
Data table via SPARQL

Calls for tenders

Data table via SPARQL Published 21 Jun 2016 Last modified 11 Oct 2023

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uri title created modified published language translation_of_uri mps_code serial_title description type_uri isbn prod_id callForId
<> "EEA/COM/18/003 - Provision of strategic communication services for the European Environment Agency"@en "2018-06-20T12:29:55Z"^^<> "2018-06-20T12:34:07Z"^^<> "2018-06-23T06:00:00Z"^^<> "en" "" "" "" "The EEA seeks to establish a framework service contract with a service provider that will provide support to the EEA in the area of strategic communications, with a view to reaching the objectives formulated in the Communication framework."@en <> "" "VCNM38A05S" "EEA/COM/18/003"@en
<> "EEA/COM/18/006 - Framework service contract for the provision of editing and proofreading services for the European Environment Agency (EEA)"@en "2018-12-03T08:23:40Z"^^<> "2019-01-16T16:13:14Z"^^<> "2018-12-01T07:00:00Z"^^<> "en" "" "" "" "The EEA will use the cascade system to establish framework contracts with multiple economic operators for editing and proofreading services, in order to ensure that the Communications Programme of the EEA can manage a fluctuating workload in this area, while maintaining high quality outputs."@en <> "" "5149OEPN86" "EEA/COM/18/006"@en
<> "EEA/DIS/18/018 - Provision of IT consultancy services in the area of Reportnet 3 implementation to the European Environment Agency"@en "2018-10-31T15:17:31Z"^^<> "2018-10-31T15:22:10Z"^^<> "2018-11-02T08:00:00Z"^^<> "en" "" "" "" "The purpose of this call for tenders is to establish a framework contract with a contractor who can provide ITservices and support to the EEA for the construction of the Reportnet 3.0 system."@en <> "" "FWB5GVSDM1" "EEA/DIS/18/018"@en
<> "EEA/DIS/R0/18/008 \u2013 Copernicus Local Land Monitoring Services - Production of Very High Resolution Land cover/Land use dataset for coastal zones of the reference years 2012 and 2018"@en "2018-12-06T12:31:31Z"^^<> "2019-01-09T15:00:58Z"^^<> "2018-12-08T11:00:00Z"^^<> "en" "" "" "" "The EEA seeks to establish a framework contract with an economic operator covering the production of LCLU maps on coastal zones for the reference years 2012 and 2018."@en <> "" "P7VQED1UG4" "EEA/DIS/R0/18/008"@en
<> "EEA/DIS/R0/18/014 \u2013 Pan European High Resolution Snow and Ice Monitoring of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service \u2014 Production of Basic Products"@en "2018-12-21T09:14:36Z"^^<> "2018-12-21T09:16:06Z"^^<> "2018-12-21T08:00:00Z"^^<> "en" "" "" "" "The EEA seeks to establish a framework contract with an economic operator covering the implementation of Pan European High Resolution Snow and Ice Monitoring of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service \u2014 production of basic products."@en <> "" "Y79WEIKVGC" "EEA/DIS/R0/18/014"@en
<> "EEA/IDM/17/013 - Provision of IT consultancy services in the area of Java software development and dataflow implementation to the EEA"@en "2017-11-16T07:45:47Z"^^<> "2018-01-04T15:18:34Z"^^<> "2017-11-16T08:00:00Z"^^<> "en" "" "" "" "Deadline for submission of tenders: 19/12/2017"@en <> "" "YKUGC7EP61" "EEA/IDM/17/013"@en
<> "Interinstitutional open call for tenders EEA/NSS/17/002 - Framework service contract for providing services in the area of Natural capital and ecosystem assessment to the EEA and DG ENV"@en "2017-07-10T08:23:39Z"^^<> "2017-07-19T09:18:39Z"^^<> "2017-07-19T07:00:00Z"^^<> "en" "" "" "" "Framework service contract for providing services in the area of Natural capital and ecosystem assessment to the EEA and DG ENV, comprising of the following Lots:"@en <> "" "76DW4GNR0J" "EEA/NSS/17/002"@en
<> "EEA/MDI/14/002 - Framework service contract for the provision of Copernicus Initial Operations 2011-2013 - Land Monitoring Service Coordination and production of CORINE Land Cover for non-EU countries: Turkey"@en "2014-04-25T08:25:57Z"^^<> "2014-10-31T11:41:21Z"^^<> "2014-04-24T22:00:00Z"^^<> "en" "" "" "" "With reference to the above mentioned call for tenders, the EEA has decided to abandon the tendering procedure.\u000d\nThe grounds for that decision are:\u000d\nThe production of CORINE Land Cover 2012 in Turkey has already been awarded by the nominated Eionet National Reference Centre for land cover of Turkey (Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs/IT Department), in alignment with the EEA specifications for the CLC products.\u000d\nIn order to avoid duplication of funding and work it has been decided to abandon the tendering procedure pursuant to the provisions of Article 114 of the financial regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Union."@en <> "" "A6MP2Y0XHW" "EEA/MDI/14/002"@en
<> "EEA/IDM/R0/18/009 - Copernicus Land monitoring services \u2013 High Resolution land cover characteristics for the 2018 reference year"@en "2018-07-17T09:23:55Z"^^<> "2018-10-04T12:18:48Z"^^<> "2018-07-17T09:30:00Z"^^<> "en" "" "" "" "The EEA seeks to establish service contracts with service providers in the area of Copernicus Land monitoring services. The call for tenders is split into four lots, focusing on covering the update and production of 4 existing High Resolution layers (HRLs)."@en <> "" "52PUOEZ7GB" "EEA/IDM/R0/18/009"@en
<> "EEA/PAN/16/001 - Further implementation of the Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) in ENI East, South and West Balkan regions (2 Lots)"@en "2016-04-19T08:41:33Z"^^<> "2016-05-23T07:51:16Z"^^<> "2016-04-24T07:00:00Z"^^<> "en" "" "" "" "Lot 1 \u2013 Further implementation of the SEIS principles and practices in the\u000d\nEastern Partnership countries\u000d\nLot 2 \u2013 Further implementation of the SEIS principles and practices in the ENP\u000d\nSouth region \u2013 (SEIS Support Mechanism) and West Balkan region"@en <> "" "XOIWA8EQU6" "EEA/PAN/16/001"@en

