

Maximum extent of ice cover in the Baltic Sea in the winter and 15 year moving average

Figure Created 13 Dec 2022 Published 20 Dec 2022 Last modified 08 Jan 2024
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Maximum extent of ice cover in the Baltic Sea in the winters 1719/20–2021/22 (blue bars) and 15 year moving average (black line). Source: Jouni Vainio, Finnish Meteorological Institute (updated from Seinä and Palosuo 1996; Seinä et al. 2001).

European data


Additional information

Seinä A, Palosuo E (1996) The classification of the maximum annual extent of ice cover in the Baltic Sea 1720-1995. MERI-Report Series of the Finnish Inst of Marine Res 27:79-91; Seinä A, Grönvall H, Kalliosaari S, Vainio J (2001) Ice seasons 1996-2000 in Finnish sea areas. MERI-Report Series of the Finnish Inst of Marine Res 43:132

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