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Data table via SPARQL

Renewable electricity as a percentage of gross electricity consumption, country breakdown, 2012

Data table via SPARQL Published 24 Nov 2014 Last modified 02 Feb 2016

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ugeo hydro_power other_renewable renewable hydro_power_abs other_renewable_abs total_power_abs target
"Austria" "63.2"^^<> "9.9"^^<> "73.1"^^<> "47681"^^<> "7441"^^<> "75426"^^<> "78"^^<>
"Belgium" "1.8"^^<> "10.9"^^<> "12.7"^^<> "1659"^^<> "10100"^^<> "92810"^^<> "6"^^<>
"Bulgaria" "10.2"^^<> "5.4"^^<> "15.6"^^<> "3976"^^<> "2101"^^<> "39021"^^<> "11"^^<>
"Croatia" "26.4"^^<> "2.3"^^<> "28.7"^^<> "4801"^^<> "425"^^<> "18186"^^<> "0"^^<>
"Cyprus" "0"^^<> "5.4"^^<> "5.4"^^<> "0"^^<> "257"^^<> "4717"^^<> "6"^^<>
"Czech Republic" "4.1"^^<> "8.4"^^<> "12.5"^^<> "2860"^^<> "5936"^^<> "70453"^^<> "8"^^<>
"Denmark" "0"^^<> "41.2"^^<> "41.3"^^<> "17"^^<> "14819"^^<> "35941"^^<> "29"^^<>
"Estonia" "0.4"^^<> "14.8"^^<> "15.2"^^<> "42"^^<> "1435"^^<> "9727"^^<> "5"^^<>
"European Union (28 countries)" "11.1"^^<> "13"^^<> "24.1"^^<> "366370"^^<> "432366"^^<> "3314397"^^<> "21"^^<>
"Finland" "19.2"^^<> "13.3"^^<> "32.5"^^<> "16859"^^<> "11679"^^<> "87843"^^<> "32"^^<>

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For system integrators

The following info can be used by a system developer / database administrator in order to retrieve this dataset programmatically over the web using a SPARQL client.

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PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX sdmx-measure: <> 
PREFIX sdmx-dimension: <> 
PREFIX sdmx-attribute: <> 
PREFIX skos: <> 
PREFIX property: <> 
PREFIX geo: <>
PREFIX unit: <>
PREFIX product: <>
PREFIX indic_nrg: <>
PREFIX tableFile: <>

bif:either(?geo = geo:DE, 'Germany', ?ugeo) as ?ugeo
round(sum(?hydro_power)/sum(?total_power)*1000)/10.0 as ?hydro_power
round(sum(?other_renewable)/sum(?total_power)*1000)/10.0 as ?other_renewable
round((sum(?hydro_power)+sum(?other_renewable))/sum(?total_power)*1000)/10.0 as ?renewable
sum(?hydro_power) as ?hydro_power_abs
sum( ?other_renewable) as ?other_renewable_abs
sum(?total_power) as ?total_power_abs
#bif:either(sum(xsd:integer(?target)) = 0, '', sum(xsd:integer(?target))) as ?target
sum(xsd:integer(?target)) as ?target
  GRAPH <> 
    _:nrg_105a sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date . FILTER (year(?date) in (2012))
    _:nrg_105a property:product product:6000 . 
    _:nrg_105a sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:GWH .
    _:nrg_105a property:indic_nrg ?indic_nrg .
    _:nrg_105a sdmx-dimension:refArea ?geo . 
    FILTER (?geo != geo:EA18 and ?geo != geo:EU15 and ?geo != geo:MK and ?geo != geo:RS and ?geo != geo:ME)
      FILTER (?indic_nrg in (indic_nrg:15_107034, indic_nrg:15_107035)) 
      _:nrg_105a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?hydro_power .
    } UNION {
      FILTER (?indic_nrg in (indic_nrg:15_107044, indic_nrg:15_107045,indic_nrg:14_1070421, indic_nrg:14_1070431,indic_nrg:14_1070422, indic_nrg:14_1070432,indic_nrg:15_107038, indic_nrg:15_107039, indic_nrg:15_107040, indic_nrg:15_107041,
indic_nrg:22_108911, indic_nrg:22_108912, indic_nrg:22_108913, indic_nrg:22_108914,indic_nrg:22_108931, indic_nrg:22_108932, indic_nrg:22_108933, indic_nrg:22_108934,indic_nrg:15_107046, indic_nrg:15_107047,indic_nrg:22_108941, 
indic_nrg:22_108942, indic_nrg:22_108943, indic_nrg:22_108944, indic_nrg:22_108951, indic_nrg:22_108952, indic_nrg:22_108953, indic_nrg:22_108954, indic_nrg:22_108971, indic_nrg:22_108972, indic_nrg:22_108973, indic_nrg:22_108974))
      _:nrg_105a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?other_renewable .
    } UNION {
      FILTER (?indic_nrg in (indic_nrg:B_100900, indic_nrg:17_107000)) 
      _:nrg_105a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?total_power .
 } UNION {
 GRAPH <> 
     OPTIONAL { _:rec tableFile:geo ?geo } .
     OPTIONAL { _:rec tableFile:target ?target } .
?geo rdfs:label ?ugeo .
GROUP BY ?ugeo ?geo
ORDER BY ?ugeo


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