapid action needed on climate financing to meet low-carbon targets 1 KB 06 Jul 2017, 10:17 AM Published
News Coal-fired power plants remain top industrial polluters in Europe 1 KB 07 Jul 2017, 03:53 PM Published
News Octet Stream Air pollution from agriculture: ammonia exceeds emission limits in 2015 1 KB 12 Jul 2017, 02:30 PM Published
News Shaping the future of energy in Europe 1 KB 29 Aug 2017, 11:50 AM Published
News Pascal source code Ireland’s Laura Burke takes up new post as European Environment Agency’s (EEA) Management Board Chair 1 KB 01 Sep 2017, 09:57 AM Published
News Unsustainable land use threatens European landscapes 1 KB 07 Sep 2017, 11:23 AM Published
News EU companies cut further the use of chemicals harmful to ozone layer 1 KB 14 Sep 2017, 10:55 AM Published
News NATURE@work competition: Vote for your favourite photos 1 KB 15 Sep 2017, 09:54 AM Published
News Improving air quality in European cities will bring major health benefits 1 KB 26 Apr 2018, 03:41 PM Published
News Shift to sustainable food system in Europe is possible, but faces challenges 1 KB 14 Nov 2019, 11:59 AM Published
News Preparing Europe for climate change: coordination is key to reduce risks posed by extreme weather 1 KB 17 Oct 2017, 09:51 AM Published
News Photo competition winners: European landscapes, flora and fauna 1 KB 27 Oct 2017, 10:01 AM Published
News Greenhouse gas emissions across EU drop slightly in 2016 1 KB 09 Nov 2017, 03:22 PM Published
News chemical/x-pdb European Air Quality Index: current air quality information at your finger tips 1 KB 16 Nov 2017, 11:47 AM Published
News Restoring floodplains and wetlands offer value-for-money solution to river flooding 1 KB 20 Nov 2017, 02:35 PM Published
News object code EU still on track to meet targets on renewables and energy efficiency but progress slowing down 1 KB 24 Nov 2017, 12:48 PM Published
News Critical gaps remain in Europe’s environmental performance despite improvements 1 KB 30 Nov 2017, 11:57 AM Published
News Video competition: Share your green actions 1 KB 03 Jan 2018, 09:52 AM Published
News Natječaj za najbolji videofilm: Predstavite svoje „zelene” akcije 1 KB 03 Jan 2018, 09:52 AM Published
News TERM 2017: mixed progress for Europe’s transport sector in meeting environment, climate goals 1 KB 19 Nov 2018, 10:40 AM Published
News Tracking the environmental performance of industry in Europe: new interactive country profiles 1 KB 06 Dec 2017, 11:59 AM Published
News EU fluorinated gases phase-down remains on track 1 KB 14 Feb 2018, 09:56 AM Published
News Troff document Car and van manufacturers meet CO2 emission targets for 2016 1 KB 28 Mar 2019, 11:14 AM Published
News Renewables accounted for vast majority of new EU power capacity in 2016 1 KB 15 Dec 2017, 07:56 PM Published
News D source code Europe’s transport sector: Aviation and shipping face big challenges in reducing environmental impacts 1 KB 31 Jan 2018, 09:55 AM Published
News Achieving a sustainable, low-carbon future will be a huge challenge for European society 1 KB 14 Mar 2018, 08:59 AM Published
News object code World Water Day: Turning to nature for solutions 1 KB 22 Mar 2018, 10:44 AM Published
News Photo competition: Send us your best water pictures 1 KB 13 Apr 2018, 02:13 PM Published
News Tax breaks and incentives make Europeans buy cleaner cars 1 KB 24 Sep 2019, 10:22 AM Published
News Fotografski natječaj: Pošaljite nam svoje najbolje fotografije vode 1 KB 13 Apr 2018, 02:13 PM Published
News No improvements on average CO2 emissions from new cars in 2017 1 KB 23 Apr 2018, 11:47 AM Published
News Adapting to climate change: European countries assess vulnerability and risks 1 KB 24 Apr 2018, 10:41 AM Published
News Adapting to climate change: European countries assess vulnerability and risks 1 KB 30 Aug 2019, 10:02 AM Published
News object code Vote for best ‘I LIVE GREEN’ videos 1 KB 01 May 2018, 09:45 AM Published
News New vans sold in Europe in 2017: large decrease in annual average CO2 emissions 1 KB 17 May 2018, 12:01 PM Published
News Bringing Europe's Natura 2000 sites to your pocket 1 KB 23 May 2018, 09:21 AM Published
News Environmental pressures from industry’s heavy metal pollution decreasing 1 KB 29 May 2018, 07:23 PM Published
News Good news for holiday makers: excellent water quality at vast majority of European bathing sites 1 KB 30 May 2018, 12:20 PM Published
News Small cut in EU's total greenhouse gas emissions in 2016 but transport emissions keep increasing 1 KB 04 Jun 2018, 02:41 PM Published
