

Emission of dust, nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxide from large combustion plants in the EU-27

Figure Created 18 Apr 2023 Published 20 Apr 2023 Last modified 10 Jun 2024
1 min read
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This page was archived on 10 Jun 2024 with reason: Other (New version data-and-maps/figures/emission-reductions-for-dust-nitrogen-3 was published)
The figure shows the trend of emissions into air of dust, NOₓ and SO₂ from Large Combustion Plants (LCP) in the EU-27.

European data


Additional information

DUST, NOₓ Nitrogen Oxides, SO2 Sulphur dioxide

Gap filling performed to ensure quality:

Czechia 2021 gap filled with 2020 data due to missing reporting, 
Lithuania and Malta 2020 and 2021 gap filled with 2019 data due to missing reporting, 
Slovakia 2018-2021, gap filled with 2017 data for missing reporting, 
Netherlands 2021 NOₓ corrected due a comma separator mistake in reporting.

 Data on large combustion plants covered by the Large Combustion Plants Directive (until 2015) and the Industrial Emissions Directive (as from 2016).

Data from Croatia only available as from 2009, while its influence in the overall EU-27 numbers is negligible.


Geographic coverage

Temporal coverage




Filed under:
Filed under: industry, pollution
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