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Webside Sidst ændret 15/03 2023
1 min read
Det Europæiske Miljøagentur (EEA) er et agentur under Den Europæiske Union. Vores opgave er at formidle pålidelige og uafhængige oplysninger om miljøet. Vi er en vigtig informationskilde for dem, der er inddraget i udformning, vedtagelse, gennemførelse og evaluering af miljøpolitikker, og også for offentligheden.

The regulation establishing the EEA was adopted by the European Union in 1990. It entered into force at the end of 1993, immediately after a decision was made to place the EEA in Copenhagen. The work began in earnest in 1994. The European Environmental Information and Environmental Monitoring Network (Eionet) was also established by this Regulation.

The EEA is mandated to:

  • To assist the Community and the Member States in making informed decisions on environmental improvements, integrating environmental concerns into economic policy and achieving the sustainability objective
  • To coordinate the European Environment Information and Monitoring Network ( Eionet )

The EEA now has 32 member states and six partner countries. The European Environmental Information and Environmental Monitoring Network (Eionet) is a partnership network for the EEA and these countries. The EEA is responsible for developing the network and coordinating its activities, and works closely with national nodes, typically national environmental boards or ministries. These are responsible for coordinating national networks with many institutions (around 350 in total).

The main customers are the institutions of the European Union - the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Council - and our Member States. In addition to this central group of European policy makers, we also assist other EU institutions such as the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions.

Business, academia, non-governmental organizations and other sections of civil society are also important users of our information. We try to establish two-way communication with our customers to correctly identify their information needs and ensure that they understand and can make use of the information we provide.


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