
Article 12 - 2020 dataset

Data Table
1 min read
The dataset contains the tabular data as reported by Member States for the 2013-2018 period; this includes population sizes and trends (short and long term) for breeding and wintering populations, as well as pressures and threats. In addition, it includes the population status and trends at the EU level as assessed by the BirdLife International (under contract with the European Commission). The tabular dataset was updated in Aril 2021 to include the delayed report from Romania. The assessments at EU level do not take into consideration this delayed delivery.
European data
Table definition

Article 12 2020

Article 12 general report (data_bgreport)

Most important facts and figures on the general implementation of the Birds Directive from Member States

Field nameDefinitionNote
country Member State - two-digit code

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.0b
Look-up table [ref_countries]
achievements Text in national language

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.1.1
achievements_trans Translation into English

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.1.2
general_info General information on the BirdsDirective

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.2.1
info_on_network Information on the Natura 2000 (SPA) network

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.2.2
monitoring_schemes Monitoring schemes (Art. 4(1) and Art. 10)

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.2.3
protection_of_species Protection of species (Art. 5–8)

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.2.4
transpose_directive Transposition of the Directive (legal texts)

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.2.5
spa_total_number All SPAs - Number

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.3.1a
spa_total_area All SPAs - Surface area in km2

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.3.1b
spa_terrestrial_area Terrestrial area of sites (excluding marine area)

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.3.2
spa_marine_number Marine sites - Number

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.3.3a
spa_marine_area Marine sites - Surface area in km2

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.3.3b
database_date Date of database used

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.3.4
measures_applied_number Number of SPAs

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.4.1a
measures_applied_perc Proportion (% area) of the SPA network area

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.4.1b
measures_setout_number Number of SPAs

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.4.2a
measures_setout_perc Proportion (% area) of the SPA network area

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.4.2b
national_bird_atlas_title Title

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.6.1.1
national_bird_atlas_year Year of publication

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.6.1.2
national_bird_atlas_reference Web-link and/or bibliographic reference

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.6.1.3
national_bird_redlist_title Title

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.6.3.1
national_bird_redlist_year Year of publication

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.6.3.2
national_bird_redlist_reference Web-link and/or bibliographic reference

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.6.3.3

Article 12 general report publications of EU interest (data_bgpublication)

Most recent publications of EU-wide interest other than national atlas and national Red List

Field nameDefinitionNote
country Member State - two-digit code

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.0b
Look-up table [ref_countries]
monitoring_title Title or similar plus short description

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.6.4.1
monitoring_year Year of publication

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.6.4.2
monitoring_reference Web-link and/or bibliographic reference

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.6.4.3

Article 12 general report non-native species (data_bgnon_native_bird)

Information on bird species that do not naturally occur in the wild in the European territory of the Member States and for which introduction has taken place during the reporting period

Field nameDefinitionNote
country Member State - two-digit code

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.0b
Look-up table [ref_countries]
speciesname Species scientific name

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.7.1
sub_unit Subspecific unit

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.7.2
introduction Main contents of legal decision for introduction

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.7.3
consultation_date Consultation with the Commission

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.7.4
info Additional information

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.7.5

Article 12 general report monitoring overview (data_bgmonitoring)

Information on national bird monitoring overview

Field nameDefinitionNote
country Member State - two-digit code

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.0b
Look-up table [ref_countries]
monitoring_title Title or similar plus short description

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.6.2.1
monitoring_year Year of publication

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.6.2.2
monitoring_reference Web-link and/or bibliographic reference

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.6.2.3

Article 12 general report plan and projects (data_bgmeasures)

Information on Measures taken in relation to approval of plans & projects

Field nameDefinitionNote
country Member State - two-digit code

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.0b
Look-up table [ref_countries]
sitecode Site code

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.5.1
sitename Site name

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.5.2
project_title Title of project/plan

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.5.3
commission_informed_year Year Commission was informed of compensatory measures

