
Data table via SPARQL

Changes in Phosphorus balance and GVA of agriculture

Data table via SPARQL Published 02 Dec 2013 Last modified 26 Aug 2017
This is an old version, kept for reference only.

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This page was archived on 26 Aug 2017 with reason: A new version has been published

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country change_p change_gva
"Austria"@en "-72.52"^^<> "10.23"^^<>
"Belgium"@en "-73.01"^^<> "-31.07"^^<>
"Czech Republic"@en "-60.94"^^<> "48.23"^^<>
"Denmark"@en "-33.41"^^<> "-55.75"^^<>
"Finland"@en "-37.2"^^<> "-24.6"^^<>
"France"@en "-68.99"^^<> "-4.84"^^<>
"United Kingdom"@en "-38.7"^^<> "-12.37"^^<>
"Greece"@en "160.16"^^<> "-23.17"^^<>
"Hungary"@en "165.67"^^<> "44.79"^^<>
"Italy"@en "-521.18"^^<> "-4.24"^^<>

Received 19 rows in 0.033 seconds.

For system integrators

The following info can be used by a system developer / database administrator in order to retrieve this dataset programmatically over the web using a SPARQL client.

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PREFIX sdmx-measure: <> 
PREFIX sdmx-dimension: <> 
PREFIX skos: <> 
PREFIX property: <> 
PREFIX u: <> 
PREFIX indic_na: <>
PREFIX nace_r2: <>
PREFIX nutrient: <>
PREFIX indic_ag: <>

bif:either (?ugeo = 'DE', 'Germany', ?country_tmp) as ?country

(round( (sum(?p_2008)-sum(?p_2000)) / sum(?p_2000)*10000))/100.0 as ?change_p
(round( (sum(?gva_2008)-sum(?gva_2000)) / sum(?gva_2000)*10000))/100.0 as ?change_gva


bif:either(year(?date) = 2000, sum(?nama_nace64_c),0) AS ?gva_2000
bif:either(year(?date) = 2000, sum(?aei_pr_gnb),0) AS ?p_2000

bif:either(year(?date) = 2008, sum(?nama_nace64_c),0) AS ?gva_2008
bif:either(year(?date) = 2008, sum(?aei_pr_gnb),0) AS ?p_2008

    GRAPH <>  { 
      _:aei_pr_gnb sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date FILTER (year(?date) in (2000, 2008))
      _:aei_pr_gnb property:indic_ag indic_ag:BAL . 
      _:aei_pr_gnb property:nutrient nutrient:P .
      _:aei_pr_gnb property:geo ?geo . 
      OPTIONAL { _:aei_pr_gnb sdmx-measure:obsValue ?aei_pr_gnb . }
  } UNION {
    GRAPH <>  { 
      _:nama_nace64_c sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date FILTER (year(?date) in (2000, 2008))
      _:nama_nace64_c property:indic_na indic_na:B1G . 
      _:nama_nace64_c property:nace_r2 nace_r2:A01 . 
      _:nama_nace64_c property:unit u:MIO_EUR . 
      _:nama_nace64_c property:geo ?geo . 
      OPTIONAL { _:nama_nace64_c sdmx-measure:obsValue ?nama_nace64_c . }
  ?geo skos:prefLabel ?country_tmp .
  ?geo skos:notation ?ugeo . 
  ?eeageo owl:sameAs ?geo . 
  ?eeageo skos:inScheme <> . 
  ?memberOf skos:member ?eeageo . 
  ?memberOf skos:notation ?memberOfcode . FILTER (?memberOfcode IN ('EEA33'))
GROUP BY ?date ?ugeo ?country_tmp 
GROUP BY ?country_tmp ?ugeo
HAVING(sum(?p_2000) != 0 && sum(?gva_2000) != 0)
ORDER BY ?country_tmp


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