
EEA/RNC/03/010 - Miscellaneous services

Call For Tender Published 04 Aug 2003

DK-Copenhagen: miscellaneous services

2003/S 143-129416

Economic instruments in Europe

1. Awarding authority:

European Environment Agency
Att: Hans Vos
Kongens Nytorv 6
DK-1050 Copenhagen K

Tel.: 0045 33 36 71 41
Fax: 0045 33 36 72 93


2. Category of service and description, CPC reference number, quantity, options:


Service category: 27.

Name given to contract: Organizing a workshop and drafting a report on the use of economic instruments in environmental policy in Europe.

Reference number attributed: EEA/RNC/03/010.

Description of contract:

Organizing a workshop and drafting a report on the use of economic instruments in environmental policy in Europe.

The European Environment Agency plans to publish a report on the use of economic instruments, by 2004.

Together with OECD and supported by the European Commission, EEA published the database for economic instruments, covering the above-mentioned instruments in over 40 countries, including all of Central Europe. The report is first and foremost meant to present an overview of the application of these instruments in the area covered.

The report is also to review the most interesting developments in this area in the last four to eight years. In order to have a broader opinion on exactly which developments deserve most attention, the EEA plans to organize an expert workshop where recommendations will be sought on the broad outline of the report.

The focus of the report will be on recent developments in the thinking about and the application of economic instruments in environmental policy and natural resources management. The following instruments will be included:

  • environmentally related taxes and charges;
  • environmentally motivated subsidies;
  • tradable (emission) permits;
  • deposit-refund systems;
  • voluntary approaches.

The scope of the report should not necessarily be restricted to separately describing these instruments. Instrument mixes and new approaches are explicitly welcome as subjects of the report. The scope will also depend on recommendations for the workshop participants.

Since the report will cover all economic instruments, it should start with a more general assessment of their current position and role vis-à-vis other types of policy instruments, primarily instruments that have a direct regulatory nature such as licenses, permits, bans and other target or implementation oriented forms of 'command-and-control'.

The geographical coverage of the report will include current and acceding EU Member States, Bulgaria, Romania and the countries in the Balkan area (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, F.Y.R. of Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro), the EFTA countries Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, and Turkey. Much of the focus of the report should be practice and developments in Central Europe.

Since the report is to cover a broad area, applications of economic instruments and developments therein can only be dealt with in a general way. In addition, the contractor should include a good number of case studies describing concrete situations, reflecting more general trends. These case studies should concentrate on new applications, or important changes in existing instruments, and be interesting for shared policy, learning.

As regards the time frame the report needs to cover the developments in the last four to six years in particular. Explicit reference should be made to the report 'Environmental taxes - Recent developments in tools for integration', published by EEA in 2000, and comparisons should be made with the situation with regards to taxes and charges as described in that report.

Further details can be found in the tender documents.

A draft report must be delivered no later than nine months after signing of the contract.

The final report must be delivered to the EEA no later than 12 months after signing of the contract.

Total quantity or extent: the winning contractor will be awarded a contract for 12 months. The maximum budget foreseen is 60 000 EUR (including all costs).

3. Delivery to:

Hans Vos
Kongens Nytorv 6
DK-1050 Copenhagen K.

NUTS: DK000, DK001.


(a) Reserved for a particular profession:


(b) Law, regulation or administrative provision:

(c) Obligation to mention the names and qualification of personnel:


5. Division into lots:


6. Variants:


7. Time limits for completion or duration of the contract, for starting or providing the service:

12 month(s).


(a) Documents from:

European Environment Agency
Att: Charlotta Colliander
Kongens Nytorv 6
DK-1050 Copenhagen K

Tel.: 0045 33 36 72 02
Fax: 0045 33 36 72 93


(b) Requests not later than:

(c) Fee:


(a) Deadline for receipt of tenders:

8.9.2003 (16.00).

(b) Address:

European Environment Agency
Att: Hans Vos
reference 03/010
Kongens Nytorv 6
DK-1050 Copenhagen K

(c) Language(s):

Spanish, Danish, German, Greek, English, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Finnish, Swedish.


(a) Opening of tenders (persons admitted):

European Environment Agency's representatives and one representative of each tenderer. Please inform Mr H. Vos by separate mail of your wish to attend the opening.