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.5.4
project_year Year project/plan was started

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.5.5
impact Impact of projects requiring compensatory measures on conservation status

Corresponding field in the report format: BirdsGen.5.6

Article 12 bird species check list (bird_check_list)

Information on occurrence of the bird species for a given season in Member State

Field nameDefinitionNote
country Member State - reporting unit (two-digit code for MS or other for subnational units) Look-up table [ref_countries]
country_isocode Member State isocode - two-digit code
speciescode Species code
speciesname Species scientific name
sub_unit Subspecific population
season Season Look-up table [ref_seasons]
euringcode EURING code

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.3
presence Look-up table [ref_presence_status_bird]
recommended_unit Look-up table [ref_populationUnits]
spa_trigger Flag indicating whether a non-Annex I species is triggering SPA classification in the MS. N: no; Y: yes
keywintering Flag indicating if the species is a key wintering species. N: no; Y: yes
non_native Flag indicating if the species is a non-native species in the MS. N: no; Y: yes
annex_i Flag indicating in which annex(es) of the Birds Directive the species is listed for a particular Member State / territory. N' means the species is not listed in this annex, 'Y' means the species is listed in this annex, 'Y-CTC' and 'Y-HTL' means the species is listed in this annex under a different name (split taxa or a synonym) or at a higher level.
annex_ii_partA Flag indicating in which annex(es) of the Birds Directive the species is listed for a particular Member State / territory. N' means the species is not listed in this annex, 'Y' means the species is listed in this annex, 'Y-CTC' and 'Y-HTL' means the species is listed in this annex under a different name (split taxa or a synonym) or at a higher level.
annex_ii_partB Flag indicating in which annex(es) of the Birds Directive the species is listed for a particular Member State / territory. N' means the species is not listed in this annex, 'Y' means the species is listed in this annex, 'Y-CTC' and 'Y-HTL' means the species is listed in this annex under a different name (split taxa or a synonym) or at a higher level.
taxOrder Taxonomical order - scientific name (not provided for non- native species for which the reporting is not mandatory)
taxFamily Family - scientific name (not provided for non- native species for which the reporting is not mandatory)
taxGroup_en Taxonomical group corresponding broadly to the level of taxonomical order (not provided for non- native species for which the reporting is not mandatory )
taxFamily_en Family - English name (not provided for non- native species for which the reporting is not mandatory)

Article 12 bird status and trends (data_birds)

Information on bird species’ status and trends

Field nameDefinitionNote
country Member State - reporting unit (two-digit code for MS or other for subnational units)

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.1a
Look-up table [ref_countries]
season Season

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.8
Look-up table [ref_seasons]
speciescode Species code

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.2
speciesname Species scientific name

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.4
sub_unit Subspecific population

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.5
alternative_speciesname Alternative species scientific name

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.6
common_speciesname Common name

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.7
population_date Year or period

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.2.1
population_size_unit Population size - Unit

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.2.2a
Look-up table [ref_populationUnits]
population_size_min Population size - Minimum

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.2.2b
population_size_max Population size - Maximum

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.2.2c
population_size Population size - Best single value

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.2.2d
population_estimate_type Type of estimate

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.2.3
Look-up table [ref_typeEstimate]
population_method Population size Method used

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.2.4
Look-up table [ref_methodsUsed]
population_sources Sources

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.2.5
population_info Additional information

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.2.7
population_trend_period Short-term trend Period

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.3.1.1
population_trend Short-term trend Direction

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.3.1.2
Look-up table [ref_trends]
population_trend_magnitude_min Short-term trend Magnitude - Minimum

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.3.1.3a
population_trend_magnitude_max Short-term trend Magnitude - Maximum

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.3.1.3b
population_trend_magnitude Short-term trend Magnitude - Best single value

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.3.1.3c
population_trend_method Short-term trend Method used

