
Data table via SPARQL

Total waste excluding major mineral wastes - treatment of waste

Data table via SPARQL Published 15 Oct 2014 Last modified 01 Feb 2016

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date type share
"2004"^^<> "Total waste excluding major mineral wastes" "39.2"^^<>
"2006"^^<> "Total waste excluding major mineral wastes" "38.1"^^<>
"2008"^^<> "Total waste excluding major mineral wastes" "39.6"^^<>
"2010"^^<> "Total waste excluding major mineral wastes" "38.4"^^<>
"2012"^^<> "Total waste excluding major mineral wastes" "41.9"^^<>

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For system integrators

The following info can be used by a system developer / database administrator in order to retrieve this dataset programmatically over the web using a SPARQL client.

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PREFIX sdmx-measure: <> 
PREFIX sdmx-dimension: <> 
PREFIX sdmx-attribute: <> 
PREFIX skos: <> 
PREFIX property: <> 
PREFIX wst_oper: <>
PREFIX rdf-schema: <>
PREFIX geo: <>
PREFIX unit: <>
PREFIX waste: <>
PREFIX hazard: <>
PREFIX nace_r2: <>

year(?date) as ?date
'Total waste excluding major mineral wastes' as ?type
bif:either(year(?date) > 2008, round(( ( sum(?wastrt_TOT_X_MIN)-sum(?W09_W124) ) / ( sum(?wasgen_TOT_X_MIN) - sum(?W124_W09) ) )*1000)/10.0, round(( ( sum(?TOTAL)-sum(?W09_W12_X_127NH) ) / ( sum(?wasgen_TOT_X_MIN) - sum(?W124_W09) ) )*1000)/10.0) as ?share
    GRAPH <> 
      _:env_wastrt sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date . 
      _:env_wastrt property:hazard hazard:TOTAL . 
      _:env_wastrt sdmx-dimension:refArea ?geo . FILTER (?geo in (geo:EU27, geo:HR)) 
      _:env_wastrt property:wst_oper wst_oper:RCV_NE . 
      _:env_wastrt sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:T . 
        _:env_wastrt property:waste waste:TOTAL . 
        _:env_wastrt sdmx-measure:obsValue ?TOTAL
      } UNION {
        _:env_wastrt property:waste waste:TOT_X_MIN .
        _:env_wastrt sdmx-measure:obsValue ?wastrt_TOT_X_MIN .
      } UNION {
        _:env_wastrt property:waste ?waste . FILTER (?waste in (waste:W09, waste:W12_X_127NH)) 
        _:env_wastrt sdmx-measure:obsValue ?W09_W12_X_127NH
      } UNION {
        _:env_wastrt property:waste ?waste . FILTER (?waste in (waste:W09, waste:W124)) 
        _:env_wastrt sdmx-measure:obsValue ?W09_W124
    } UNION { 
    GRAPH <> 
        _:env_wasgen sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date . 
        _:env_wasgen sdmx-dimension:refArea ?geo . FILTER (?geo in (geo:EU27, geo:HR, geo:NO))
        _:env_wasgen property:nace_r2 nace_r2:TOTAL_HH . 
        _:env_wasgen property:hazard hazard:TOTAL . 
        _:env_wasgen sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:T . 
          _:env_wasgen property:waste waste:TOT_X_MIN . 
          _:env_wasgen sdmx-measure:obsValue ?wasgen_TOT_X_MIN .

        } UNION {
          _:env_wasgen property:waste ?waste . FILTER (?waste in (waste:W124, waste:W09)) . 
          _:env_wasgen sdmx-measure:obsValue ?W124_W09
GROUP BY ?date 
ORDER BY ?date


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