Dashboard (Tableau) Top industrial polluters in Europe — 10 Jul 2017
Based upon 2015 E-PRTR data.
Dashboard (Tableau) vCalendar interchange file Air quality statistics — 28 Aug 2018
Key air quality statistics for the main air pollutants
Dashboard (Tableau) Air quality statistics - expert viewer — 25 Jul 2017
Dashboard (Tableau) D source code WISE Water Framework Directive (data viewer) — 20 Jul 2018
The WISE WFD database contains data from the 1st and 2nd River Basin Management Plans reported by EU Members States according to article 13 of the Water Framework Directive (WFD). The database includes information about surface water bodies (number and size, water body category, ecological status or potential, chemical status, significant pressures and impacts) and about groundwater bodies (number and size, quantitative status, chemical status, significant pressures and impacts). The information is presented by country, river basin district (RBD) and river basin district sub-unit (where applicable).
Dashboard (Tableau) EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) data viewer — 11 Sep 2024
The EU ETS data viewer provides an easy access to emission trading data contained in the European Union Transaction Log (EUTL). The EUTL is a central transaction log, run by the European Commission, which checks and records all transactions taking place within the trading system. The EU ETS data viewer provides aggregated data by country, by main activity type and by year on the verified emissions, allowances and surrendered units of the more than 15 000 stationary installations reporting under the EU emission trading system, as well as 1500 aircraft operators.
Dashboard (Tableau) Natura 2000 Barometer — 22 May 2018
The Natura 2000 Barometer provides an overview of the Natura 2000 network of sites covered by the EU’s Birds and the Habitats Directives, giving information on area and site numbers.
Dashboard (Tableau) vCalendar interchange file Land take and net land take — 10 Sep 2019
This interactive data viewer provides a set of dashboards giving an overview of the land take and net land take processes for Europe (EEA39 and EU28) derived from the CORINE land cover data series. Statistics are derived for every 6 years of the acquisition period, as well as for the entire period (2000-2018). The viewer facilitates the assessment of land take over a specific period as well as the land use drivers of the observed changes, which can be analyzed within user defined spatial units such as administrative regions, biogeographical regions or land cover classes.
Dashboard (Tableau) vCalendar interchange file Land cover and change accounts 2000-2018 — 25 Sep 2019
This interactive data viewer provides an easy and comprehensive access to land cover accounts for Europe (EEA39 and EU28) derived from the CORINE land cover data series. Statistics are calculated for every 6 years of the acquisition period, as well as for the entire period (2000-2018). The viewer facilitates the assessment of land cover consumed or created over a specific period and the reason for the observed change (e.g. urban sprawl or arable land loss), which can be analyzed within user defined spatial units such as administrative regions, biogeographical regions or land cover classes.
Dashboard (Tableau) Natura 2000 and land cover data viewer — 26 Sep 2019
This data viewer provides information about the land cover and land cover change within and outside the Natura 2000 network.
Dashboard (Tableau) National Emission reduction Commitments Directive – Policies and Measures (PaMs) to reduce air pollutants emissions — 22 Feb 2024
Access the information on the air pollution Policies and Measures reported by Member States.
Dashboard (Tableau) Land recycling and densification 2006-2012 — 19 Aug 2019
This interactive viewer shows land recycling status and change accounts for major European Functional Urban Areas (FUAs). Land recycling addresses the reuse of abandoned, vacant or underused urban land for new developments. Land recycling is considered a response to land take within FUAs, i.e. urban development on arable land, permanent crop land or semi-natural areas. It is a key planning instrument for achieving the goal of no net land take by 2050 (EC, 2016).
Dashboard (Tableau) Mercury Regulation data viewer — 02 Oct 2020
The Mercury regulation (Regulation (EU) 2017/852) requires countries to report on several aspects which have been grouped in four specific obligations namely: 1) reporting on activities involving the use of mercury, 2) import restriction of mercury and mercury mixtures as waste and 3) non-waste and 4) a copy of the report that is due under article 21 of the Minamata Convention. The information reported under these obligations are presented in the dataviewer below.