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.3.1.4
Look-up table [ref_methodsUsed]
population_trend_sources Sources

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.3.1.5
population_trend_long_period Long-term trend Period

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.3.2.1
population_trend_long Long-term trend Direction

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.3.2.2
Look-up table [ref_trends]
population_trend_long_magnitude_min Long-term trend Magnitude - Minimum

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.3.2.3a
population_trend_long_magnitude_max Long-term trend Magnitude - Maximum

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.3.2.3b
population_trend_long_magnitude Long-term trend Magnitude - Best single value

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.3.2.3c
population_trend_long_method Long-term trend Method used

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.3.2.4
Look-up table [ref_methodsUsed]
population_trend_long_sources Sources

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.3.2.5
population_trend_info Additional information

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.3.3
sensitive_species Sensitive species

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.4.1
0: false; -1: true
distribution_period Year or period

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.4.2
distribution_map Breeding distribution map

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.4.3
0: false; -1: true
distribution_grid_area Area from the EU distribution map.
distribution_surface_area Breeding distribution surface area

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.4.4
distribution_method Breeding distribution Method used

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.4.5
Look-up table [ref_methodsUsed]
additional_distribution_map Additional maps

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.4.6
0: false; -1: true
distribution_source Sources

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.4.7
distribution_info Additional information

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.4.8
distribution_trend_period Short-term trend Period

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.5.1.1
distribution_trend Short-term trend Direction

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.5.1.2
Look-up table [ref_trends]
distribution_trend_magnitude_min Short-term trend Magnitude - Minimum

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.5.1.3a
distribution_trend_magnitude_max Short-term trend Magnitude - Maximum

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.5.1.3b
distribution_trend_magnitude Short-term trend Magnitude - Best single value

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.5.1.3c
distribution_trend_method Short-term trend Method used

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.5.1.4
Look-up table [ref_methodsUsed]
distribution_trend_source Sources

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.5.1.5
distribution_trend_long_period Long-term trend Period

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.5.2.1
distribution_trend_long Long-term trend Direction

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.5.2.2
Look-up table [ref_trends]
distribution_trend_long_magnitude_min Long-term trend Magnitude - Minimum

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.5.2.3a
distribution_trend_long_magnitude_max Long-term trend Magnitude - Maximum

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.5.2.3b
distribution_trend_long_magnitude Long-term trend Magnitude - Best single value

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.5.2.3c
distribution_trend_long_method Long-term trend Method used

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.5.2.4
Look-up table [ref_methodsUsed]
distribution_trend_long_source Sources

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.5.2.5
distribution_trend_info Additional information

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.5.3
plan Type of international plan

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.6.1
Look-up table [ref_typeOfPlan]; If relevant, type of international species plan reported as reported by Member States for their territory. The list of species with international (EU or broader) species plans is available in the look up table [ref_linkageSpeciesPlans]. This information relates to a species population within Member State/territory and not to a distinct season. It was reported in only for the most relevant season(s).
national_plan_adopted Has a national plan linked to the international SAP/MP/BMS been adopted?

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.6.2
This information relates to a species population within Member State/territory and not to a distinct season. It was reported in only for the most relevant season(s).
measures_taken If ‘NO’, describe any measures and initiatives taken related to the international SAP/MP/BMS

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.6.3
This information relates to a species population within Member State/territory and not to a distinct season. It was reported in only for the most relevant season(s).
effectiveness_SAPs Assessment of the effectiveness of SAPs for globally threatened species (Art. 12, Species Action Plans)

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.6.4
Look-up table [ref_effectivenessSAPs]; This information relates to a species population within Member State/territory and not to a distinct season. It was reported in only for the most relevant season(s).
effectiveness_MPs Assessment of the effectiveness of MPs for huntable species in non-Secure status (Articles 3 and 7, Management Plans)

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.6.5
Look-up table [ref_effectivenessMPs]; This information relates to a species population within Member State/territory and not to a distinct season. It was reported in only for the most relevant season(s).
further_info Sources of further information

