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News Winners of EEA’s ‘REDISCOVER Nature’ photo competition announced 1 KB 18 Jan 2021, 05:07 PM Published
News Marked improvement in Europe's air quality over past decade, fewer deaths linked to pollution 1 KB 18 Jan 2021, 03:51 PM Published
News Still insufficient progress in making transport fuels more climate friendly, latest EEA data show 1 KB 18 Jan 2021, 05:08 PM Published
News Troff document EU on track to meet greenhouse gas emissions and renewable energy 2020 targets, progress in 2019 shows more ambitious long-term objectives are reachable 1 KB 18 Jan 2021, 03:50 PM Published
News European countries taking action on putting in place UN’s environment-related SDGs 1 KB 02 Dec 2020, 10:04 AM Published
News D source code Use of climate-warming fluorinated gases continues to drop across EU 1 KB 01 Dec 2020, 11:18 AM Published
News Climate action in Europe: EU ETS emissions see big drop in 2019, latest EEA assessment shows 1 KB 17 Feb 2021, 10:07 AM Published
News National measures to cut air pollution would benefit from stronger links with climate action 1 KB 18 Jan 2021, 03:47 PM Published
News Human activities put pressure on every part of Europe’s seas 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 04:21 PM Published
News Joint cross-border renewable energy projects are feasible and beneficial 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 04:16 PM Published
News Sustainability: What are the alternatives to economic growth? 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 04:13 PM Published
News Latest EEA study finds multiple benefits of switch to renewable electricity 1 KB 31 Aug 2023, 01:44 PM Published
News Plastics, a growing environmental and climate concern: how can Europe revert that trend? 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 04:09 PM Published
News Plastika je sve veći ekološki i klimatski problem: kako Europa može promijeniti taj trend? 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 04:09 PM Published
News text/texmacs Schools across Europe share results of their air quality projects 1 KB 01 Feb 2021, 09:24 AM Published
News text/texmacs Preventing chemical pollution requires a new approach for designing safe and sustainable products 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 04:04 PM Published
News Advanced digital technologies can play a crucial role in making Europe’s waste management systems more circular and sustainable 1 KB 03 Feb 2021, 09:54 AM Published
News Many obsolete barriers harm Europe's rivers 1 KB 09 Feb 2023, 04:02 PM Published
News PGP keys Climate change adaptation is key to avoid disruption of EU agricultural commodities imports 1 KB 03 Mar 2021, 08:33 PM Published
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