News Winners of I LIVE GREEN video competition selected 1 KB 05 Jun 2018, 09:14 AM Published
News object code EU’s Climate-ADAPT found to be a key tool for adaptation in Europe 1 KB 06 Jun 2018, 02:05 PM Published
News New data collected by citizens: Cigarette butts and filters the most common pieces of litter on Europe’s beaches 1 KB 08 Jun 2018, 10:43 AM Published
News Product reuse and longer lifespans hold untapped potential to cut waste in Europe 1 KB 14 Nov 2019, 03:42 PM Published
News Troff document European waters getting cleaner, but big challenges remain 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 11:15 AM Published
News Countries give only limited information on the results of their policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 1 KB 05 Jul 2018, 10:00 AM Published
News Troff document Air pollution: agriculture and transport emissions continue to pose problems in meeting agreed limits 1 KB 16 Aug 2018, 02:06 PM Published
News Integrating circular economy and bioeconomy would improve sustainability in Europe 1 KB 14 Nov 2019, 03:40 PM Published
News Water in Europe means life, health, food, leisure, energy and more 1 KB 30 Aug 2018, 10:24 AM Published
News Vote for your favourite WaterPIX finalist photos 1 KB 14 Sep 2018, 03:28 PM Published
News Europe continues to phase out substances harmful to the ozone layer under the Montreal Protocol 1 KB 14 Sep 2018, 10:13 AM Published
News Mercury pollution remains a problem in Europe and globally 1 KB 19 Sep 2018, 11:16 AM Published
News D source code WaterPIX photo competition winners announced 1 KB 23 Oct 2018, 11:33 AM Published
News C source code header Air pollution still too high across Europe 1 KB 26 Feb 2019, 03:36 PM Published
News Increase in EU greenhouse gas emissions hampers progress towards 2030 targets 1 KB 26 Oct 2018, 02:04 PM Published
News Troff document EU reaches the Aichi target of protecting ten percent of Europe's seas 1 KB 29 Oct 2018, 02:33 PM Published
News Restoring floodplains would improve state of water, ecosystems and climate protection in Europe 1 KB 19 Nov 2018, 10:09 AM Published
News EEA report confirms: electric cars are better for climate and air quality 1 KB 19 Feb 2023, 07:08 AM Published
News text/texmacs Better information needed on Europe's forests 1 KB 27 Nov 2018, 10:26 AM Published
News Rising energy consumption slows EU progress on renewables and energy efficiency targets 1 KB 26 Nov 2018, 12:44 PM Published
News Achieving EU's key 2020 environmental objectives slipping away 1 KB 28 Nov 2018, 05:10 PM Published
News Cooperation is key to improve climate change adaptation across Europe’s border regions 1 KB 11 Dec 2018, 10:22 AM Published
News Ambitious emission limits for power plants would result in significant pollution cuts in the EU 1 KB 10 Dec 2018, 10:31 AM Published
News EU Member States need more ambition to reach joint target on renewable energy 1 KB 18 Dec 2018, 02:51 PM Published
News EU goal on phase-down of F-gases remains on track 1 KB 18 Dec 2018, 04:36 PM Published
News More action needed to tackle mixtures of chemicals in Europe's waters 1 KB 16 Jan 2019, 09:44 AM Published
News Environment and climate impacts of aviation continue growing 1 KB 24 Jan 2019, 02:01 PM Published
News More action needed to protect Europe’s most vulnerable citizens from air pollution, noise and extreme temperatures 1 KB 12 Feb 2023, 11:24 AM Published
News Države članice EU-a trebale bi ambicioznije pristupiti ostvarivanju zajedničkog cilja u pogledu obnovljive energije 1 KB 14 Feb 2019, 01:44 PM Published
News Photo competition to profile sustainable food, energy and mobility 1 KB 02 May 2019, 02:24 PM Published
News object code Mapping Europe’s ecosystems key to ensuring their future health and resilience 1 KB 19 Jun 2019, 09:43 AM Published
News Fotografski natječaj na temu održive hrane, energije i mobilnosti 1 KB 02 May 2019, 02:24 PM Published
News Challenges for achieving clean air — lessons from ten cities across Europe 1 KB 14 Aug 2019, 03:44 PM Published
News D source code Industrial emissions to water decreased in Europe but current levels are still a challenge for European waters 1 KB 22 Mar 2019, 02:43 PM Published
News D source code Better planning and methods needed to restore nature 1 KB 25 Mar 2019, 10:32 AM Published
News Almost all car makers met their 2017 CO2 emission targets on new sales, but overall progress towards the 2021 targets is insufficient 1 KB 01 Aug 2019, 03:27 PM Published
