


Phenols are both naturally occurring chemicals and are manufactured by man. 'Phenol' is the name of the simplest member of the family of chemicals of that generic name. Pure phenol is a colourless or white crystalline solid with a powerful sickly sweet antiseptic odour. Less pure product is usually found as pinkish crystals or liquid. Phenol melts at about 43 0C and boils at 182 0C. It is moderately soluble in water. Other members of the family include the chlorophenols, which tend to be far more persistent, toxic and bioaccumulative than non-chlorinated phenols.Phenols and its close relatives are widely distributed in nature, being produced naturally by plants and animals including humans. Naturally occurring phenols account for the flavour and colour of certain foods. Aspirin is derived from a natural plant phenol salicyclic acid. Phenols are also used by plants to make lignin, the main natural polymer in wood. Chlorinated phenols are believed to be almost entirely man-made in origin.


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