
Data table via SPARQL

Economic profit rom crops vs water input

Data table via SPARQL Published 22 Jun 2017 Last modified 05 Dec 2017
38 min read

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timePeriod refArea date ugeo region profit water share_irrigated_area
"2010"^^<> <> "2010"^^<> "Austria" "Western" "831.95"^^<> "5140.2"^^<> "1.89"^^<>
"2005"^^<> <> "2005"^^<> "Belgium" "Western" "2911.83"^^<> "4824.5"^^<> "0.64"^^<>
"2007"^^<> <> "2007"^^<> "Belgium" "Western" "2786.52"^^<> "4698.7"^^<> "0.91"^^<>
"2010"^^<> <> "2010"^^<> "Belgium" "Western" "2556.15"^^<> "4615.8"^^<> "0.74"^^<>
"2013"^^<> <> "2013"^^<> "Belgium" "Western" "2603.03"^^<> "4831.9"^^<> "0.9"^^<>
"2007"^^<> <> "2007"^^<> "Bulgaria" "Eastern" "382.89"^^<> "5703.2"^^<> "2.27"^^<>
"2010"^^<> <> "2010"^^<> "Bulgaria" "Eastern" "672.26"^^<> "6182.3"^^<> "2.75"^^<>
"2013"^^<> <> "2013"^^<> "Bulgaria" "Eastern" "529.66"^^<> "5726.7"^^<> "2.77"^^<>
"2013"^^<> <> "2013"^^<> "Croatia" "Eastern" "1441.21"^^<> "4787.6"^^<> "1.47"^^<>
"2005"^^<> <> "2005"^^<> "Cyprus" "Southern" "1672.54"^^<> "7311.7"^^<> "20.36"^^<>

Received 90 rows in 0.003 seconds.

For system integrators

The following info can be used by a system developer / database administrator in order to retrieve this dataset programmatically over the web using a SPARQL client.

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PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX sdmx-measure: <> 
PREFIX sdmx-dimension: <>
PREFIX sdmx-attribute: <>
PREFIX property: <> 
PREFIX unit: <>
PREFIX indic_ag: <>
PREFIX itm_newa: <>
PREFIX indic_ef: <>
PREFIX irrig: <> 
PREFIX agrarea: <>
PREFIX geo: <> 
PREFIX wat_proc: <>
PREFIX wat_src: <>
PREFIX countries: <>
PREFIX crops: <>
PREFIX strucpro: <>
PREFIX swbewa2017: <>
PREFIX fadn2017: <>
PREFIX env_wat_abs_abs_nace_A011_A013: <>

year(?date) as ?timePeriod
?geo as ?refArea
year(?date) as ?date
bif:either(?geo in (geo:AL, geo:CY, geo:EL, geo:ES, geo:IT, geo:ME, geo:MT, geo:PT, geo:TR), 'Southern',
bif:either(?geo in (geo:AT, geo:BE, geo:CH, geo:DE, geo:DK, geo:FR, geo:IE, geo:LI, geo:LU, geo:NL, geo:UK, geo:SE, geo:FI, geo:IS, geo:NO), 'Western',
'Eastern')) as ?region

round(( ( sum(?10000_PPS) - (sum(?19010_PPS) + sum(?19040_PPS) + (sum(?19020_PPS) * (sum(?10000_PPS)/sum(?16000_PPS)))  + (sum(?19030_PPS) * (sum(?10000_PPS)/(sum(?10000_PPS)+sum(?13000_PPS))))) ) * (1.0-sum(xsd:double(?fadn2017))) / sum(xsd:double(?AGRAREA_HA)))*100000.0)/100.0 as ?profit

round(( sum(xsd:double(?abs_nace_A011_A013)) + sum(coalesce(?env_wat_use,0)) + sum(xsd:double(?swbewa2017)) ) / sum(xsd:double(?AGRAREA_HA))*10000.0)/10.0 as ?water

round(sum(?ef_poirrig) / sum(xsd:double(?AGRAREA_HA))/1000.0 *10000)/100.0 as ?share_irrigated_area