News Contamination of European seas continues despite some positive progress 1 KB 15 May 2019, 09:30 AM Published
News application/x-troff-ms How to measure the condition of Europe's ecosystems? 1 KB 22 May 2019, 09:08 AM Published
News New initiative to measure outdoor air quality at schools across Europe 1 KB 27 May 2019, 12:02 PM Published
News Over 85% of European bathing sites rated as excellent for water quality 1 KB 16 Jul 2019, 03:04 PM Published
News What are European countries doing to tackle plastic waste? 1 KB 03 Jun 2019, 10:05 AM Published
News Small increase in EU’s total greenhouse gas emissions in 2017, with transport emissions up for the fourth consecutive year 1 KB 29 May 2019, 12:02 PM Published
News Vote for your favourite sustainability photos 1 KB 05 Jun 2019, 03:45 PM Published
News Climate change puts pressure on Europe’s energy system 1 KB 18 Jun 2019, 11:43 AM Published
News Images of tradition and green solutions win photo competition prizes 1 KB 18 Jun 2019, 02:58 PM Published
News text/texmacs European Environment Agency marks its 25th anniversary by reflecting on future challenges at high-level seminar 1 KB 19 Jun 2019, 05:54 PM Published
News Average CO2 emissions from new cars and new vans increased in 2018 1 KB 24 Jun 2019, 10:18 AM Published
News EEA policy evaluation: EU law on combustion plants very effective in greening the energy sector 1 KB 26 Jun 2019, 10:37 AM Published
News Ammonia emissions from agriculture continue to pose problems for Europe 1 KB 30 Aug 2019, 04:32 PM Published
News Troff document European pollutant register an important tool for EU in tackling industrial emissions 1 KB 11 Jul 2019, 03:11 PM Published
News EU Member States make only mixed progress in reducing emissions under UN convention, latest air pollution data shows 1 KB 30 Aug 2019, 04:29 PM Published
News Climate change threatens future of farming in Europe 1 KB 03 Sep 2019, 03:50 PM Published
News How to accelerate change towards sustainability? 1 KB 06 Sep 2019, 10:14 AM Published
News object code Collecting litter and data to combat plastic pollution 1 KB 17 Sep 2019, 09:07 AM Published
News D source code EU on track to end use of chemicals harming the ozone layer 1 KB 16 Sep 2019, 10:56 AM Published
News D source code Gap between real-world and type-approval emissions undermines incentives for cleaner cars 1 KB 24 Sep 2019, 10:02 AM Published
News Europe's circular economy still in its infancy 1 KB 01 Oct 2019, 09:34 AM Published
News Protecting Europe's land and soil resources is fundamental for a sustainable future 1 KB 30 Sep 2019, 10:16 AM Published
News New challenges facing Europe’s waste water treatment plants present opportunities for improving sustainability 1 KB 09 Oct 2019, 11:17 AM Published
News Cutting air pollution in Europe would prevent early deaths, improve productivity and curb climate change 1 KB 16 Oct 2019, 09:55 AM Published
News PGP keys Reuse and recycling are key to tackling Europe’s waste problem and to foster a more circular economy 1 KB 07 Nov 2019, 11:01 AM Published
News Climate change: Significant drop in EU emissions in 2018 but further effort needed to reach 2030 target 1 KB 31 Oct 2019, 02:53 PM Published
News Private consumption: Textiles EU's fourth largest cause of environmental pressures after food, housing, transport 1 KB 31 Aug 2020, 11:48 AM Published
News EU Member States add more climate policies, better evidence on costs and effectiveness needed 1 KB 27 Nov 2019, 10:06 AM Published
News Troff document Europe’s state of the environment 2020: change of direction urgently needed to face climate change challenges, reverse degradation and ensure future prosperity 1 KB 08 Jun 2020, 07:38 PM Published
News Stanje okoliša u Europi,2020.: hitno je potrebna promjena smjera kako bi se suočili s izazovima klimatskih promjena, preokrenuli trendovi degradacije i osiguralo buduće blagostanje 1 KB 16 Dec 2019, 01:48 PM Published
News Eutrophication remains a major problem for Europe’s seas despite some progress 1 KB 11 Dec 2019, 10:43 AM Published
News PFAS pollution is widespread in Europe but risks are still poorly understood 1 KB 12 Dec 2019, 09:56 AM Published
News Renewables crucial for EU decarbonisation, but technology choices matter for air quality 1 KB 19 Dec 2019, 10:25 AM Published
