

prior informed consent (PIC)

the principle that international shipment of a pesticide that is banned or severely restricted in order to protect human health or the environment should not proceed without agreement, where such agreement exists, or contrary to the decision of the designated national authority in the participating importing country. [BSWG/2/5: FAO International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides] MOSAICC defines the term 'prior informed consent' as follows: - the consent is to be acquired prior to accessing microbial genetic resources (MGRs), - the consent is to be based on legally correct and trustworthy information provided by the partners to this PIC-agreement, - the consent is to be granted by a competent authority of the country providing the MGRs and according to the national legislation and procedures. The PIC is provided by competent authorities that are entitled to provide the authorization for access to MGRs. For the purpose of MOSAICC these competent authorities will be called 'PIC-authorities'. More information: Philippe Desmeth, BCCMtm International Co-operation Officer. PIC is a procedure that helps participating countries learn more about the characteristics of potentially hazardous chemicals that may be shipped to them, initiates a decision making process on the future import of these chemicals by the countries themselves and facilitates the dissemination of this decision to other countries. The aim is to promote a shared responsibility between exporting and importing countries in protecting human health and the environment from the harmful effects of certain hazardous chemicals being traded internationally.


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