(b) Date, time and place:

17.9.2003 (10.30).

European Environment Agency
Kongens Nytorv 6
DK-1050 Copenhagen K

11. Deposits and guarantees:

12. Financing and payment:

- Prices must be quoted in euro;
- prices must be fixed amounts;
- estimated travel and subsistence expenses must be indicated separately in the breakdown of costs.

The consultant is expected to offer their services showing a budget for their activities, and stating daily rates according to the expertise offered and level of experience.

Submission of a tender implies acceptance of the terms specified in the Agency's 'General terms and conditions applicable to contracts' in all matters not governed by this invitation to tender and waiver your company's own terms of business.

13. Legal form in case of group bidders.

14. Qualifications:

Legal status:
proof of the legal status may be furnished by the following documents:
- an identification sheet (name or business name, legal status, contact person, bank account, etc.);
- where applicable, references of inscription in the VAT-register;
- where applicable, references of inscription in the trade register.

Financial capacity:

proof of economic and financial capacity may be furnished by one or more of the following documents:
- appropriate statements from banks or evidence of professional risk indemnity insurance;
- the presentation of balance sheets or extracts from balance sheets for at least the last two years for which accounts have been closed, where publication of the balance sheet is required under the company law of the country in which the economic operator is established.

Technical capacity:

evidence of the technical and professional capacity may be furnished by the following documents:
a) the educational and professional qualifications of the service provider or contractor and/or those of the firm's managerial staff and, in particular, those of the person or persons responsible for providing the services or carrying out the works (indicate knowledge of and experience with information sources as well as a company profile showing good and proven knowledge on the use of economic instruments in environmental policy in Europe);
b) a description of the measures employed to ensure the quality of services;
c) a list of the principal services provided in the last three years with the sums, dates and recipients, public or private;
d) an indication of the proportion of the contract which the tenderer may intend to subcontract.

15. Tenders may lapse after:

6 month(s).

16. Award criteria:

The most economically advantageous tender as stated below.
Proven experience in publishing high quality assessments reports related to economic instrument in environmental policy in European countries (30). Familiarity with relevant (scientific) knowledge and research networks (20). Understanding of the work as demonstrated by suggestions for the contents of the report (20). Competence of working team, as appearing from CVs (20). Approach of the work (10).

17. Other information:

Address from which further information can be obtained:

European Environment Agency
Att: Hans Vos
Kongens Nytorv 6
DK-1050 Copenhagen K

Tel.: 0045 33 36 71 41
Fax: 0045 33 36 72 93


Type of procedure: open procedure.

Address from which tender documents with further information can be obtained:

European Environment Agency
Kongens Nytorv 6
DK-1050 Copenhagen K

Tel.: 0045 33 36 71 41
Fax: 0045 33 36 72 93

The tender documents can be obtained in 3 ways:

(1) by downloading all tender documents from the EEA website (;

(2) by sending a fax request 0045 33 36 72 93 to Charlotta Colliander;

(3) by sending a request by letter or E-mail ( to

Charlotta Colliander
Kongens Nytorv 6
DK-1050 Copenhagen K

The tender documents include all relevant information (e.g. how to submit tenders, description of the work, forms, etc.).

Grounds for exclusion: the tenderer shall provide an auto-declaration, preferably made on oath before a judicial or administrative authority, a notary or a competent professional or trade body by a person competent to do so on behalf of the tenderer, which states that none of the grounds for exclusion (please see General Terms and Conditions applicable to contracts, Art 2 (2)) applies to the tenderer.

Selected companies will have to score a minimum of 20 points for criterion 1, 13 points for each of the criteria 2, 3 and 4, and 7 points for criterion 5.

Price: the bid offering the best value for money will be chosen, providing the minimum number of points (66) is achieved. The best bid is then calculated by dividing the price by the number of points awarded.

18. Date of pre-information publication:

19. Notice postmarked:


20. Notice received on:


21. Covered by the GPA agreement:


Download tender documents:

Annex I: Procedure for submitting an offer for Tender EEA/RNC/03/010

Annex II: Description of work

Annex III: Identification sheet

Annex IV: Draft - Service contract

Annex V: General terms and conditions

Annex VI: Reimbursement of travel expenses

Annex VII: Checklist for submitting an offer

Annex I - VII

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