News Improving circular economy practices in the construction sector key to increasing material reuse, high quality recycling 1 KB 16 Jan 2020, 11:59 AM Published
News Troff document Walking, cycling and public transport in cities remain greener mobility options than electric scooters or car ride-hailing 1 KB 03 Feb 2020, 10:16 AM Published
News European Union continues to phase-down its use of climate-warming fluorinated gases 1 KB 08 Jun 2020, 07:35 PM Published
News EU launches new Forest Information System to improve knowledge on forests and woodlands 1 KB 08 Jun 2020, 07:35 PM Published
News object code Why does Europe need to limit climate change and adapt to its impacts? 1 KB 10 Feb 2020, 03:34 PM Published
News object code Number of Europeans exposed to harmful noise pollution expected to increase 1 KB 08 Jun 2020, 07:35 PM Published
News PGP keys Healthy floodplains have a key role to play in improving our environment 1 KB 11 Jun 2020, 11:34 AM Published
News Farming by Satellite Prize 2020 is open for applications 1 KB 08 Jun 2020, 07:38 PM Published
News Member States must cut emissions across all sectors to achieve EU climate targets by 2030 1 KB 08 Jun 2020, 07:38 PM Published
News Citizen science projects on air quality produce useful information and raise public awareness 1 KB 08 Jun 2020, 07:38 PM Published
News Octet Stream Očekuje se porast broj Europljana izloženih štetnom onečišćenju bukom 1 KB 26 Mar 2020, 11:25 AM Published
News Air pollution goes down as Europe takes hard measures to combat coronavirus 1 KB 11 Jun 2020, 10:56 AM Published
News Robust monitoring and targets are key in shifting Europe to a more circular economy 1 KB 11 Jun 2020, 10:54 AM Published
News Europe’s environmental footprints exceed several safe limits 1 KB 10 Nov 2020, 10:58 AM Published
News backup file New cars and vans sold in 2018 more CO2 intensive, final data confirms 1 KB 03 Jun 2020, 10:24 AM Published
News D source code Complex network of European and global developments impacts sustainability 1 KB 30 Jan 2023, 09:53 AM Published
News REDISCOVER Nature for this year’s EEA photo competition 1 KB 03 Aug 2020, 04:07 PM Published
News Troff document EU greenhouse gas emissions kept decreasing in 2018, largest reductions in energy sector 1 KB 11 Jun 2020, 10:52 AM Published
News Quality of Europe’s bathing waters remains high, latest annual assessment finds 1 KB 11 Jun 2020, 01:00 PM Published
News REDISCOVER Nature – ovogodišnji fotografski natječaj Europske agencije za okoliš (EEA) 1 KB 03 Aug 2020, 03:55 PM Published
News chemical/x-pdb Longer-lasting electronics benefit environment, climate and circular economy 1 KB 18 Jun 2020, 11:34 AM Published
News D source code Reducing and recycling food and garden waste to boost Europe's circular economy 1 KB 17 Jun 2020, 10:02 AM Published
News Europe’s seas face uncertain future if urgent, coherent action not taken 1 KB 25 Jun 2020, 02:24 PM Published
News Doubling recycling across Europe is feasible, for certain waste streams 1 KB 23 Jun 2020, 10:03 AM Published
News D source code Ageing population, emerging technologies and fiscal sustainability can influence EU’s path to sustainable future 1 KB 01 Jul 2020, 10:36 AM Published
News Average CO2 emissions from new cars and new vans increased again in 2019 1 KB 03 Dec 2020, 01:41 PM Published
News text/texmacs EU met air pollution limits for four key pollutants, including ammonia, in 2018 1 KB 07 Jul 2020, 11:33 AM Published
News Connecting protected areas with green infrastructure would strengthen Europe’s ecosystems 1 KB 02 Jul 2020, 10:01 AM Published
News C source code header Bez poduzimanja hitnih i dosljednih mjera europskim morima prijeti nesigurna budućnost 1 KB 02 Jul 2020, 10:12 AM Published
News Greater circularity in the buildings sector can lead to major cuts in greenhouse gas emissions 1 KB 06 Dec 2022, 01:26 PM Published
News Emissions of most harmful air pollutants dropped in 2018, marking EU progress under UN Convention 1 KB 04 Sep 2020, 10:16 AM Published
News Europe’s Eastern Partnership countries make significant progress in expanding protected nature sites 1 KB 27 Aug 2020, 09:38 AM Published
News Better awareness of biodegradable, compostable plastics disposal would help tackle Europe’s plastics problem 1 KB 27 Aug 2020, 10:03 AM Published
News Tackling pollution and climate change in Europe will improve health and well-being, especially for the most vulnerable 1 KB 13 Nov 2020, 10:11 AM Published