Received 101 rows in 0.039 seconds.

For system integrators

The following info can be used by a system developer / database administrator in order to retrieve this dataset programmatically over the web using a SPARQL client.

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PREFIX eea: <>
PREFIX amp:<> 
PREFIX prod: <>
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX schema: <>

?subject as ?uri
lang(?title) as ?language
  ?subject a prod:CallForTender .
  ?subject dc:title ?title .
  ?subject dc:created ?created .
  ?subject dc:modified ?modified .
  ?subject dc:issued ?published .
  ?subject prod:callForId ?callForId .
  OPTIONAL { ?subject eea:isTranslationOf ?translation_of_uri } .
  OPTIONAL { ?subject prod:management_plan ?mps_code } .
  OPTIONAL { ?subject prod:serial_title ?serial_title } .
  OPTIONAL { ?subject dc:description ?description } .
  ?subject a ?type_uri .
  FILTER (?type_uri = prod:CallForTender)
  OPTIONAL { ?subject prod:isbn ?isbn } .
  OPTIONAL { ?subject schema:productID ?prod_id } .

Error when running query:

Error. Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/plone/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ZSPARQLMethod-2.3-py2.7.egg/Products/ZSPARQLMethod/", line 287, in run_with_timeout
    ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/plone/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ZSPARQLMethod-2.3-py2.7.egg/Products/ZSPARQLMethod/", line 215, in query_and_get_result
    result = sparql.query(*args, timeout = kwargs.get("timeout", 0) or 0)
  File "/plone/buildout-cache/eggs/sparql_client-3.8-py2.7.egg/", line 747, in query
    return s.query(query, timeout, raw=raw)
  File "/plone/buildout-cache/eggs/sparql_client-3.8-py2.7.egg/", line 416, in query
    return q.query(query, timeout, raw=raw)
  File "/plone/buildout-cache/eggs/sparql_client-3.8-py2.7.egg/", line 571, in query
    response = self._request(statement, timeout)
  File "/plone/buildout-cache/eggs/sparql_client-3.8-py2.7.egg/", line 558, in _request
    response = self._build_response(query, opener, buf, timeout)
  File "/plone/buildout-cache/eggs/sparql_client-3.8-py2.7.egg/", line 543, in _build_response
    timeout if timeout > 0 else None)
  File "/plone/buildout-cache/eggs/sparql_client-3.8-py2.7.egg/", line 514, in _get_response
    response =, timeout=timeout)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/", line 435, in open
    response = meth(req, response)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/", line 548, in http_response
    'http', request, response, code, msg, hdrs)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/", line 473, in error
    return self._call_chain(*args)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/", line 407, in _call_chain
    result = func(*args)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/", line 556, in http_error_default
    raise HTTPError(req.get_full_url(), code, msg, hdrs, fp)
HTTPError: HTTP Error 308: Permanent Redirect


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