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Data table via SPARQL

Transport energy consumption

Data table via SPARQL Published 16 Aug 2013 Last modified 26 Aug 2017
This is an old version, kept for reference only.

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This page was archived on 26 Aug 2017 with reason: A new version has been published
EEA-32 excluding Iceland and Liechtenstein TERM001 -

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year road_gasoline road_diesel rail_gas_diesel_oil rail_residual_fuel_oil rail_electricity aviation_gasoline aviation_kerosene ship_diesel_gas_oil ship_residual_fuel_oil ship_gasoline biogasoline biodiesel natural_gas lpg oil_derived_fuels annotation_line_computed annotation_line
"1990"^^<> "6028220"^^<> "4378468"^^<> "172572"^^<> "1960"^^<> "180747"^^<> "9239"^^<> "1313624"^^<> "565986"^^<> "1193240"^^<> "24772"^^<> "0"^^<> "0"^^<> "9043"^^<> "113393"^^<> "13801474"^^<> "4140442.2"^^<> "5312301"^^<>
"1991"^^<> "6058228"^^<> "4479434"^^<> "170485"^^<> "1400"^^<> "188025"^^<> "7127"^^<> "1277346"^^<> "565343"^^<> "1184200"^^<> "22264"^^<> "0"^^<> "0"^^<> "9105"^^<> "109826"^^<> "13875653"^^<> "4162695.9"^^<> "5312301"^^<>
"1992"^^<> "6173866"^^<> "4637754"^^<> "174661"^^<> "1400"^^<> "187479"^^<> "6863"^^<> "1361800"^^<> "599083"^^<> "1183600"^^<> "21164"^^<> "214"^^<> "147"^^<> "9156"^^<> "103405"^^<> "14263596"^^<> "4279078.8"^^<> "5312301"^^<>
"1993"^^<> "6161886"^^<> "4812732"^^<> "170400"^^<> "1280"^^<> "191533"^^<> "6555"^^<> "1419737"^^<> "562957"^^<> "1240240"^^<> "20812"^^<> "1018"^^<> "515"^^<> "9308"^^<> "108036"^^<> "14504635"^^<> "4351390.5"^^<> "5312301"^^<>
"1994"^^<> "6104263"^^<> "4947629"^^<> "163541"^^<> "960"^^<> "196414"^^<> "6511"^^<> "1478390"^^<> "562022"^^<> "1186960"^^<> "20328"^^<> "1045"^^<> "3386"^^<> "9779"^^<> "112901"^^<> "14583505"^^<> "4375051.5"^^<> "5312301"^^<>
"1995"^^<> "6078858"^^<> "5105079"^^<> "164096"^^<> "1240"^^<> "200271"^^<> "5763"^^<> "1554097"^^<> "598237"^^<> "1170960"^^<> "21076"^^<> "1018"^^<> "6108"^^<> "10353"^^<> "122490"^^<> "14821896"^^<> "4446568.8"^^<> "5312301"^^<>
"1996"^^<> "6151941"^^<> "5379788"^^<> "165290"^^<> "1160"^^<> "205646"^^<> "5763"^^<> "1622888"^^<> "621878"^^<> "1242880"^^<> "21736"^^<> "1635"^^<> "8942"^^<> "11355"^^<> "131841"^^<> "15345165"^^<> "4603549.5"^^<> "5312301"^^<>
"1997"^^<> "6135167"^^<> "5499306"^^<> "163286"^^<> "1040"^^<> "206032"^^<> "6555"^^<> "1713735"^^<> "627113"^^<> "1359320"^^<> "21604"^^<> "2305"^^<> "11555"^^<> "12338"^^<> "160271"^^<> "15687397"^^<> "4706219.1"^^<> "5312301"^^<>
"1998"^^<> "6155543"^^<> "5808130"^^<> "160645"^^<> "240"^^<> "203938"^^<> "6380"^^<> "1827166"^^<> "637723"^^<> "1433600"^^<> "12848"^^<> "2653"^^<> "9752"^^<> "12671"^^<> "173392"^^<> "16215667"^^<> "4864700.1"^^<> "5312301"^^<>
"1999"^^<> "6166176"^^<> "6100021"^^<> "155575"^^<> "40"^^<> "202204"^^<> "7040"^^<> "1926321"^^<> "605943"^^<> "1384960"^^<> "14564"^^<> "2492"^^<> "10609"^^<> "12915"^^<> "180535"^^<> "16541175"^^<> "4962352.5"^^<> "5312301"^^<>

Received 22 rows in 0.003 seconds.

For system integrators

The following info can be used by a system developer / database administrator in order to retrieve this dataset programmatically over the web using a SPARQL client.