News Octet Stream New debate series by EEA: How does COVID-19 impact the environment and climate? 1 KB 09 Sep 2020, 09:25 AM Published
News Sharpest decrease of the decade in EU’s greenhouse gas emissions in 2019, before impacts of COVID-19 1 KB 17 Sep 2020, 09:58 AM Published
News object code Stronger joint efforts needed to achieve cleaner Mediterranean 1 KB 21 Sep 2020, 09:37 AM Published
News Many of Europe's protected areas lack specific conservation measures and objectives 1 KB 10 Feb 2023, 09:34 AM Published
News Latest evaluation shows Europe's nature in serious, continuing decline 1 KB 10 Feb 2023, 09:18 AM Published
News D source code Developing accounting methods for land cover changes 1 KB 27 Oct 2020, 10:02 AM Published
News Moving towards zero pollution in Europe 1 KB 10 Feb 2023, 09:22 AM Published
News Countries and cities in Europe urgently need to step up adaptation to climate change impacts 1 KB 10 Feb 2023, 09:24 AM Published
News Vote for your favourite photos while rediscovering Europe's nature 1 KB 18 Jan 2021, 05:01 PM Published
News Najnovije procjene pokazuju da se stanje prirode u Europi ozbiljno i kontinuirano pogoršava 1 KB 10 Feb 2023, 09:18 AM Published
News Octet Stream Napredak prema nultoj stopi onečišćenja u Europi 1 KB 10 Feb 2023, 09:22 AM Published
News Europe's clean bathing waters – success in environmental policy and management 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 03:35 PM Published
News EU's Eastern partnership countries face problems with water scarcity and pollution 1 KB 10 Feb 2023, 09:15 AM Published
News COVID-19 measures have mixed impacts on the environment 1 KB 18 Jan 2021, 05:06 PM Published
News Winners of EEA’s ‘REDISCOVER Nature’ photo competition announced 1 KB 18 Jan 2021, 05:07 PM Published
News Marked improvement in Europe's air quality over past decade, fewer deaths linked to pollution 1 KB 18 Jan 2021, 03:51 PM Published
News Still insufficient progress in making transport fuels more climate friendly, latest EEA data show 1 KB 18 Jan 2021, 05:08 PM Published
News Troff document EU on track to meet greenhouse gas emissions and renewable energy 2020 targets, progress in 2019 shows more ambitious long-term objectives are reachable 1 KB 18 Jan 2021, 03:50 PM Published
News European countries taking action on putting in place UN’s environment-related SDGs 1 KB 02 Dec 2020, 10:04 AM Published
News D source code Use of climate-warming fluorinated gases continues to drop across EU 1 KB 01 Dec 2020, 11:18 AM Published
News Climate action in Europe: EU ETS emissions see big drop in 2019, latest EEA assessment shows 1 KB 17 Feb 2021, 10:07 AM Published
News National measures to cut air pollution would benefit from stronger links with climate action 1 KB 18 Jan 2021, 03:47 PM Published
News Human activities put pressure on every part of Europe’s seas 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 04:21 PM Published
News Joint cross-border renewable energy projects are feasible and beneficial 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 04:16 PM Published
News Sustainability: What are the alternatives to economic growth? 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 04:13 PM Published
News Latest EEA study finds multiple benefits of switch to renewable electricity 1 KB 31 Aug 2023, 01:44 PM Published
News Plastics, a growing environmental and climate concern: how can Europe revert that trend? 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 04:09 PM Published
News Plastika je sve veći ekološki i klimatski problem: kako Europa može promijeniti taj trend? 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 04:09 PM Published
News text/texmacs Schools across Europe share results of their air quality projects 1 KB 01 Feb 2021, 09:24 AM Published
News text/texmacs Preventing chemical pollution requires a new approach for designing safe and sustainable products 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 04:04 PM Published
News Advanced digital technologies can play a crucial role in making Europe’s waste management systems more circular and sustainable 1 KB 03 Feb 2021, 09:54 AM Published
News Many obsolete barriers harm Europe's rivers 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 04:02 PM Published
News PGP keys Climate change adaptation is key to avoid disruption of EU agricultural commodities imports 1 KB 03 Mar 2021, 08:33 PM Published
News Agricultural policy needs to secure stronger environmental improvements for water in Europe 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 03:37 PM Published