Dashboard (Tableau) Overview of derogations and exceptions to species protection across the EU — 17 Nov 2020
A derogation/exception is a permit produced by an administration in a EU Member State that allows to deviate from the legal obligation for strict protection of all individuals of certain species, and of the breeding/resting sites of these individuals, as provided in the EU Birds and Habitats Directives. This dashboard presents an overview of the derogations and exceptions that national, regional or local administrations have granted across the EU. It is based on the number of derogations/exceptions that are reported to the EU. Please note that the number of derogations does not reflect the number of individuals affected by the derogations – a single derogation may cover many individuals, or just a single one
Dashboard (Tableau) Derogations and exceptions table — 17 Nov 2020
This dashboard presents detailed information on individual derogations/exceptions, as extracted from the national reports that have been submitted to the European Commission. Click on a derogation to see more information below the table
Dashboard (Tableau) text/texmacs Data completeness of national reports on derogations and exceptions — 17 Nov 2020
This dashboard presents statistics about the completeness of the information in the national reports on derogations. It shows the percentage of derogations for which mandatory fields of the reporting form have been filled in. This dashboard does not provide any assessment of the reported derogations
Dashboard (Tableau) text/texmacs Soil sealing and ecosystem impacts — 04 Nov 2021
This interactive data viewer provides accounts of imperviousness, i.e. land surface sealing status in Europe (EEA39 and EU27+UK) for the year 2018. Sealing is measured by the high resolution (10m) dataset "Imperviousness "of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service. The viewer facilitates the understanding and assessment of soil sealing, which can be queried by administrative region or the degree of urbanisation as well as by ecological units such as floodplains and coastal zones or protected areas. All disaggregated assessment level allows the query of countries and land cover classes as well.
Dashboard (Tableau) Urban tree cover — 01 Dec 2021
Trees in urban areas have multiple benefits for human well being and for biodiversity as well as for carbon sequestration, climate change adaptation and flood protection. The below dashboard presents urban tree cover statistics for Functional Urban Areas in the EU27+UK and for the EEA 38+UK region, by countries. The dashboard will be updated every 3 years after the availability of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service products Urban Atlas, Tree Cover Density and Street Tree Layer.
Dashboard (Tableau) Land use efficiency in Functional Urban Areas, 2018 — 03 Dec 2021
Functional Urban Areas (FUAs) represent 22.9 % of the EU territory, but host 75 % of its population. In order to fulfil global and European policy objectives, like “no net land take by 2050”, it is advisable to establish guidance values for land use efficiency for most common settlement types, in particular for urban fringes and small towns in rural areas. Such guidance values need to consider a good balance between efficient land use and sufficient green space to allow a good quality of life. This dashboard presents land use efficiency values for FUAs, calculated as land uptake per capita corresponding to the SDG indicator 11.3.1.
Dashboard (Tableau) Vegetation productivity and land use, 2000-2018 — 07 Dec 2021
Vegetation productivity indicates the spatial distribution and change of the vegetation cover - a key characteristic of ecosystem condition. Climatic variations are important drivers of vegetation productivity, but land use changes are even stronger. Productivity in Europe increases most due to agricultural land management and converting other lands to agriculture, whereas largest decrease is caused by sprawling urban areas. The dashboard below enables the exploration of these processes during 2000-2018.
Dashboard (Tableau) Urban Green Infrastructure, 2018 — 15 Dec 2021
Green infrastructure in urban areas consist of vegetated green surfaces, such as parks, trees and small forests, grasslands, but also private gardens or cemeteries. These all contribute to supporting biodiversity, pollinators, carbon sequestration, flood protection and protection against excess heats events. This dashboard facilitates the understanding of the amount of urban green in Functional Urban Areas of the EU and EEA member states.


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