    GRAPH <>  { 
      _:env_wat_abs sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date . 
      _:env_wat_abs sdmx-dimension:refArea ?geo . 
      _:env_wat_abs sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:MIO_M3 . 
      _:env_wat_abs property:wat_src wat_src:FRW . 
      _:env_wat_abs property:wat_proc wat_proc:ABS_AGR_IR . 
      _:env_wat_abs sdmx-measure:obsValue ?env_wat_abs .
  } UNION {
    GRAPH <>  
      _:abs_nace_A011_A013 env_wat_abs_abs_nace_A011_A013:geo ?geo .
      _:abs_nace_A011_A013 env_wat_abs_abs_nace_A011_A013:date ?date .
      _:abs_nace_A011_A013 env_wat_abs_abs_nace_A011_A013:obsValue ?abs_nace_A011_A013 .
  } UNION {
    GRAPH <>  
      _:ef_poirrig sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date .
      _:ef_poirrig sdmx-dimension:refArea ?geo .
      _:ef_poirrig property:irrig irrig:TOTAL .
      _:ef_poirrig property:indic_ef ?indic_ef .
      FILTER (?indic_ef IN (indic_ef:B_6_2_2_HA, indic_ef:B_4_7_7_2_8_2_HA))
      _:ef_poirrig sdmx-measure:obsValue ?ef_poirrig .
  } UNION {
    GRAPH <>  { 
      _:env_wat_use sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date . 
      _:env_wat_use sdmx-dimension:refArea ?geo . 
      _:env_wat_use property:wat_proc wat_proc:ABS_AGR_IR . 
      _:env_wat_use sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:MIO_M3 . 
      _:env_wat_use property:wat_src ?wat_src .
      FILTER (?wat_src in (wat_src:RUW, wat_src:DSW, wat_src:NFW))
      _:env_wat_use sdmx-measure:obsValue ?env_wat_use .
  } UNION {
    GRAPH <>  
      _:apro_acs_a sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date .
      _:apro_acs_a property:crops ?crops .
      FILTER (?crops in (crops:ARA, crops:PECR))
      _:apro_acs_a sdmx-dimension:refArea ?geo .
      _:apro_acs_a property:strucpro strucpro:MA .
      _:apro_acs_a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?apro_acs_a .
      _:apro_acs_a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?AGRAREA_HA .
  } UNION {
    GRAPH <>  
      _:swbewa2017 swbewa2017:date ?date .
      _:swbewa2017 swbewa2017:geo ?geo .
      _:swbewa2017 swbewa2017:obsValue ?swbewa2017 .
  } UNION {
    GRAPH <>  
      _:fadn2017 fadn2017:date ?date .
      _:fadn2017 fadn2017:geo ?geo .
      _:fadn2017 fadn2017:obsValue ?fadn2017 .
  } UNION {
    GRAPH <>  { 
      _:aact_eaa07_PPS sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date . 
      _:aact_eaa07_PPS sdmx-dimension:refArea ?geo . 
      _:aact_eaa07_PPS sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:MIO_PPS . 
      _:aact_eaa07_PPS property:indic_ag indic_ag:PROD_BP . 
        _:aact_eaa07_PPS property:itm_newa itm_newa:19010 . 
        _:aact_eaa07_PPS sdmx-measure:obsValue ?19010_PPS .
      } UNION {
        _:aact_eaa07_PPS property:itm_newa itm_newa:19040 .
        _:aact_eaa07_PPS sdmx-measure:obsValue ?19040_PPS .
      } UNION {
        _:aact_eaa07_PPS property:itm_newa itm_newa:19020.
        _:aact_eaa07_PPS sdmx-measure:obsValue ?19020_PPS .
      } UNION {
        _:aact_eaa07_PPS property:itm_newa itm_newa:19030.
        _:aact_eaa07_PPS sdmx-measure:obsValue ?19030_PPS .
      } UNION {
        _:aact_eaa07_PPS property:itm_newa itm_newa:13000.
        _:aact_eaa07_PPS sdmx-measure:obsValue ?13000_PPS .
      } UNION {
        _:aact_eaa07_PPS property:itm_newa itm_newa:10000.
        _:aact_eaa07_PPS sdmx-measure:obsValue ?10000_PPS .
      } UNION {
        _:aact_eaa07_PPS property:itm_newa itm_newa:16000.
        _:aact_eaa07_PPS sdmx-measure:obsValue ?16000_PPS .

  ?geo skos:notation ?geoNotation  .
  ?geo skos:exactMatch ?eeauri .
  ?eeauri skos:inScheme countries: .
  ?eeauri rdfs:label ?ugeo .
  FILTER (strlen(?geoNotation) = 2)
  #FILTER (?geo = geo:DK)
  FILTER (year(?date) in (2005, 2007, 2010, 2013))
GROUP BY ?geo ?ugeo year(?date)
HAVING ( sum(xsd:double(?abs_nace_A011_A013)) + sum(coalesce(?env_wat_use,0)) + sum(xsd:double(?swbewa2017)) ) / sum(?AGRAREA_HA) > 0 && round(( ( sum(?10000_PPS) - (sum(?19010_PPS) + sum(?19040_PPS) + (sum(?19020_PPS) * (sum(?10000_PPS)/sum(?16000_PPS)))  + (sum(?19030_PPS) * (sum(?10000_PPS)/(sum(?10000_PPS)+sum(?13000_PPS))))) ) * (1.0-sum(xsd:double(?fadn2017))) / sum(?AGRAREA_HA))*1000.0) > 0
ORDER BY ?ugeo ?date


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