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Appendix D
Determinands measured, number of sites and starting euar per monitoring progarmme for different water types and matrices
TABLE D.1 Quality of surface freshwaters: determinands measured per monitoring programme in matrix water, number of sites and start of analysis.
TABLE D.2 Quality of marine and coastal waters: determinands measured per monitoring programme in water, number of sites and start of analysis.
TABLE D.3 Quality of marine and coastal waters: determinands measured per monitoring programme in matrix biota, number of sites and start of analysis.
TABLE D.4 List of determinands required in groundwater by lrtap/icp-im and gems/water.
Table D.1 Quality of surface freshwaters: Determinands measured per monitoring programme in water,
number of sites and start of analysis
The figures in brackets indicate the number of sites where the determinand has been measured. The figure following the number of sites indicate the year of starting of the analysis. Detailed information on determinands can be found in Table C.1.
Determinand |
MP01 |
MP05 |
MP06 |
MP07b |
MP08c |
MP10d |
MP11 |
MP12g |
MP14h |
MP16 |
MP20 |
MP21 |
MP29i |
MP30 |
MP31l |
Aesthetic determinands: |
Colour |
X (17172) |
X (14)92 |
Float. mat. |
X (17172) |
Surfactants |
X (11)88 |
X (17172) |
Biological determinands: |
Benthic fauna |
X (11)88 |
X (14)93 |
X (14) |
Plank. flora |
X |
X (11)88 |
X (16)93 |
X |
Species list |
X (11)88 |
Chemical determinands: |
Acidity |
X (35)70 |
X (127)70 |
Calcium |
X |
X (11)91 |
X (16)92 |
X |
X (3 to 9) |
X (14) |
Chlorides |
X |
X (11)88 |
X (137)70 |
X |
X (442) |
X (16)89 |
X (125) |
X |
X (3 to 9) |
X (14) |
Cyanide |
X |
Fluorides |
X |
X |
Hyd.sulphide |
X |
Mercury |
X (3 to 9) |
Sulphates |
X |
X (11)88 |
X (16)89 |
X |
X (3 to 9) |
X |
X (14) |
Metals: |
Aluminium |
X |
X |
X |
Arsenic |
X |
X (11)91 |
X (16)93 |
X |
X (3 to 9) |
X (6)85 |
X (2) |
X (39)75 |
Barium |
X |
Boron |
X |
Cadmium |
X |
X (137)70 |
X (16)92 |
X (125) |
X |
X (3 to 9) |
X (10)80 |
X (2) |
X (115)75 |
X (45) |
Chromium |
X |
X (11)91 |
X (137)70 |
X (16)93 |
X |
X (3 to 9) |
X (8)80 |
X (2) |
X (56)75 |
X (42) |
Copper |
X |
X (11)91 |
X (137)70 |
X |
X (192) |
X (16)89 |
X |
X (3 to 9) |
X (11)83 |
X (2) |
X (59)70 |
X (42) |
Iron |
X |
X (11)88 |
X (137)70 |
X (16)92 |
X |
X (3 to 9) |
X (2) |
Lead |
X |
X (11)91 |
X (137)70 |
X (16)93 |
X |
X (3 to 9) |
X (10))85 |
X (2) |
X (59)75 |
X (45) |
Lithium |
X |
Magnesium |
X |
X (11)91 |
X (16)92 |
X |
X (3 to 9) |
X (14) |
Manganese |
X (11)91 |
X (137)70 |
X (16)92 |
X |
X (3 to 9) |
X |
X (2) |
Table D.1 continued
Determinand |
MP01 |
MP05 |
MP06 |
MP07b |
MP08c |
MP10d |
MP11 |
MP12g |
