
Data table via SPARQL

Annual average growth rates in gross inland renewable energy consumption

Data table via SPARQL Published 08 Oct 2014 Last modified 29 Jan 2016

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product_code product_label 1990 2005 2010 2012 2010_2012 2005_2012 1990_2012
"5500" "Total Renewable" "71258"^^<> "117146"^^<> "168884"^^<> "184432"^^<> "9.21" "6.7" "4.42"
"5510" "Hydro power" "24890"^^<> "26803"^^<> "32266"^^<> "28811"^^<> "-10.71" "1.04" "0.67"
"5520" "Wind power" "67"^^<> "6058"^^<> "12836"^^<> "17693"^^<> "37.84" "16.55" "28.85"
"5532" "Solar thermal" "137"^^<> "699"^^<> "1829"^^<> "3320"^^<> "81.52" "24.93" "15.59"
"5534" "Solar photovoltaic" "1"^^<> "126"^^<> "1935"^^<> "5781"^^<> "198.76" "72.73" "48.25"
"5535" "Tide, Wave and Ocean" "43"^^<> "41"^^<> "41"^^<> "40"^^<> "-2.44" "-0.35" "-0.33"
"5541" "Solid biofuels (excluding charcoal)" "40170"^^<> "64337"^^<> "83218"^^<> "86321"^^<> "3.73" "4.29" "3.54"
"5542" "Biogas" "665"^^<> "4006"^^<> "8531"^^<> "12092"^^<> "41.74" "17.1" "14.09"
"55431" "Municipal waste (renewable)" "2085"^^<> "6175"^^<> "7959"^^<> "8840"^^<> "11.07" "5.26" "6.79"
"5544" "Charcoal" "8"^^<> "46"^^<> "104"^^<> "126"^^<> "21.15" "15.48" "13.35"

Received 15 rows in 0.039 seconds.

For system integrators

The following info can be used by a system developer / database administrator in order to retrieve this dataset programmatically over the web using a SPARQL client.

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PREFIX sdmx-measure: <> 
PREFIX sdmx-dimension: <> 
PREFIX sdmx-attribute: <> 
PREFIX skos: <> 
PREFIX property: <> 
PREFIX geo: <>
PREFIX unit: <>
PREFIX product: <>
PREFIX indic_nrg: <>
PREFIX rdf-schema: <>

bif:either(?product_code = '5500', 'Total Renewable', ?product_label) as ?product_label
sum(?1990) as ?1990
sum(?2005) as ?2005
sum(?2010) as ?2010
sum(?2012) as ?2012

if(sum(?2010) != 0, round((((sum(?2012)/sum(?2010)))-1)*10000)/100.0, '') as ?2010_2012
if(sum(?2005) != 0, round(((bif:power((sum(?2012)/sum(?2005)),(1/7.0)))-1)*10000)/100.0, '') as ?2005_2012
if(sum(?1990) != 0, round(((bif:power((sum(?2012)/sum(?1990)),(1/22.0)))-1)*10000)/100.0, '') as ?1990_2012

    bif:either (year(?date) = 1990, sum(?nrg_107a), 0) as ?1990
    bif:either (year(?date) = 2005, sum(?nrg_107a), 0) as ?2005
    bif:either (year(?date) = 2010, sum(?nrg_107a), 0) as ?2010
    bif:either (year(?date) = 2012, sum(?nrg_107a), 0) as ?2012

    WHERE {
      GRAPH <> 
        _:nrg_107a sdmx-dimension:refArea geo:EU28 .
        _:nrg_107a sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:1000TOE .
        _:nrg_107a sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date .
        _:nrg_107a property:indic_nrg indic_nrg:B_100900 .
        _:nrg_107a property:product ?product . 
        _:nrg_107a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?nrg_107a .
     ?product rdf-schema:label ?product_label .
     ?product skos:notation ?product_code .
    GROUP BY ?product_label ?date ?product_code
GROUP BY ?product_label ?product_code
ORDER BY ?product_code


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