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.6.6
This information relates to a species population within Member State/territory and not to a distinct season. It was reported in only for the most relevant season(s).
spa_population_unit Population size - Unit

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.9.1a
Look-up table [ref_populationUnits]
spa_population_min Population size - Minimum

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.9.1b
spa_population_max Population size - Maximum

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.9.1c
spa_population Population size - Best single value

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.9.1d
spa_population_estimate_type Type of estimate

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.9.2
Look-up table [ref_typeEstimate]
spa_population_method Population size inside the network Method used

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.9.3
Look-up table [ref_methodsUsed]
spa_population_trend Short-term trend of population size within the network - direction

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.9.4
Look-up table [ref_trends]
spa_population_trend_method Short-term trend of population size within the network Method used

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.9.5
Look-up table [ref_methodsUsed]
spa_info Additional information

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.9.6
use_for_statistics based on the presence information in the bird_check_list 0: false; -1: true
popsize_etc Best value, if reported, or average of min/max reported values.
spa_popsize_etc Best value, if reported, or average of min/max reported values.
spa_coverage_etc Proportion between popsize_etc and spa_popsize_etc

Article 12 Annex II species (data_birds_annexII )

Information related to Annex II species (only relevant for species listed on the Annex II of the Directive)

Field nameDefinitionNote
country Member State - reporting unit (two-digit code for MS or other for subnational units)

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.1a
Look-up table [ref_countries]
season Season

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.8
Look-up table [ref_seasons]
speciescode Species code

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.2
speciesname Species scientific name

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.4
sub_unit Subspecific population

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.5
annexII Flag to indicate in which annex(es) of the Birds Directive the species is listed. IIA' means the species is listed in annex II part A, 'IIB' means the species is listed in annex II part B.
nationally_hunted Is the species nationally hunted

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.10.1
0: false; -1: true
huntingbag_unit Hunting bag - Unit

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.10.2a
i: individuals
huntingbag_y1_min Hunting bag - Season/year 1 min

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.10.2b1min
huntingbag_y1_max Hunting bag - Season/year 1 max

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.10.2b1max
huntingbag_y1_unknown Hunting bag - Season/year 1 unknown

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.10.2b1x
0: false; -1: true. True means statistics per hunting season or per year over the reporting period is unknown
huntingbag_y2_min Hunting bag - Season/year 2 min

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.10.2b2min
huntingbag_y2_max Hunting bag - Season/year 2 max

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.10.2b2max
huntingbag_y2_unknown Hunting bag - Season/year 2 unknown

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.10.2b2x
0: false; -1: true. True means statistics per hunting season or per year over the reporting period is unknown
huntingbag_y3_min Hunting bag - Season/year 3 min

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.10.2b3min
huntingbag_y3_max Hunting bag - Season/year 3 max

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.10.2b3max
huntingbag_y3_unknown Hunting bag - Season/year 3 unknown

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.10.2b3x
0: false; -1: true. True means statistics per hunting season or per year over the reporting period is unknown
huntingbag_y4_min Hunting bag - Season/year 4 min

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.10.2b4min
huntingbag_y4_max Hunting bag - Season/year 4 max

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.10.2b4max
huntingbag_y4_unknown Hunting bag - Season/year 4 unknown

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.10.2b4x
0: false; -1: true. True means statistics per hunting season or per year over the reporting period is unknown
huntingbag_y5_min Hunting bag - Season/year 5 min

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.10.2b5min
huntingbag_y5_max Hunting bag - Season/year 5 max

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.10.2b5max
huntingbag_y5_unknown Hunting bag - Season/year 5 unknown

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.10.2b5x
0: false; -1: true. True means statistics per hunting season or per year over the reporting period is unknown
huntingbag_y6_min Hunting bag - Season/year 6 min

