
External Data Spec

West Nile fever maps

External Data Spec Published 19 Dec 2016
The implementation of blood safety measures in the event of outbreaks of West Nile fever in humans is an important issue for the national competent authorities. According to the Commission Directive 2014/110/EU , efforts should be made to defer all blood donations from areas with ongoing transmission of West Nile virus (WNV) to humans to prevent its onward spread. A challenge to the implementation of the Directive is the timely collection of accurate information about areas with ongoing transmission. An important consequence of the deferral of blood donations from areas with West Nile fever is the impact on the blood supply for those areas. The objective of this project is to inform the competent authorities responsible for blood safety of areas with ongoing transmission of West Nile virus to humans in order to support their implementation of blood safety legislation. ECDC is providing, for the current transmission season, weekly updates on the reported cases of West Nile fever in humans in the EU Member States and neighbouring countries (i.e. those included in WHO European region and/or bordering the Mediterranean Sea). The updates are based on information obtained from the countries’ health authorities and refer to human autochthonous cases of West Nile fever only. - See more at:


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