News How to keep Europeans healthy and safe in a changing climate? 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 03:33 PM Published
News D source code Motorised transport: train, plane, road or boat — which is greenest? 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 03:22 PM Published
News Octet Stream Koji je način motornog prometa ekološki najprihvatljiviji : vlak, zrakoplov ili brod? 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 03:22 PM Published
News Nature-based solutions should play increased role in tackling climate change 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 03:19 PM Published
News Photo competition on climate change impacts and solutions 1 KB 21 Apr 2021, 09:28 AM Published
News Independent national advisory bodies can reinforce the role of science in climate policy 1 KB 11 May 2021, 09:45 AM Published
News chemical/x-pdb Executive Director welcomes Slovak President Čaputová to EEA 1 KB 11 May 2021, 11:39 AM Published
News Average car emissions kept increasing in 2019, final data show 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 03:12 PM Published
News EEA's latest annual environmental performance assessment shows lower impacts on environment due to the pandemic 1 KB 14 Jun 2021, 02:10 PM Published
News Major drop in EU's greenhouse gas emissions in 2019, official data confirms 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 03:15 PM Published
News Zero Pollution: Vast majority of Europe’s bathing waters meet the highest quality standards 1 KB 09 Jun 2023, 01:30 PM Published
News Cities play pivotal roles in shifting to green, sustainable future 1 KB 14 Jun 2021, 09:38 AM Published
News New European city air quality viewer allows you to check long term air pollution levels where you live 1 KB 22 Jun 2021, 02:54 PM Published
News Novi preglednik kvalitete zraka u europskim gradovima omogućuje vam da provjerite razinu dugoročnog onečišćenja zraka u svom gradu 1 KB 22 Jun 2021, 02:54 PM Published
News COVID-19 in Europe: increased pollution from masks, gloves and other single-use plastics 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 03:04 PM Published
News Sharp decrease in CO2 emissions of new cars in 2020 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 03:02 PM Published
News Rapid shift to evolving renewable energy technologies poses new waste challenge for Europe 1 KB 24 Aug 2021, 09:59 AM Published
News EU maritime transport: first environmental impact report acknowledges good progress towards sustainability and confirms that more effort is needed to prepare for rising demand 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 02:22 PM Published
News European Union as a whole stays within air pollutant emission limits in 2019 1 KB 26 Aug 2021, 11:59 AM Published
News Better raw material sourcing can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 02:54 PM Published
News Troff document Voting opens for the best climate change photo 1 KB 01 Sep 2021, 09:36 AM Published
News object code Pomorski promet EU-a: prvo izvješće o utjecaju na okoliš potvrđuje dobar napredak prema održivosti i ukazuje da su potrebni dodatni napori za sve veće zahtjeve 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 02:23 PM Published
News Innovating for sustainability 1 KB 10 Sep 2021, 01:39 PM Published
News D source code Climate Change PIX winners selected 1 KB 12 Dec 2021, 07:49 PM Published
News Air pollution still too high in most EU Member States 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 02:18 PM Published
News PGP keys Pollution and barriers are key problems for Europe’s waters 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 02:17 PM Published
News Industrial air pollution in Europe costs society €277 - €433 billion 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 02:13 PM Published
News Europe’s nature under pressure — challenges and solutions 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 12:41 PM Published
News Europe's sustainability agenda needs knowledge for action and more concrete targets to achieve its ambitions 1 KB 14 Oct 2021, 06:23 PM Published
News EU achieves 20-20-20 climate targets, 55 % emissions cut by 2030 reachable with more efforts and policies 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 11:51 AM Published
News Water stress is a major and growing concern in Europe 1 KB 27 Oct 2021, 11:55 AM Published
