
Data table via SPARQL

Greenhouse gas sectoral trends

Data table via SPARQL Published 13 Oct 2014 Last modified 19 Apr 2016

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date energy_supply energy_use transport industrial_processes waste agriculture solvents
"1990" "1832"^^<> "1710"^^<> "782.6"^^<> "462"^^<> "205.6"^^<> "617.2"^^<> "16.9"^^<>
"1991" "1798.4"^^<> "1699.2"^^<> "789.5"^^<> "427.5"^^<> "208.4"^^<> "582.8"^^<> "16.4"^^<>
"1992" "1718.1"^^<> "1601.4"^^<> "813.4"^^<> "412.5"^^<> "205.9"^^<> "557.7"^^<> "15.8"^^<>
"1993" "1652.4"^^<> "1592.1"^^<> "817.2"^^<> "401.4"^^<> "206.2"^^<> "538.8"^^<> "15.3"^^<>
"1994" "1649.4"^^<> "1543.7"^^<> "824.3"^^<> "427.4"^^<> "206.4"^^<> "533.3"^^<> "14"^^<>
"1995" "1652.9"^^<> "1567.2"^^<> "838.3"^^<> "440.8"^^<> "206.8"^^<> "533.2"^^<> "14.1"^^<>
"1996" "1680.8"^^<> "1621.5"^^<> "864.1"^^<> "440.2"^^<> "205.3"^^<> "534.8"^^<> "14.1"^^<>
"1997" "1629.8"^^<> "1558.6"^^<> "877.2"^^<> "446.2"^^<> "201.2"^^<> "534.3"^^<> "14.1"^^<>
"1998" "1637.1"^^<> "1514.6"^^<> "904.9"^^<> "420.4"^^<> "198.5"^^<> "531.6"^^<> "14.1"^^<>
"1999" "1590.7"^^<> "1480.1"^^<> "923.7"^^<> "382.6"^^<> "192.1"^^<> "528.5"^^<> "13.8"^^<>

Received 23 rows in 0.031 seconds.

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The following info can be used by a system developer / database administrator in order to retrieve this dataset programmatically over the web using a SPARQL client.

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PREFIX rdf-schema: <>
PREFIX clrtap_nec_unfccc: <>
PREFIX geo: <>
PREFIX sector: <>

SELECT distinct
round(sum(?energy_supply)/100)/10.0 as ?energy_supply
round(sum(?energy_use)/100)/10.0 as ?energy_use
round(sum(?transport)/100)/10.0 as ?transport
round(sum(?industrial_processes)/100)/10.0 as ?industrial_processes
round(sum(?waste)/100)/10.0 as ?waste
round(sum(?agriculture)/100)/10.0 as ?agriculture
round(sum(?solvents)/100)/10.0 as ?solvents

 GRAPH <> 
    _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:year ?date .
    _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:country_code geo:EU28 .
    _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:pollutant_name ?pollutant_name . 
    FILTER (?pollutant_name= 'All greenhouse gases - (CO2 equivalent)')
    #_:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:sector_code ?sector_code . 
      _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:sector_code ?sector_code .
      FILTER (?sector_code in (sector:1.A.1, sector:1.B))
      _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:emissions ?energy_supply .
    } UNION {
      _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:sector_code ?sector_code . 
      FILTER (?sector_code in (sector:1.A.2, sector:1.A.4, sector:1.A.5))
      _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:emissions ?energy_use .
    } UNION {
      _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:sector_code ?sector_code . 
      FILTER (?sector_code in (sector:1.A.3))
      _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:emissions ?transport .
    } UNION {
      _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:sector_code ?sector_code . 
      FILTER (?sector_code in (sector:4))
      _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:emissions ?agriculture .
    } UNION {
      _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:sector_code ?sector_code . 
      FILTER (?sector_code in (sector:2))
      _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:emissions ?industrial_processes .
    } UNION {
      _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:sector_code ?sector_code . 
      FILTER (?sector_code in (sector:3))
      _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:emissions ?solvents.
    } UNION {
      _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:sector_code ?sector_code . 
      FILTER (?sector_code in (sector:6))
      _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:emissions ?waste .
GROUP BY ?date
ORDER BY ?date


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