MP14h |
MP16 |
MP20 |
MP21 |
MP29i |
MP30 |
MP31l |
Mercury |
X |
X (11)91 |
X (16)90 |
X (125) |
X |
X (3 to 9) |
X (9)80 |
X (2) |
X (126)75 |
Nickel |
X (11)91 |
X (137)70 |
X (16)93 |
X |
X (3 to 9) |
X (4)80 |
X (2) |
X (39)75 |
Potassium |
X |
X (11)91 |
X (16)92 |
X |
X (3 to 9) |
Selenium |
X |
X |
Sodium |
X |
X (11)91 |
X (16)92 |
X |
X (3 to 9) |
X |
Zinc |
X |
X (11)91 |
X (137)70 |
X |
X (176) |
X (16)92 |
X |
X (3 to 9) |
X (10)85 |
X (2) |
X (49)75 |
Microbiological determinands: |
Coliforms |
X (11)91 |
X(17172)a |
X (17172) |
X (14)93 |
X (125) |
X |
X (14) |
F. coliforms |
X (11)91 |
X (17172) |
X (13)93 |
X (125) |
X |
X (14) |
F. streptococci. |
X (17172) |
X (125) |
X |
X (14) |
Salmonella |
X (17172) |
X (125) |
X (14) |
X (3)89 |
Streptococci |
X (3)89 |
Total bacteria |
X (11)91 |
Nutrients: |
Ammonia |
X (11)88 |
X (137)70 |
X |
X (580) |
X (16)89 |
X (125) |
X |
X (3 to 9) |
X (30)70 |
X (14) |
X (140)70 |
X (56) |
Nitrogen |
X |
X (11)88 |
X (137)70 |
X |
X (1) |
X (16)89 |
X (125) |
X |
X (3 to 9) |
X (4) 70 |
X |
X (14) |
X(5) j |
X (8) |
Organo P |
X |
Phosphorous |
X |
X (11)88 |
X (137)70 |
X |
X(2) |
X (16)e |
X (125) |
X |
X (3 to 9) |
X (32)70 |
X |
X (14) |
X (117)k |
X (9) |
Silicon |
X |
X (3 to 9) |
Organic Pollution: |
X (11)88 |
X (137)70 |
X |
X (645) |
X (16)93 |
X (125) |
X |
X (8)80 |
X (14) |
X (13)70 |
X (55) |
X (11)88 |
X (137)70 |
X (470) |
X (16)89 |
X (125) |
X |
X (10)70 |
X (14) |
X(6)80 |
Diss. oxygen |
X (11)88 |
X (137)70 |
X |
X (620) |
X (16)89 |
X (125) |
X |
X (3 to 9) |
X (19)70 |
X (14) |
X(7)70 |
X (55) |
Org. carbon |
X |
X (15)92 |
X |
X (3 to 9) |
X |
X (14) |
Physical determinands (flow and level) and physicochemical determinands: |
Flow |
X |
X (11)88 |
X (137)70 |
X (16)89 |
X (125) |
X |
X (3 to 9) |
X (14) |
X(109)70k |
Level |
X |
Alkalinity |
X (11)88 |
X (137)70 |
X (274) |
X (14)92 |
X |
X (14) |
Bicarbonate |
X (11)91 |
Conductivity |
X |
X (11)88 |
X (137)70 |
X (16)89 |
X (125) |
X |
X (3 to 9) |
X (14) |
Diss. solids |
X |
X (8)75 |
X (14)80 |
Hardness |
X (11)88 |
X (14) |
pH |
X |
X (11)88 |
X (137)70 |
X (17172) |
X |
X (717) |
X (16)89 |
X (125) |
X |
X (3 to 9) |
X |
X (14) |
Susp. solids |
X |
X (11)88 |
X |
X (16)89 |
X |
X (3 to 9) |
X (10)70 |
X (14) |
X (60)70 |
Table D.1 continued
Determinand |
MP01 |
MP05 |
MP06 |
MP07b |
MP08c |
MP10d |
MP11 |
MP12g |
MP14h |
MP16 |
MP20 |
MP21 |
MP29i |
MP30 |
MP31l |
Temperature |
X (11)88 |
X |
X (16)89 |
X (125) |
X |
X (3 to 9) |
X (19)70 |
X (14) |
X (136)70 |
Transparency |
X (17172) |
X |
X (4)75 |
Radioactive elements: |
Alpha |
X (11)93 |
X (3 to 9) |
X (4) |
Beta |
X (11)88 |
X (3 to 9) |
X (4) |
Caesium |
X |
X (11)91 |
X (3 to 9) |
Radionuclide |
X |