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.10.2b6min
huntingbag_y6_max Hunting bag - Season/year 6 max

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.10.2b6max
huntingbag_y6_unknown Hunting bag - Season/year 6 unknown

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.10.2b6x
0: false; -1: true. True means statistics per hunting season or per year over the reporting period is unknown
huntingbag_method Hunting bag Method used

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.10.3
Look-up table [ref_methodsUsed]
annexII_info Additional information

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.10.4

Article 12 change and reason for change (data_change)

Information on change and reason for change of population size between reporting periods

Field nameDefinitionNote
country Member State - reporting unit (two-digit code for MS or other for subnational units)

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.1a
Look-up table [ref_countries]
season Season

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.8
Look-up table [ref_seasons]
speciescode Species code

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.2
speciesname Species scientific name

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.4
sub_unit Subspecific population

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.5
no_change Is there a change between reporting periods? No, there is no change

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.2.6_
0: false; -1: true; True means there is no change between reporting periods.
genuine Is there a change between reporting periods? a) yes, due to genuine change

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.2.6a
0: false; -1: true
knowledge Is there a change between reporting periods? b) yes, due to improved knowledge/more accurate data

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.2.6b
0: false; -1: true
method Is there a change between reporting periods? c) yes, due to the use of different method

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.2.6c
0: false; -1: true
no_info Is there a change between reporting periods? d) yes, but there is no information on the nature of change

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.2.6d
0: false; -1: true
main_reason Is there a change between reporting periods? yes, the change is mainly due to:

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.2.6e
Look-up table [ref_reasonChange]
use_for_statistics based on the presence information in the bird_check_list 0: false; -1: true

Article 12 bird conservation measures (data_bmeasures_info)

Information related to main conservation measures (only mandatory for Annex I species and other species triggering SPA classification)

Field nameDefinitionNote
country Member State - reporting unit (two-digit code for MS or other for subnational units)

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.1a
Look-up table [ref_countries]
season Season

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.8
Look-up table [ref_seasons]
speciescode Species code

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.2
speciesname Species scientific name

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.4
sub_unit Subspecific population

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.5
measures_needed Status of measures - Are measures needed?

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.8.1a
0: false; -1: true
measures_status Status of measures - If yes, indicate the status of measures

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.8.1b
Look-up table [ref_measures_identified]
measures_purpose Main purpose of the measures taken

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.8.2
Look-up table [ref_measures_purpose_birds]
measures_location Location of the measures

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.8.3
Look-up table [ref_measures_location]
measures_response Response to the measures

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.8.4
Look-up table [ref_measures_response]
measures_info Additional information

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.8.6
use_for_statistics based on the presence information in the bird_check_list 0: false; -1: true

Article 12 list of conservation measures (data_bmeasures)

List of measures taken for each bird species for a given season in Member State (only mandatory for Annex I species and other species triggering SPA classification)

Field nameDefinitionNote
country Member State - reporting unit (two-digit code for MS or other for subnational units)

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.1a
Look-up table [ref_countries]
season Season

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.8
Look-up table [ref_seasons]
speciescode Species code

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.2
speciesname Species scientific name

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.4
sub_unit Subspecific population

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.5
measurecode List of main conservation measures

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.8.5
Look-up table [ref_measures]
use_for_statistics based on the presence information in the bird_check_list 0: false; -1: true
report_obligation Indicates whether in this table information for a speciescode was mandatory or optional (mandatory for annex I birds and birds triggering SPA classification, optional for others).

