
Data table via SPARQL

Final energy consumption by transport modes

Data table via SPARQL Published 19 Oct 2017 Last modified 20 Oct 2017
This is an old version, kept for reference only.

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year International_Marine_Bunkers Rail_Transport Road_Transport Domestic_International_Aviation Domestic_Navigation Total oil_derived_fuels annotation_line_computed annotation_line
"1990"^^<> "1.5"^^<> "0.3"^^<> "10"^^<> "1.2"^^<> "0.3"^^<> "13.3"^^<> "13.1"^^<> "3.93"^^<> "5.2"^^<>
"1991"^^<> "1.5"^^<> "0.4"^^<> "10.1"^^<> "1.2"^^<> "0.3"^^<> "13.4"^^<> "13.1"^^<> "3.93"^^<> "5.2"^^<>
"1992"^^<> "1.5"^^<> "0.4"^^<> "10.4"^^<> "1.3"^^<> "0.3"^^<> "13.8"^^<> "13.6"^^<> "4.08"^^<> "5.2"^^<>
"1993"^^<> "1.5"^^<> "0.3"^^<> "10.5"^^<> "1.3"^^<> "0.3"^^<> "14"^^<> "13.7"^^<> "4.11"^^<> "5.2"^^<>
"1994"^^<> "1.5"^^<> "0.3"^^<> "10.6"^^<> "1.4"^^<> "0.3"^^<> "14.1"^^<> "13.8"^^<> "4.14"^^<> "5.2"^^<>
"1995"^^<> "1.5"^^<> "0.3"^^<> "10.7"^^<> "1.4"^^<> "0.3"^^<> "14.2"^^<> "14"^^<> "4.2"^^<> "5.2"^^<>
"1996"^^<> "1.5"^^<> "0.4"^^<> "11.1"^^<> "1.5"^^<> "0.3"^^<> "14.7"^^<> "14.5"^^<> "4.35"^^<> "5.2"^^<>
"1997"^^<> "1.7"^^<> "0.4"^^<> "11.2"^^<> "1.6"^^<> "0.3"^^<> "15.1"^^<> "14.9"^^<> "4.47"^^<> "5.2"^^<>
"1998"^^<> "1.7"^^<> "0.3"^^<> "11.6"^^<> "1.7"^^<> "0.3"^^<> "15.6"^^<> "15.4"^^<> "4.62"^^<> "5.2"^^<>
"1999"^^<> "1.6"^^<> "0.3"^^<> "11.9"^^<> "1.8"^^<> "0.3"^^<> "15.9"^^<> "15.7"^^<> "4.71"^^<> "5.2"^^<>

Received 25 rows in 0.034 seconds.

For system integrators

The following info can be used by a system developer / database administrator in order to retrieve this dataset programmatically over the web using a SPARQL client.

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PREFIX sdmx-measure: <> 
PREFIX sdmx-dimension: <>
PREFIX sdmx-attribute: <> 
PREFIX skos: <> 
PREFIX property: <> 
PREFIX geo: <>
PREFIX infotype: <>
PREFIX unit: <>
PREFIX indic_nrg: <>
PREFIX product: <>

year(?date) as ?year 
round(sum(?B_100800)/100000)/10.0  as ?International_Marine_Bunkers 
round(sum(?B_101910)/100000)/10.0 as ?Rail_Transport 
round((sum(?B_101920) + sum(?B_101920_el))/100000)/10.0 as ?Road_Transport 
#round(sum(?B_101931)/100000)/10.0 as ?International_Aviation 
#round(sum(?B_101932)/100000)/10.0 as ?Domestic_Aviation 
round(( sum(?B_101931)+sum(?B_101932) )/100000)/10.0 as ?Domestic_International_Aviation 
round(sum(?B_101940)/100000)/10.0 as ?Domestic_Navigation
round(sum(?total)/100000)/10.0 as ?Total
round((sum(?road)+sum(?rail)+sum(?aviation)+sum(?ship))/100000)/10.0 as ?oil_derived_fuels

round((sum(?road)+sum(?rail)+sum(?aviation)+sum(?ship))/100000)/10.0*0.3 AS ?annotation_line_computed 

#use of the computed value for 2008 as constant for all the years 
xsd:decimal(5.2) as ?annotation_line

  WHERE {{{
    GRAPH <> { 
        _:nrg_100a sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:TJ .
        _:nrg_100a property:product product:0000 .
        _:nrg_100a sdmx-dimension:refArea ?geo . 
        _:nrg_100a sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date .
          _:nrg_100a property:indic_nrg indic_nrg:B_100800 .
	  _:nrg_100a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?B_100800 .
	} UNION { 
           _:nrg_100a property:indic_nrg indic_nrg:B_101910 .
	  _:nrg_100a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?B_101910 .
	} UNION { 
          _:nrg_100a property:indic_nrg indic_nrg:B_101920 .
	  _:nrg_100a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?B_101920 .
	} UNION { 
          _:nrg_100a property:indic_nrg indic_nrg:B_101931 .
	  _:nrg_100a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?B_101931 .
	} UNION { 
          _:nrg_100a property:indic_nrg indic_nrg:B_101932 .
	  _:nrg_100a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?B_101932 .
	} UNION { 
          _:nrg_100a property:indic_nrg indic_nrg:B_101940 .
    	  _:nrg_100a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?B_101940 .
	} UNION { 
        _:nrg_100a property:indic_nrg ?indic_nrg . 
        FILTER (?indic_nrg IN (indic_nrg:B_100800,indic_nrg:B_101910,
                indic_nrg:B_101920, indic_nrg:B_101932,indic_nrg:B_101931,
	_:nrg_100a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?total .
  } UNION {
    GRAPH <> { 
    _:nrg_102a sdmx-dimension:refArea ?geo .
    _:nrg_102a sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:TJ .
    _:nrg_102a sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date .
      _:nrg_102a property:indic_nrg indic_nrg:B_101920 .
        _:nrg_102a property:product ?product . 
        FILTER (?product in (product:3234, product:3260, product:3220))
        _:nrg_102a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?road .
    } UNION {
      _:nrg_102a property:indic_nrg indic_nrg:B_101910 .
        _:nrg_102a property:product ?product . 
        FILTER (?product in (product:3260, product:3270A))
        _:nrg_102a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?rail .
    } UNION {
      _:nrg_102a property:indic_nrg ?indic_nrg . 
      FILTER (?indic_nrg IN (indic_nrg:B_101931,indic_nrg:B_101932))
        _:nrg_102a property:product ?product . 
        FILTER (?product in (product:3235, product:3247))
        _:nrg_102a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?aviation .
    }  UNION {
      _:nrg_102a property:indic_nrg ?indic_nrg . 
      FILTER (?indic_nrg IN (indic_nrg:B_101940,indic_nrg:B_100800))
        _:nrg_102a property:product ?product . 
        FILTER (?product in (product:3260, product:3270A, product:3234))
        _:nrg_102a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?ship .
  } UNION {
     GRAPH <> { 
        _:nrg_105a sdmx-dimension:refArea ?geo .

        _:nrg_105a sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:TJ .
        _:nrg_105a sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date .
        _:nrg_105a property:indic_nrg indic_nrg:B_101920 .
        _:nrg_105a property:product product:6000 .
        _:nrg_105a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?B_101920_el .
  FILTER (?geo in (geo:EU28))
GROUP BY ?date 
ORDER BY ?date

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