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Call for Tender EEA/ADM/03/001
DK-Copenhagen: Canteen equipment 2003/S 44-037496
1. Awarding authority:
European Environment Agency
Kongens Nytorv 6
DK-1050 Copenhagen K
Telephone 0045 33 36 71 00
Fax 0045 33 36 71 99
2.a) Award procedure:
Open procedure.
2.b) Contract type:
Purchase. Framework contract.
3.a) Delivery to:
Kongens Nytorv 6
DK-1050 Copenhagen K
NUTS: DK000,DK001.
3.b) Goods, CPA reference number:
29842200, 28600000.
Name given to contract: Canteen equipment supplies.
Reference number attributed: EEA/ADM/03/001.
Description of contract: purchase of canteen equipment.
3.c) Quantity to be supplied, options:
The canteen at the EEA is set up for about 150 persons and is currently fully equipped. This call is to procure replacement of equipment and to extend it according a possible increase of staff at EEA.
3.d) Division into lots:
4. Time limits for completion or duration of the contract, for starting or delivering supplies:
48 month(s).
5.a) Documents from:
European Environment Agency
Att. Domingo Zorrilla
Kongens Nytorv 6
DK-1050 Copenhagen K
Telephone 0045 33 36 71 00
Fax 0045 33 36 71 99
6.a) Deadline for receipt of tenders:
14.4.2003 52 days from dispatch of notice. (16:00)
6.b) Address:
European Environment Agency
Att. Domingo Zorrilla
Kongens Nytorv 6
DK-1050 Copenhagen K
6.c) Language(s):
Spanish. Danish. German. Greek. English. French. Italian. Dutch. Portuguese. Finnish. Swedish.
7.a) Opening of tenders (persons admitted):
European Environment Agency's representatives and one representative of each tenderer. Please inform Mr. D. Zorrilla by separate mail of your wish to attend the opening.
7.b) Date, time and place:
22.4.2003 ( 11:00). European Environment Agency.
8. Deposits and guarantees:
9. Financing and payment:
Please see tender documents.
10. Legal form in case of group bidders:
11. Qualifications:
Legal status:
- identification sheet (see tender documents)
- copy of trade register
- copy of VAT registration.
Financial capacity:
Proof of economic and financial capacity may be furnished by one or more of the following documents:
a) appropriate statements from banks or evidence of professional risk indemnity insurance
b) the presentation of balance sheets or extracts from balance sheets for at least the last two years for which accounts have been closed, where publication of the balance sheet is required under the company law of the country in which the economic operator is established;
c) a statement of overall turnover and turnover concerning the works, supplies or services covered by the contract during a period which may be no more that the last three financial years.
Technical capacity:
Samples, descriptions and/or authentic photographs and/or certificates drawn up by official quality control institutes or agencies of recognised competence attesting the conformity of the products with the specifications or standards in force.
12. Tenders may lapse after:
6 month(s).
13. Award criteria:
The most economically advantageous tender as stated below.
Quality ( 30). Price ( 30). Stability of delivery ( 20). Environmental considerations ( 20).
14. Variants:
15. Other information:
Address from which further information can be obtained:
European Environment Agency
Att. Domingo Zorrilla
Kongens Nytorv 6
DK-1050 Copenhagen K
Telephone 0045 33 36 71 00
Fax 0045 33 36 71 99
Grounds for exclusion:
The tenderer shall provide an auto-declaration, preferably made on oath before a judical or administrative authority, a notary or a competent professional or trade body by a person competent to do so on behalf of the tenderer, which states that none of the grounds for exclusion (please see General Terms and Conditions applicable to contracts, Art 2 (2)) applies to the tenderer.
Download annexes |
Annex 1 - Procedure for submitting a Call for Tender
Annex 2 - Technical specifications
Annex 3 - Identification sheet
Annex 4 - Draft framework contract
Annex 5 - General terms and conditions applicable to contracts
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