Article 12 bird pressures and threats (data_bpressures_threats_info)

Information related to main pressures and threats (only mandatory for Annex I species and other species triggering SPA classification)

Field nameDefinitionNote
country Member State - reporting unit (two-digit code for MS or other for subnational units)

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.1a
Look-up table [ref_countries]
season Season

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.8
Look-up table [ref_seasons]
speciescode Species code

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.2
speciesname Species scientific name Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.4
sub_unit Subspecific population

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.5
pressures_source Sources of information

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.7.2
pressures_info Additional information

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.7.3
use_for_statistics based on the presence information in the bird_check_list 0: false; -1: true

Article 12 list of pressures and threats (data_bpressures_threats)

List of main pressures for each bird species for a given season in Member State (only mandatory for Annex I species and other species triggering SPA classification)

Field nameDefinitionNote
country Member State - reporting unit (two-digit code for MS or other for subnational units)

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.1a
Look-up table [ref_countries]
season Season

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.8
Look-up table [ref_seasons]
speciescode Species code

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.2
speciesname Species scientific name

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.4
sub_unit Subspecific population

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.1.5
type Pressure type

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.7.1_
p=pressures; t=threats
ranking Ranking of pressure/threat

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.7.1b/Birds.7.1d
Look-up table [ref_ranking]
pressurecode Pressure / threat

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.7.1a
Look-up table [ref_threatsPressures]
location Location of pressure/threat

Corresponding field in the report format: Birds.7.1c/Birds.7.1e
Look-up table [ref_pressuresThreatsLocation]
use_for_statistics based on the presence information in the bird_check_list 0: false; -1: true
report_obligation Indicates whether in this table information for a speciescode was mandatory or optional (mandatory for annex I birds and birds triggering SPA classification, optional for others).

Crosslink between species codes used in Member States reports and those used for EU assessment (at subspecies level if both species and subspecies level assessments were performed)

Field nameDefinitionNote
speciescodeMS Species code used for reporting by Member States
speciesnameMS Species name used for reporting by Member States
sub_unitMS Subpopuplation unit or flyway used for reporting by Member States
speciescodeEU Species code used for EU assessment (at subspecies level if both species and subspecies level assessments were performed)
speciesnameEU Species name used for EU assessment (at subspecies level if both species and subspecies level assessments were performed)
sub_unitEU Subpopuplation unit or flyway used for EU assessment (at subspecies level if both species and subspecies level assessments were performed)

Article 12 EU population status assessments (birdsEUpopulation)

Final EU population status assessments

Field nameDefinitionNote
speciescode Species code used for EU assessment
speciesname Species name used for EU assessment
sub_unit Subpopuplation unit or flyway used for EU assessment
levelReport Flag indicating whether this is a subspecies or species level assessment (if both species and subspecies level assessments were performed for the same species)
season_selected Season Look-up table [ref_seasons]
keywintering Flag indicating if the species is a key wintering species. N: no; Y: yes
annex_i Flag indicating in which annex(es) of the Birds Directive the species is listed. N' means the species is not listed in this annex, 'Y' means the species is listed in this annex, 'Y-CTC' and 'Y-HTL' means the species is listed in this annex under a different name (split taxa or a synonym) or at a higher level.
annex_ii_partA Flag indicating in which annex(es) of the Birds Directive the species is listed. N' means the species is not listed in this annex, 'Y' means the species is listed in this annex, 'Y-CTC' and 'Y-HTL' means the species is listed in this annex under a different name (split taxa or a synonym) or at a higher level.
annex_ii_partB Flag indicating in which annex(es) of the Birds Directive the species is listed. N' means the species is not listed in this annex, 'Y' means the species is listed in this annex, 'Y-CTC' and 'Y-HTL' means the species is listed in this annex under a different name (split taxa or a synonym) or at a higher level.
distribution_surface_area Overall EU breeding distribution surface area in km²
population_minimum_size_raw Estimate of minimum overall EU population size
population_maximum_size_raw Estimate of maximum overall EU population size
population_minimum_size Estimate of minimum overall EU population size (rounded value)
population_maximum_size Estimate of maximum overall EU population size (rounded value)
population_size_unit Population size unit Look-up table [ref_populationUnits]
population_trend Overall EU short-term population trend (2007-2018) Look-up table [ref_trends]
population_trend_long Overall EU long-term population trend (1980-2018) Look-up table [ref_trends]
red_list_cat IUCN Red List Catergory and corresponding criteris following
conclusion_status_label EU population status category (2020)
contribution_target1 Contribution to Target 1 of EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 Look-up table [ref_target1]
red_list_cat_prev IUCN Red List Catergory in previous reporting period (2008-2012) following
conclusion_status_label_prev EU population status category from previous reporting period (2008-2012)
season_reported Flag indicating season(s) for which the EU aggregation of data was performed for each species / subspecific unit.
taxOrder Taxonomical order - scientific name
taxFamily Family - scientific name
taxGroup_en Taxonomical group corresponding broadly to the level of taxonomical order
taxFamily_en Family - English name