Strontium |
X (11)93 |
X (3 to 9) |
Tritium |
X (11)93 |
X (3 to 9) |
X (2) |
Synthetic organics: |
Aldrin |
X |
X (11)95 |
X (16)92 |
X (3 to 9) |
X (3) |
Azinphos-ethyl |
X (3 to 9) |
Azinphos-methyl |
X (3 to 9) |
Bentazone |
X (3 to 9) |
Benzene |
X (16)93 |
X (3 to 9) |
X |
Bfluoranthene1 |
X (3 to 9) |
Benzoperylene |
X (3 to 9) |
Benzopyrene |
X (3 to 9) |
C dmethylanil2 |
X (3 to 9) |
Cnitrobenzene3 |
X (3 to 9) |
Chloridazone |
X (3 to 9) |
Chloroaniline |
X (3 to 9) |
Chlorobenzene |
X (10)93 |
Chlorotoluene |
X (3 to 9) |
Chlortoluron |
X (3 to 9) |
X (3 to 9) |
X |
X (3 to 9) |
X |
X (3 to 9) |
X (11)91 |
X |
X (3 to 9) |
Desethylatrazine |
X (3 to 9) |
Dichlorethane |
X (14)93 |
X (3 to 9) |
Dichloroaniline |
X (3 to 9) |
Table D.1 continued
Determinand |
MP01 |
MP05 |
MP06 |
MP07b |
MP08c |
MP10d |
MP11 |
MP12g |
MP14h |
MP16 |
MP20 |
MP21 |
MP29i |
MP30 |
MP31l |
Dichlorobenzene |
X (8)93 |
Dichlorvos |
X (3 to 9) |
Dieldrin |
X |
Dimethoat |
X (14)93 |
Dimethylaniline |
X (3 to 9) |
Diuron |
X (3 to 9) |
X (3 to 9) |
Endosulfan |
X (3 to 9) |
Endrin |
X |
Fenthion |
X (3 to 9) |
Fluoranthene |
X (3 to 9) |
X (15)92 |
X (3 to 9) |
HCbutadiene |
X (3 to 9) |
X (11)91 |
X (15)92 |
X (3 to 9) |
Hydrocarbons |
X (11)88 |
X |
Indeno pyrene |
X (3 to 9) |
Isoproturon |
X (3 to 9) |
Metazachlor |
X (3 to 9) |
Nitrobenzene |
X (3 to 9) |
Nitrotoluene |
X (3 to 9) |
X (3 to 9) |
Organochlorides |
X |
X |
Parathion |
X (14)93 |
X (3 to 9) |
X (3) f |
X |
X (3 to 9) |
Pentachlorophenol |
X (14)92 |
X (3 to 9) |
Phenols |
X (11)88 |
X (17172) |
X |
X |
Tensio active subs |
X (125) |
X (4)85 |
Tetrachloroethane |
X (3) |
Tetrachloroethene |
X (16)93 |
X (3 to 9) |
Tetrachlormethane |
X (16)92 |
X (3) |
Toluen |
X (16)93 |
Triazine |
X (11)91 |
X (3 to 9) |
Table D.1 continued
Determinand |
MP01 |
MP05 |
MP06 |
MP07b |
MP08c |
MP10d |
MP11 |
MP12g |
MP14h |
MP16 |
MP20 |
MP21 |
MP29i |
MP30 |
MP31l |
Trichlorobenzene |
X (14)93 |
X (3 to 9) |
Trichloroetane |
X (3 to 9) |
Trichloroethane |
X (3) |
Trichloroethene |
X (16)92 |
X (3 to 9) |
Trichloromethane |
X (16)92 |
X (3 to 9) |
X (3) |
Trifluraline |
X (3 to 9) |
Xylen |
X (16)93 |
1 Benzofluoranthene 2 Chlordimethylaniline 3 Chlornitrobenzene BHC: Benzene hexachloride
Codes and monitoring programmes
Code |
Monitoring Programme Name |
Code |
Monitoring Programme Name |
Code |
Monitoring Programme Name |
MP01 |
AMAP/Freshwater |
MP10 |
EEA -TF (Dobrí) |
MP20 |
MP05 |
Bucharest/85 |
MP11 |
Elbe/89 |
MP21 |
MP06 |
MP12 |
EU Exchange |
MP29 |
Regensburg/87 |
MP07 |
EC Bathing Water |
MP14 |
MP30 |
MP08 |
EC Freshwater Fish |
MP16 |
MP31 |
Notes for the number of sites:
(1) NO3 at 654 sites; Tot-N at 329 sites. (5) NO3 at 131 sites; N at 9 sites (9) Tot-P at 32 sites
