
Data table via SPARQL

Change in Final Energy Consumption by Transport Mode, EEA33, 1990-2013

Data table via SPARQL Published 26 Oct 2015 Last modified 20 Apr 2016

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country international_marine_bunkers rail road aviation domestic_navigation
"EEA33" "22.3"^^<> "-19.5"^^<> "23.1"^^<> "67.7"^^<> "-18"^^<>

Received 1 rows in 0.035 seconds.

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PREFIX sdmx-measure: <> 
PREFIX sdmx-dimension: <>
PREFIX sdmx-attribute: <> 
PREFIX skos: <> 
PREFIX property: <> 
PREFIX unit: <>
PREFIX product: <>
PREFIX indic_nrg: <>
PREFIX geo: <>

'EEA33' as ?country
round((( SUM(?international_marine_bunkers_last_year)-SUM(?international_marine_bunkers_first_year) ) / SUM(?international_marine_bunkers_first_year) )*1000)/10.0 as ?international_marine_bunkers

round((( SUM(?rail_last_year)-SUM(?rail_first_year) ) / SUM(?rail_first_year) )*1000)/10.0 as ?rail

round((( SUM(?road_last_year)-SUM(?road_first_year) ) / SUM(?road_first_year) )*1000)/10.0 as ?road

round((( SUM(?aviation_last_year)-SUM(?aviation_first_year) ) / SUM(?aviation_first_year) )*1000)/10.0 as ?aviation

round((( SUM(?domestic_navigation_last_year)-SUM(?domestic_navigation_first_year) ) / SUM(?domestic_navigation_first_year) )*1000)/10.0 as ?domestic_navigation

#SUM(?international_marine_bunkers_first_year) as ?international_marine_bunkers_first_year
#SUM(?international_marine_bunkers_last_year) as ?international_marine_bunkers_last_year
#SUM(?rail_first_year) as ?rail_first_year
#SUM(?rail_last_year) as ?rail_last_year
#SUM(?road_first_year) as ?road_first_year
#SUM(?aviation_first_year) as ?aviation_first_year
#SUM(?aviation_last_year) as ?aviation_last_year
#SUM(?domestic_navigation_first_year) as ?domestic_navigation_first_year
#SUM(?domestic_navigation_last_year) as ?domestic_navigation_last_year
  bif:either(year(?date) = 1990, SUM(?B_100800), 0) as ?international_marine_bunkers_first_year
  bif:either(year(?date) = 2013, SUM(?B_100800), 0) as ?international_marine_bunkers_last_year
  bif:either(year(?date) = 1990, SUM(?B_101910), 0) as ?rail_first_year
  bif:either(year(?date) = 2013, SUM(?B_101910), 0) as ?rail_last_year
  bif:either(year(?date) = 1990, SUM(?B_101920), 0) as ?road_first_year
  bif:either(year(?date) = 2013, SUM(?B_101920), 0) as ?road_last_year
  bif:either(year(?date) = 1990, ( SUM(?B_101931)+ SUM(?B_101932) ), 0) as ?aviation_first_year
  bif:either(year(?date) = 2013, ( SUM(?B_101931)+ SUM(?B_101932) ), 0) as ?aviation_last_year

  bif:either(year(?date) = 1990, SUM(?B_101940), 0) as ?domestic_navigation_first_year
  bif:either(year(?date) = 2013, SUM(?B_101940), 0) as ?domestic_navigation_last_year

    GRAPH <>
        _:nrg_100a sdmx-dimension:refArea ?geo .
        _:nrg_100a sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date .
        _:nrg_100a sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:TJ . 
        _:nrg_100a property:product product:0000 .
          _:nrg_100a property:indic_nrg indic_nrg:B_100800 . 
          _:nrg_100a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?B_100800  .
        } UNION {
          _:nrg_100a property:indic_nrg indic_nrg:B_101910 . 
          _:nrg_100a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?B_101910  .
        } UNION {
          _:nrg_100a property:indic_nrg indic_nrg:B_101920 . 
          _:nrg_100a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?B_101920 .
        } UNION {
          _:nrg_100a property:indic_nrg indic_nrg:B_101931 . 
          _:nrg_100a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?B_101931 .
        } UNION {
          _:nrg_100a property:indic_nrg indic_nrg:B_101932 . 
          _:nrg_100a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?B_101932 .
        } UNION {
          _:nrg_100a property:indic_nrg indic_nrg:B_101940 . 
          _:nrg_100a sdmx-measure:obsValue ?B_101940 .
   ?geo skos:notation ?ugeo FILTER (?geo in (geo:EU28, geo:LI, geo:NO, geo:CH, geo:TR, geo:IS)) .


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