Article 12 complementary assessments (birdsEUpopulation_notassessed)

Complementary assessments for species with two seasonal assessment

Field nameDefinitionNote
speciescode Species code used for EU assessment
speciesname Species name used for EU assessment
sub_unit Subpopuplation unit or flyway used for EU assessment
levelReport Flag indicating whether this is a subspecies or species level assessment (if both species and subspecies level assessments were performed for the same species)
season Season Look-up table [ref_seasons]
keywintering Flag indicating if the species is a key wintering species N: no; Y: yes
annex_i Flag indicating in which annex(es) of the Birds Directive the species is listed. 'N' means the species is not listed in this annex, 'Y' means the species is listed in this annex, 'Y-CTC' and 'Y-HTL' means the species is listed in this annex under a different name (split taxa or a synonym) or at a higher level.
annex_ii_partA Flag indicating in which annex(es) of the Birds Directive the species is listed. 'N' means the species is not listed in this annex, 'Y' means the species is listed in this annex, 'Y-CTC' and 'Y-HTL' means the species is listed in this annex under a different name (split taxa or a synonym) or at a higher level.
annex_ii_partB Flag indicating in which annex(es) of the Birds Directive the species is listed. 'N' means the species is not listed in this annex, 'Y' means the species is listed in this annex, 'Y-CTC' and 'Y-HTL' means the species is listed in this annex under a different name (split taxa or a synonym) or at a higher level.
distribution_surface_area Overall EU breeding distribution surface area in km²
population_minimum_size_raw Estimate of minimum overall EU population size
population_maximum_size_raw Estimate of maximum overall EU population size
population_minimum_size Estimate of minimum overall EU population size (rounded value)
population_maximum_size Estimate of maximum overall EU population size (rounded value)
population_size_unit Population size unit Look-up table [ref_populationUnits]
population_trend Overall EU short-term population trend (2007-2018) Look-up table [ref_trends]
population_trend_long Overall EU long-term population trend (1980-2018) Look-up table [ref_trends]
taxOrder Taxonomical order - scientific name
taxFamily Family - scientific name
taxGroup_en Taxonomical group corresponding broadly to the level of taxonomical order
taxFamily_en Family - English name

Article 12 groups of birds (ref_bird_grouping)

Attribution of species to groups used for policy relevant analysis in the State of Nature Report, 2020. MSFD - marine species according to the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive ; AEWA - species covered by the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA,, CFoBI - Common forest birds population index, 34 species used for index at EU level , CFaBI - Common farmland birds population index, 39 species used for index at EU level

Field nameDefinitionNote
speciesCode Species code
speciesName Species scientific name
subUnit Subspecific population
groupName Species group MSFD - marine species according to the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive; AEWA - species covered by the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA,; CFoBI - Common forest birds population index, 34 species used for index at EU level; CFaBI - Common farmland birds population index, 39 species used for index at EU level

Article 12 species with international or multilateral plans (ref_linkageSpeciesPlans)

List of species with international or multilateral plans with an indication of the type.

Field nameDefinitionNote
speciescode Species code
plan Type of international species plan reported for species concerned by this type of instrument Look-up table [ref_typeOfPlan]


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