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Definition of the tables and fields creating the published dataset is available in the Data Dictionaries (excluding the table T_UWWTPS_emission_load and codelist tables T_BigCity, T_LOV and T_NUTS – their definition is provided at the end of this section). Hyperlinks to the Data Dictionaries are embedded to the table names below:
Table name |
count of records |
24 456 |
25 195 |
28 |
3 |
129 |
1 818 |
2 785 |
799 |
29 |
28 |
25 130 |
26 078 |
Table name |
count of records |
3 790 |
6 046 |
261 |
Codelists and other tables
Table name |
count of records |
T_BigCity |
675 |
112 |
2 241 |
T_UWWTPS_emission_load |
26 078 |
Table contains additional data on incoming and discharged loads of organic matter and nutrients, provided by some Member States beyond the scope of UWWTD compliance. The data can be linked with the T_UWWTPs for further characteristics for the specific plants. A QA flag for some records relates to certain criteria and should be considered by the user for specific purposes. Field uwwState is related to the records having value State in the codelist table T_LOV, field lovName. Fields uwwCode and uwwName are related to the table T_UWWTPs.
Field Name | Field definition | Note | Data Type |
uwwState | Status of the UWWTP (link to the field lovID in the codelist table T_LOV) | 105 = inactive, 106 = active | Integer |
rptMStateKey | Member State abbreviation | ISO 3166-alpha-2 code | Text(2) |
uwwCode | ID of UWWTP / collecting system without treatment (link to the field uwwCode in the table T_UWWTPs) | Text(32) | |
uwwName | Name of the UWWTP (link to the field uwwName in the table T_UWWTPs) | Text(255) | |
BODIncoming | Incoming loads (t/y): BOD | Decimal | |
CODIncoming | Incoming loads (t/y): COD | Decimal | |
NIncoming | Incoming loads (t/y): Ntot | Decimal | |
PIncoming | Incoming loads (t/y): Ptot | Decimal | |
BODDischarge | Discharged loads (t/y): BOD | Decimal | |
CODDischarge | Discharged loads (t/y): COD | Decimal | |
NDischarge | Discharged loads (t/y): Ntot | Decimal | |
PDischarge | Discharged loads (t/y): Ptot | Decimal | |
QA flag | information on the data flagging | Y = record flagged | Text(1) |
Remark | reference to the detailed information on the QA of the emission load data | Text(255) |
Codelist of Big cities / Big discharges
Field Name | Field definition | Note | Data Type |
bigCityID | ID of the Big city | Text(32) | |
bigCountryCode | Member State abbreviation | ISO 3166-alpha-2 code | Text(4) |
bigCity | Name of the BigCity | Text(255) |
Codelist of NUTS
Field Name | Field definition | Note | Data Type |
nutNUTS | ID of the NUTS | Text(16) | |
nutCountryCode | Member State abbreviation | ISO 3166-alpha-2 code | Text(2) |
nutRegion | Name of the NUTS | Text(64) |
Common codelist of values appropriated to various fields and tables
Field Name | Field definition | Note | Data Type |
lovName | Name of the LOV | Text(32) | |
lovKey | Key of the LOV | Text(16) | |
lovValue | Value of the LOV | Text(64) |
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