(2) Dissolved P at 412 sites; Tot-P at 546 sites (6) COD at 119 sites; COD-Mn at 3 sites P at 61 sites
(3) PCBs nos 101, 138, 28, 52 at 11 sites; PCB180 at 16 sites; Tot-PCB at 5 sites. (7) Dissolved Oxygen at 141 sites; Ox. saturation at 51.
(4) NO3 at 23 sites; N at 13 sites (8) Tot-N at 32 sites; NO3 at 58 sites.
Notes for the start of analysis:
a Since 1988 g Since 77
b Since 88 h Since 79 (Phase II)
c Since 84 i Since 91
d Since 88 j COD-Mn since 86
e Tot-P since 92; Orthophosphate since 89 k Oxygen saturation since 85
f Tot-PCB since 92: PCBs since 93 l Since 70
Table D.2 Quality of marine and coastal waters: Determinands measured per monitoring programme in water, number of sites and start of analysis
The figures in brackets indicate the number of sites where the determinand has been measured. Detailed information on determinands can be found in Table C.1.
Determinand |
MP02 |
MP04 |
MP09 |
MP19(4) |
MP23(5( |
MP22 |
MP24 |
MP25 |
MP26 |
MP27 |
MP28 |
Colour |
X |
Biological determinands: |
Planktonic flora |
X (1) |
X |
Ecotox test |
X |
Primary production |
X (112) |
Tar Ball Collections |
X |
Chemicals: |
Calcium |
X (7) |
Fluorides |
X |
Hydrochloric acid |
X (8) |
Hydrogen sulphide |
X (81) |
Sulphates |
X (13) |
Sulphides |
X (85) |
Metals: |
Aluminium |
X (11) |
Antimony |
X |
Arsenic |
X |
X |
X |
X (4) |
Beryllium |
X |
Cadmium |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X (13) |
X |
Chromium |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X (12) |
X |
Cobalt |
X |
X (1) |
Copper |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X (13) |
X |
Iron |
X |
X (7) |
Lead |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X (12) |
X |
Magnesium |
X (8) |
Manganese |
X |
X (12) |
Mercury |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X (41) |
X (13) |
X |
Molybdenum |
X |
Nickel |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X (8) |
X |
Organic Mercury |
X |
Rubidium |
X |
Selenium |
X |
Silver |
X |
X |
Sodium |
X (6) |
Tin |
X |
Titanium |
X (13) |
Vanadium |
X |
X (12) |
Zinc |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X (13) |
X |
Zirconium |
X (3) |
Microbiological determinands: |
Coliforms |
X |
Enteroviruses |
X |
Faecal coliforms |
X |
X |
Faecal streptococci |
X |
Pseudom. aeruginosa* |
X |
Salmonella |
X |
Staphylococcus aureus |
X |
Table D.2 continued
Determinand |
MP02 |
MP04 |
MP09 |
MP19(4) |
MP23(5( |
MP22 |
MP24 |
MP25 |
MP26 |
MP27 |
MP28 |
Nutrients: |
Ammonia |
X (389) |
X |
X |
X |
Nitrogen |
X (2) |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Organic Nitrogen |
X |
Organophosphorus |
X |
Phosphorous |
X (3) |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Silicon |
