
External datasets catalogue

Catalogue of all external data references used by EEA products such as indicators, maps, graphs and publications. For "external data" we intend data that is not directly produced and managed by EEA, rather provided by other organisations. Note: Data providers shall retain the primary responsibility for the quality of the data they produce and distribute (Art 7 EEA Data Policy).
External Data Spec Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy signatories (Dataset URL is not available) — 10 Sep 2020
Based on the location of the signatories to the Covenant of Mayors the number of local authorities participating in the initiative per country was calculated.
External Data Spec Norwegian Emerald network — 09 Sep 2020
CEEweb for Biodiversity  is a network of 53 non-governmental organizations which has been committed for the past 25 years to the conservation of biodiversity in the Central and Eastern European region.
External Data Spec European cities participating in Interreg projects on adaptation to climate change (Dataset URL is not available) — 21 Aug 2020
External Data Spec European cities participating in LIFE projects (Dataset URL is not available) — 21 Aug 2020
External Data Spec Participants in the UNDRR Making Cities Resilient campaign (Dataset URL is not available) — 12 Aug 2020
Based on the location of the participants in the Making Cities resilient Campaign, the number of local authorities participating in the initiative per country was calculated.
External Data Spec European cities participating in EU-funded framework programme research projects (Dataset URL is not available) — 12 Aug 2020
External Data Spec Climatic suitability of the Aedes albopictus mosquito in European cities from 2008 to 2017 derived from reanalysis (Dataset URL is not available) — 12 Aug 2020
As part of the Copernicus Climate Change Service, the European Health Sectoral Information System produced climate suitability maps for Aedes Albopictus (ECDC, 2009; Vito, 2019b). The P90 (90 th percentile) indicator of the climatic suitability of the urban area for tiger mosquito represents the specific exposure of single cities and is independent of the model domain or size of a city. Since it is the 90th percentile, there are grid cells (areas) in a city with an even higher suitability value, so it can be considered a rather conservative value.
External Data Spec Surface area of publicly accessible green space per inhabitant in core cities (Dataset URL is not available) — 06 Aug 2020
The dataset was developed by JRC based on Copernicus urban Atlas and population numbers.
External Data Spec D source code Future heat-waves, droughts and floods in 571 European cities (Dataset URL is not available) — 05 Aug 2020
PDF Documet
External Data Spec Projected number of extreme heatwaves (RCP 8.5; 2020-2052) — 05 Aug 2020
Under the RCP8.5 scenario, very extreme heat waves ([10]) (much stronger than either the 2003 or the 2010 heat waves) are projected to occur as often as every two years in the second half of the 21st century (Figure 2). The projected frequency of heat waves is greatest in southern and south-eastern Europe. Russo, Simone, Alessandro Dosio, Rune G. Graversen, Jana Sillmann, Hugo Carrao, Martha B. Dunbar, Andrew Singleton, Paolo Montagna, Paulo Barbola, and Jürgen V. Vogt. Magnitude of Extreme Heat Waves in Present Climate and Their Projection in a Warming World, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres119, no. 22 (November 27, 2014): 12500–512.
External Data Spec Urban heat Island summer intensity — 05 Aug 2020
The intensity of UHI was estimated for 100 European cities in the framework of the Copernicus European Health contract for the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S). High resolution (100m) hourly temperature (2008-2017) was simulated with the urban climate model UrbClim (De Ridder et al., 2015). Summer season is June, July and August. The intensity of UHI is represented by spatial P90 (90th percentile) UHI intensity of a given city. This indicator is calculated by subtracting the rural (non-water) spatial P10 (10th percentile) temperature value from the average, height-corrected (to exclude terrain effects), air temperature map.
External Data Spec RESIN risk typology — 05 Aug 2020
The map shows the climate risk typology developed In the EU-funded H2020 project RESIN. The NUTS3 regions have been categorised into 8 groups according to the main climate hazards, exposure of population and infrastructure, sensitivity of the population and adaptive capacity of the areas.
External Data Spec chemical/x-pdb City clusters based on different combinations of threat-specific vulnerability scores — 05 Aug 2020
Within the framework of the Horizon2020 research project RAMSES, the vulnerability of 571 European cities was assessed according to a number of indicators from vvarious domains, including: human capital, governance and institutions, socio-economic conditions, build environment and natural capital. The cities were clustered according to their vulnerabaility to heatwaves, flooding and droughts.
External Data Spec Trends in annual temperature across Europe — 26 May 2020
Europe has warmed significantly in recent decades. Particularly high warming has been observed over the Iberian Peninsula, across central and north-eastern Europe, particularly in mountainous regions and over southern Scandinavia. Winter temperatures have increased the most in northern Europe, while in southern Europe the summer temperatures have increased more than the annual temperatures.
External Data Spec Biodiversity in Europe's seas — 30 Apr 2020
ETC/ICM Report 3/2019: Biodiversity in Europe's seas
External Data Spec chemical/x-mdl-rdfile Blue indicators online dashboard — 29 Apr 2020
The data and charts show the economic indicators used for the established sectors in the EU Blue Economy report. The six sectors include: Coastal Tourism, Marine living resources, Marine non-living resources, Port activities, Shipbuilding and repair and Maritime transport. Various filters allow for the customisation of data can in terms of sub-sector, activity, Member State, indicator and time period.
External Data Spec chemical/x-pdb Population connected to wastewater treatment plants (env_ww_con) — 20 Apr 2020
External Data Spec Hawaii Ocean Time-series (HOT) — 16 Apr 2020
External Data Spec D source code Population change - Demographic balance and crude rates — 23 Mar 2020
Population change - Demographic balance and crude rates at regional level (NUTS 3)  (demo_r_gind3)
External Data Spec Living Planet Index (Dataset URL is not available) — 11 Mar 2020
The Living Planet Index (LPI) is a measure of the state of global biological diversity based on population trends of vertebrate species from around the world. It does this in much the same way that a stock market index tracks the value of a set of shares or a retail price index tracks the cost of a basket of consumer goods.


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