
Assessment methods meta-data reported by countries (data flow D)

Data Table
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Assessment methods meta-data describe technical facilities used for the measurement of each pollutant or one of its compounds. The data in the web-based application (AIDE D) reflect the latest reports uploaded and successfully tested by automated QC.
European data
Table definition
  • Assessment methods meta-data (data set D):
Field nameDescriptionData type
Country or terrritory Country or territory name. string
Namespace Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider. string
Network Name of air quality measurement network, given by data provider. string
Responsible Party Name of responsible authority, institution or body. string
Time Zone Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated (see in Data Dictionary: string
Station Name Name of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase), given by data provider. string
EoI Station Code EoI code of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase), given by data provider. string
Station Type Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background, industrial or traffic related air pollution (see in Data Dictionary: string
Station Area Area of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment (see in Data Dictionary: string
Pollutant Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA (see notation in Data Dictionary:


Sampling Point Local Id Inspire identifier (Local Id) of sampling point, given by data provider. string
Latitude Latitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Longitude Longitude of air quality measurement station [decimal degrees]. numeric
Altitude Altitude of air quality measurement station [m a.s.l.]. numeric
Measurement Regime Information on measurement regime (see in Data Dictionary: string
Operational Activity Begin Begin date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). datetime
Operational Activity End End date of observation constellation (sampling point, sample, sampling process and property/pollutant). datetime
Sample Local Id Inspire identifier (Local Id) of sample (Feature of Interest), given by data provider. string
Sampling Process Local Id Inspire identifier (Local Id) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider. string
Measurement Equipment Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
Measurement Method Information on method used for measuring air polluting substances (see in Data Dictionary: string
Sampling Equipment Information on sampling equipment (see in Data Dictionary: string
Analytical Technique Information on analytical technique (see in Data Dictionary: string
Envelope URL URL of CDR envelope where source data (country report) is located. string


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