X (396) |
X |
X |
Organic pollution: |
X |
X (85) |
X |
X |
X (85) |
X |
Dissolved oxygen |
X (600) |
X |
X |
X |
Organic carbon |
X |
X (85) |
X |
Physicochemical determinands: |
Alkalinity |
X (163) |
Conductivity |
X |
pH |
X (275) |
X |
Salinity |
X (645) |
X |
X |
X |
Suspended solids |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Temperature |
X (668) |
X |
X |
Turbidity |
X |
Radioactive elements: |
Alpha |
X (14) |
Alpha and beta |
X (1) |
Beta |
X (7) |
Beta and gamma |
X (3) |
Caesium |
X |
X |
Other radionuclides |
X (78) |
Plutonium |
X |
Strontium |
X |
Tritium |
X (79) |
Synthetic organics: |
Aldrin |
X |
X |
Aliphatics |
X |
X |
Aromatics |
X |
Chlordane |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Detergents |
X |
Dieldrin |
X |
X |
X |
Endrin |
X |
X |
Heptachlor |
X |
Heptachloroepoxyde |
X |
Hexachlorobenzene |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Hydrocarbons |
X |
X |
X (6) |
Organo-tin |
X |
Organochlorides |
X |
X |
X |
Parathion |
X |
X |
X |
Table D.2 continued
Determinand |
MP02 |
MP04 |
MP09 |
MP19(4) |
MP23(5( |
MP22 |
MP24 |
MP25 |
MP26 |
MP27 |
MP28 |
X |
X |
Phenols |
X |
X (85) |
Polychlorin. Biphenyl** |
X |
Triazine |
X |
* Pseudomonas Aeruginosa. ** Polychlorinated. Biphenyl
Codes and monitoring programmes
Code |
Monitoring Programme Name |
Code |
Monitoring Programme Name |
MP02 |
AMAP/Marine |
MP24 |
MP04 |
MP25 |
PARCOM/Radioactive |
MP09 |
EC Shellfish Waters |
MP26 |
PARCOM/Refineries |
MP19 |
MP27 |
MP22 |
MP28 |
MP23 |
Notes for number of sites:
(1) Chlorophyll-alpha at 201 sites; phaeopigment at 139 sites.
(2) Nitrate at 471 sites; Nitrite at 480 sites; Tot-N at 264 sites.
(3) Dissolved inorganic phosphorous at 491 sites; Tot-P at 388 sites.
(4) Determinands measured in some of the 59 PARCOM areas depending on the years.
(5) Heavy metals in suspended matter at 131 sites; Halogenated hydrocarbons in suspended matter at 2 sites; Micro-organisms in sea water at 902 sites.
(6) Oil from refineries at 85 sites; Hydrocarbons at 85 sites.
(7) Iron(II)chloride at 13 sites; Iron(II)sulphate at 13 sites; Tot-Fe at 8 sites.
Notes for start of analysis:
BMP (MP04) since 79
EC Shellfish Waters (MP09) since 86
JMP (MP19): Cd, Salinity, Suspended Solids and Hg since 80; CU, PB, V and HCH since 87; Nitrogen and Phosphorous since 90.
MED-POL (MP23) since 75
PARCOM/Hg (MP24) since 82
PARCOM/Radioactive (MP25) since 86
PARCOM/Refineries (MP26) since 81
PARCOM/TiO2 (MP27) since 79
Table D.3 Quality of marine and coastal waters: Determinands measured per monitoring programme in biota.
The figures in brackets indicate the number of sites where the determinand has been measured. Detailed information on determinands can be found in Table C.1.
