
Article 12 - 2020 dataset

Data Table
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The dataset contains the tabular data as reported by Member States for the 2013-2018 period; this includes population sizes and trends (short and long term) for breeding and wintering populations, as well as pressures and threats. In addition, it includes the population status and trends at the EU level as assessed by the BirdLife International (under contract with the European Commission). The tabular dataset was updated in Aril 2021 to include the delayed report from Romania. The assessments at EU level do not take into consideration this delayed delivery.
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Data File Troff document Article 12 - 2020 dataset (Microsoft Access format) 5.8 MB 07 Apr 2022, 09:53 AM Published
Data File Troff document Article 12 - 2020 data (CSV format) 3.0 MB 07 Apr 2022, 09:53 AM Published
Data File Troff document Article 12 - 2020 codelists (CSV format) 18.0 KB 07 Apr 2022, 09:53 AM Published