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PREFIX sdmx-measure: <> 
PREFIX sdmx-dimension: <> 
PREFIX skos: <> 
PREFIX property: <> 
PREFIX c: <> 
PREFIX g: <>
PREFIX i: <>
PREFIX u: <>
PREFIX p: <>
PREFIX indic_nrg: <>

year(?date) as ?year

sum(?road_gasoline) as ?road_gasoline
sum(?road_diesel) as ?road_diesel

sum(?rail_gas_diesel_oil) as ?rail_gas_diesel_oil
sum(?rail_residual_fuel_oil) as ?rail_residual_fuel_oil
sum(?rail_electricity) as ?rail_electricity

sum(?aviation_gasoline) as ?aviation_gasoline
sum(?aviation_kerosene) as ?aviation_kerosene

sum(?ship_diesel_gas_oil) as ?ship_diesel_gas_oil
sum(?ship_residual_fuel_oil) as ?ship_residual_fuel_oil
sum(?ship_gasoline) as ?ship_gasoline

sum(?biogasoline) as ?biogasoline
sum(?biodiesel) as ?biodiesel
sum(?natural_gas) as ?natural_gas
sum(?lpg) as ?lpg

(sum(?road_gasoline)+sum(?road_diesel)+sum(?rail_gas_diesel_oil)+sum(?rail_residual_fuel_oil)+sum(?aviation_gasoline)+sum(?aviation_kerosene)+sum(?ship_diesel_gas_oil)+sum(?ship_residual_fuel_oil)+sum(?ship_gasoline)+sum(?lpg)) as ?oil_derived_fuels

(sum(?road_gasoline)+sum(?road_diesel)+sum(?rail_gas_diesel_oil)+sum(?rail_residual_fuel_oil)+sum(?aviation_gasoline)+sum(?aviation_kerosene)+sum(?ship_diesel_gas_oil)+sum(?ship_residual_fuel_oil)+sum(?ship_gasoline)+sum(?lpg))*0.3 AS ?annotation_line_computed

#use of the computed value for 2009 as constant for all the years
5312301 as ?annotation_line

  GRAPH <> 
    _:nrg_102a property:geo ?geo .
    _:nrg_102a property:unit u:TJ .
    _:nrg_102a sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date .
      _:nrg_102a property:indic_nrg indic_nrg:B_101920 .
      _:nrg_102a property:product p:3234 .
      _:nrg_102a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?road_gasoline .
      } UNION { 
      _:nrg_102a property:product p:3260 .
      _:nrg_102a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?road_diesel .
      } UNION {
      _:nrg_102a property:product p:3220 .
      _:nrg_102a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?lpg .
    } UNION {
      _:nrg_102a property:indic_nrg indic_nrg:B_101910 .
      _:nrg_102a property:product p:3260 .
      _:nrg_102a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?rail_gas_diesel_oil .
      } UNION {
      _:nrg_102a property:product p:3270A .
      _:nrg_102a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?rail_residual_fuel_oil .
    } UNION {
      _:nrg_102a property:indic_nrg ?indic_nrg FILTER (?indic_nrg IN (indic_nrg:B_101931,indic_nrg:B_101932)) .
      _:nrg_102a property:product p:3235 .
      _:nrg_102a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?aviation_gasoline .
      } UNION {
      _:nrg_102a property:product p:3240 .
      _:nrg_102a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?aviation_kerosene .
    }  UNION {
      _:nrg_102a property:indic_nrg ?indic_nrg FILTER (?indic_nrg IN (indic_nrg:B_101940,indic_nrg:B_100800)) .
      _:nrg_102a property:product p:3260 .
      _:nrg_102a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?ship_diesel_gas_oil .
      } UNION {
      _:nrg_102a property:product p:3270A .
      _:nrg_102a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?ship_residual_fuel_oil .
      } UNION {
      _:nrg_102a property:product p:3234 .
      _:nrg_102a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?ship_gasoline .
  } UNION {
  GRAPH <> 
    _:nrg_105a property:geo ?geo .
    _:nrg_105a sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date .
    _:nrg_105a property:unit u:TJ .    
    _:nrg_105a property:indic_nrg indic_nrg:B_101910 .
    _:nrg_105a property:product p:6000 .
    _:nrg_105a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?rail_electricity .
  } UNION {
  GRAPH <> 
    _:nrg_1073a property:geo ?geo .
    _:nrg_1073a sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date .
    _:nrg_1073a property:unit u:TJ . 
    _:nrg_1073a property:indic_nrg indic_nrg:B_101900 .   
      _:nrg_1073a property:product p:5546 .
      _:nrg_1073a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?biogasoline .
    } UNION {
      _:nrg_1073a property:product p:5547 .
      _:nrg_1073a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?biodiesel .
  } UNION {
  GRAPH <>
    _:nrg_103a property:geo ?geo .
    _:nrg_103a sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date .
    _:nrg_103a property:unit u:TJ . 
    _:nrg_103a property:indic_nrg indic_nrg:B_101920 .   
    _:nrg_103a property:product p:4100 .
    _:nrg_103a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?natural_gas .
 ?geo skos:notation ?ugeo FILTER (?ugeo != 'IS' && ?ugeo != 'LI') .
 ?eeageo owl:sameAs ?geo . 
 ?eeageo skos:inScheme <> . 
 ?memberOf skos:member ?eeageo . 
 ?memberOf skos:notation ?memberOfcode FILTER (?memberOfcode IN ('EEA32')) .
} GROUP BY YEAR(?date)
  ORDER BY ?date


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