News Targeted measures can cut carbon emissions and improve social equality 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 11:40 AM Published
News D source code Cleaner air could have saved at least 178,000 lives across the EU in 2019 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 11:38 AM Published
News Climate hazards are increasing in frequency and severity across Europe; new regional overview published 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 11:35 AM Published
News Waste water treatment improves in Europe but large differences remain 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 11:31 AM Published
News chemical/x-hin Creating a resilient economy within environmental limits 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 11:28 AM Published
News object code EU remains on track to phase-down use of climate-damaging F-gases 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 11:20 AM Published
News Troff document Europe’s urban population remains at risk due to levels of air pollution known to damage health 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 11:17 AM Published
News object code Biodiversity: Three billion additional trees by 2030 – launch of MapMyTree tool 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 11:12 AM Published
News Cities play pivotal roles in Europe's sustainability transition 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 11:09 AM Published
News New indicator on pesticides in European waters 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 11:14 AM Published
News Priroda u Europi pod pritiskom – izazovi i rješenja 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 12:41 PM Published
News Čišći zrak mogao je 2019. spasiti najmanje 178 000 života diljem EU 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 11:38 AM Published
News Clear opportunities to decouple Europe’s waste generation from economic growth 1 KB 07 Feb 2023, 03:46 PM Published
News EU ETS emissions continued to decline during the Covid-19 pandemic 1 KB 07 Feb 2023, 03:48 PM Published
News What lessons does Covid-19 offer for sustainability? 1 KB 11 Apr 2022, 11:58 AM Published
News D source code Economic losses from weather and climate-related extremes in Europe reached around half a trillion euros over past 40 years 1 KB 07 Feb 2023, 01:46 PM Published
News How green are European cities? Green space key to well-being – but access varies 1 KB 07 Feb 2023, 01:49 PM Published
News Europe's environmental taxes in decline, despite potentially crucial role 1 KB 07 Feb 2023, 01:42 PM Published
News Circular business models and smarter design can reduce environment and climate impacts from textiles 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 11:32 AM Published
News D source code Emissions from road traffic and domestic heating behind breaches of EU air quality standards across Europe 1 KB 07 Feb 2023, 01:34 PM Published
News Octet Stream Jasne mogućnosti za odvajanje stvaranja otpada u Europi od gospodarskog rasta 1 KB 07 Feb 2023, 03:46 PM Published
News An Truailliú Nialasach: Tá líon mór d'uiscí snámha na hEorpa i gcomhréir leis na caighdeáin cháilíochta is airde 1 KB 09 Jun 2023, 01:30 PM Published
News Octet Stream Nulta stopa onečišćenja: velika većina vode za kupanje u Europi zadovoljava najviše kriterije kvalitete 1 KB 09 Jun 2023, 01:30 PM Published
News C source code header Izlaganje onečišćenju uzrokuje 10 % svih slučajeva raka u Europi 1 KB 07 Feb 2023, 12:45 PM Published
News Troff document Trendovi i predviđanja: djelomičan porast emisija u EU-u zbog oporavka nakon pandemije i energetske krize 1 KB 06 Feb 2023, 04:21 PM Published
News U EU-u se broj preuranjenih smrti zbog onečišćenja zraka i dalje smanjuje, no potrebni su veći napori za stvaranje netoksičnog okoliša 1 KB 15 Mar 2023, 03:53 PM Published
News Impress presentation template Gradovi mogu ponuditi nove mogućnosti prozumentima obnovljive energije 1 KB 30 May 2023, 02:49 PM Published
News C source code header Toplinski valovi i širenje zaraznih bolesti zbog klimatskih promjena sve su veće prijetnje zdravlju Europljana 1 KB 21 Jun 2023, 05:56 PM Published
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News Razine onečišćenja zraka i dalje su previsoke u cijeloj Europi – onečišćenje zraka i dalje je najveća opasnost za zdravlje iz okoliša 1 KB 12 Mar 2024, 11:18 AM Published
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