
Data table via SPARQL

National emissions (non-ETS)/EU

Data table via SPARQL Published 15 Jun 2016 Last modified 27 Oct 2016

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date ESD ETS
"1985"^^<> "" ""
"1986"^^<> "" ""
"1987"^^<> "" ""
"1988"^^<> "" ""
"1989"^^<> "" ""
"1990"^^<> "" ""
"1991"^^<> "" ""
"1992"^^<> "" ""
"1993"^^<> "" ""
"1994"^^<> "" ""

Received 31 rows in 0.001 seconds.

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The following info can be used by a system developer / database administrator in order to retrieve this dataset programmatically over the web using a SPARQL client.

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PREFIX clrtap_nec_unfccc: <>
PREFIX geo: <>
PREFIX sector: <>
PREFIX rdf-schema: <>
PREFIX sectors: <>

xsd:integer(?year) as ?date

round((( sum(?domestic_scope_without_aviation)/1000 - sum(?nf3 )/1000 -sum(?1_A_3_a)/1000 ) - sum(?CITL_v/1000000))) as ?ESD
sum(?CITL_v/1000000) as ?ETS

  GRAPH <> 
      _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:unit ?unit . 
      _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:year ?year . 
      _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:country_code ?geo . 

        _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:pollutant_name 'All greenhouse gases - (CO2 equivalent)' . 
        _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:sector_code ?sectors .
        FILTER (?sectors in (sectors:Totals_excl_incl))
        _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:emissions ?domestic_scope_without_aviation .
      } UNION {
         _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:pollutant_name 'NF3 - (CO2 equivalent)'  .
         _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:sector_code ?sectors .
         FILTER (?sectors in (sectors:Totals_excl_incl))
         _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:emissions ?nf3 .
      } UNION {
         _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:pollutant_name 'CO2'  .
         _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:sector_code ?sectors .
         FILTER (?sectors in (sector:1.A.3.a))
         _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:emissions ?1_A_3_a .

      FILTER (?geo in (geo:AT, geo:BE, geo:BG, geo:CY, geo:CZ, geo:DE, geo:DK, geo:EE, geo:ES,
             geo:FI, geo:FR, geo:GB, geo:GR, geo:HU, geo:IE, geo:IT, geo:LT, geo:LU, geo:LV,
             geo:MT, geo:NL, geo:PL, geo:PT, geo:RO, geo:SE, geo:SI, geo:SK, geo:HR))
    } UNION {  
    GRAPH <> 
      _:CITL_v CITL_v:country_code ?geo .
      _:CITL_v CITL_v:main_activity_sector_name ?main_activity_sector_name . 
      FILTER (?main_activity_sector_name = '20-99 All stationary installations')
      _:CITL_v CITL_v:ETS_information ?ETS_information . 
      FILTER (?ETS_information in ('2. Verified emissions', 
      '3. Estimate to reflect current ETS scope for allowances and emissions'))

      _:CITL_v CITL_v:year ?year .
      _:CITL_v CITL_v:value ?CITL_v .
      _:CITL_v CITL_v:unit ?unit .
      FILTER (?geo in (geo:AT, geo:BE, geo:BG, geo:CY, geo:CZ, geo:DE, geo:DK, geo:EE, geo:ES,
               geo:FI, geo:FR, geo:GB, geo:GR, geo:HU, geo:IE, geo:IT, geo:LT, geo:LU, geo:LV,
               geo:MT, geo:NL, geo:PL, geo:PT, geo:RO, geo:SE, geo:SI, geo:SK, geo:HR))
GROUP BY xsd:integer(?year)
HAVING xsd:integer(?year) != ''
ORDER BY ?year

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