Determinand |
AMAP/Marine |
JMP(4) |
MED-POL(5) |
Biological determinands: |
Benthic fauna |
X (1) |
X |
Fish disease |
X |
Planktonic fauna |
X (116) |
Planktonic flora |
X (2) |
Metals: |
Antimony |
X |
Arsenic |
X |
X |
X |
Beryllium |
X |
Cadmium |
X |
X (47) |
X |
X |
X |
Chromium |
X |
X |
Cobalt |
X |
Copper |
X |
X (47) |
X |
X |
Iron |
X |
Lead |
X |
X (47) |
X |
X |
Manganese |
X |
Mercury |
X |
X (46) |
X |
X |
X |
Molybdenum |
X |
Nickel |
X |
X |
Organic Mercury |
X |
Rubidium |
X |
Selenium |
X |
X |
Silver |
X |
Sodium |
X |
Tin |
X |
Vanadium |
X |
Zinc |
X |
X (47) |
X |
X |
Microbiological determinands: |
Coliforms |
X |
Enteroviruses |
X |
Escherischia coli |
X |
Faecal coliforms |
X |
Faecal streptococci |
X |
Pseudomonas aeruginosa |
X |
Salmonella |
X |
Staphylococcus aureus |
X |
Radioactivity: |
Caesium |
X |
Plutonium |
X |
Strontium |
X |
Synthetic organics: |
Aldrin |
X |
Aromatics |
X |
Chlordane |
X |
X |
X |
X (38) |
X |
X |
X (46) |
X |
X |
Table D.3 continued
Determinand |
AMAP/Marine |
JMP(4) |
MED-POL(5) |
Dieldrin |
X |
X |
X |
Dioxins |
X |
Endrin |
X |
Halogenated hydrocarbons |
X |
Heptachlor |
X |
Heptachloroepoxyde |
X |
Hexachlorobenzene |
X |
X |
Hexachlorocyclohexane |
X |
X (20) |
X |
X |
Hydrocarbons |
X |
Lipid |
X |
Organo-tin |
X |
Organochlorides |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
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Polychlorinated Biphenyl |
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Notes for number of sites:
(1) Zoobenthos biomass at 128 sites; Zoobenthos species list at 135 sites; Zooplankton biomass at 80 sites
(2) Phytoplankton-biomass at 188 sites; Phytoplankton-species list at 188 sites
(3) Heavy metals in plankton at 58 sites; Halogenated hydrocarbons in plankton at 83 sites.
(4) Determinands measured in some of the 59 PARCOM areas depending on the years.
Notes for the start of analysis:
BMP since 79 (DDE, DDT and PCBs since 78)
JMP since 80
MED-POL since 74
Table D.4 List of determinands required in groundwater by LRTAP/ICP-IM and GEMS/WATER
Monitoring Programme Name | Determinands in groundwater |
GEMS/WATER: According to the revised list of variables for Phase II of the Programme agreed in Leningrad in 1990 (*) | Basic variables to be monitored (***): Water flow/level, Temperature, pH, Electrical conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen; Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Fluoride, Sulphate, Alkalinity; Nitrate+nitrite, Ammonia, Total-P particulate. |
LRTAP/ICP-IM: According to the list of variables included in the GW (groundwater chemistry) subprogramme for Phase 1993-96(**) | Sulphur sulphate dissolved, Nitrogen nitrate dissolved, Nitrogen ammonium dissolved, Calcium dissolved, Sodium dissolved, Potassium dissolved, Magnesium dissolved, Chloride dissolved, Tot-P dissolved; Dissolved organic carbon, Aluminium total, Aluminium labile, Manganese dissolved, Iron dissolved, Silica dissolved, pH, specific conductivity, Alkalinity, Groundwater flow, Groundwater level. |
</head0(*) GEMS/WATER Operational Guide.
(**) Manual for Integrated Monitoring. Programme Phase 1993-1996 (International Co-operative Programme on Integrated Monitoring on Air Pollution Effects).
(***) These are the basic variables to be monitored in all GEMS/WATER stations, including groundwater stations.
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