Section I: Contracting authority
| Official name and address of the contracting authority:
European Environment Agency, Att.: Ms Beate Werner, Kongens Nytorv 6, DK-1050 Copenhagen. Tel.: 45 33 36 71 55. Fax: 45 33 36 71 51. E-mail: URL:
| Address from which further information can be obtained:
As in I.1.
| Address from which documentation may be obtained:
See Annex A
| Address to which tenders/requests to participate must be sent:
As in I.1.
| Type of contracting authority:
EU body.
Section II: Object of the contract
| Description
| Type of works contract (in case of works contract)
| Type of supplies contract (in case of supplies contract):
| Type of service contract (in case of service contract): Service category: Study
| Is it a framework agreement?
| Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority:
Outline for pan-European assessments of the marine environment based on the concept of large marine ecosystems.
| Description/object of the contract:
Description of the project: Outline for Pan-European Assessments of the Marine Environment based on the concept of Large Marine Ecosystems.
Under the EU Marine Strategy, the working group on European marine monitoring and assessment (EMMA) aims to evaluate possibilities of EU-wide assessments of the marine environment. Future assessments on a pan-European level should focus on the priority issues, which are common to all European seas like global influences, transboundary problems, linked with common EU-policies and/or ubiquitous problems like eutrophication. All assessments should be based on the "ecosystem approach to management of human activities in the marine environment" (following the working group on ecosystem approach to management of human activities (EAM) under the EU-Marine Strategy). The concept of Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs), including the DPSIR approach, could give conceptual and organisational guidance for this kind of pan European assessments on the marine environment. In support of the European process the study shall review how the concept of LME can contribute to the preparation of European wide ecosystem based assessments.
Integrated assessments of the marine environment are needed in order to support policy analysis and developments and to identify further policy needs of the European seas. Until now assessments have been focused rather on single regions or certain issues. Scientifically sound and detailed assessments have been performed in the framework of the regional seas conventions. Some European wide assessments have been done by EEA with an issue-by-issue oriented indicator approach.
However, integrated assessments taking into account environmental status as well as socioeconomic aspects on EU-wide scale are not well developed by now. But only this kind of sectoral integration would give the possibility to draw out certain policy recommendations.
European and pan-European assessments including the catchment area of all European seas need to be based on regional knowledge and activities.
The Marine Strategy can only be developed and implemented in an effective way if there is a mutual exchange between assessments on regional, EU and Pan European global level.
The working Group EMMA agreed on a set of priority issues for which European assessments might be necessary. This is eutrophication, climate change, unsustainable fisheries, Shipping and stationary construction causing discharges or disturbance of habitats, Hazardous substances including radioactive substances and degradation of biodiversity and habitats. Between these issues the first priority issues will be chosen.
At European Union and pan-European levels, thematic assessments should focus on issues, which affect more than one regional sea. These are likely to cover in particular:
- Land-based sources which transboundary and can affect the catchments of more than one regional sea (that is, in particular, air-borne sources of pollution and diffuse sources of land-based pollution that can only be controlled within the European Union by controls on marketing and use);
- Global issues where it will be desirable for the European Union (if not Europe as a whole) to try to come to a common view for international negotiations. This is particularly true for climate-change issues, fisheries and may also apply to some shipping issues;
The development of the permanent process for a Global Marine Assessment, under the United Nations, will be an important influence on the development of processes under the European Marine Strategy, since regional inputs to that UN process will clearly be needed. Inputs needed for other UN processes, especially those of the UN Environment Programme, should also be taken into account.
2.1 Use of the LME approach
The LME approach is applied on a global level to several quite different marine areas. It is a modular approach consisting of five parts describing for each sea the main elements of 1) Productivity, 2) Fish and fisheries 3) Pollution and ecosystem health, 4) Socio-economy and 5) Governance.
For the European seas LME assessments have already been published e.g. for the North-east Atlantic. Assessments are under way for the Baltic Sea.
In the Baltic Sea the approach is used for structuring the work of the UNEP GEF Baltic Sea Regional Project (BSRP) in a way, that the integration between sectoral policies and the state of the environment described in an ecosystem approach are reflected in the programme. In this sense building up on the Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) concept basically means that since pollution and marine life do not respect state boundaries, management should also be at a higher regional level. The Baltic Sea is a Large Marine Ecosystem, which is defined as a region of marine coastal space characterized by distinct, but similar bathymetry, hydrography, productivity, and trophic linkages.
The purpose of the study is to evaluate how future pan European and EU-wide marine assessments could be outlined taken into account the relationship between regional and pan-European assessments as mentioned above and the contribution the LME concept could give to that. This includes:
- An evaluation of the conceptual contribution the LME-concept could make to future pan European marine assessments as intended in the framework of the Marine Strategy.
- Support to the outline and planning of such assessments.
The overall task of the successful tenderer is to provide by end 2004 a report on the outline and planning of future pan European marine assessments based on the LME-approach.
The tenderer will provide in his offer a proposal for a work plan for each of the following tasks:
1. Review of existing assessments based on the LME concept in the area of the Europe's seas (see e.g. The study should also review experiences of international bodies world wide in setting up ecological quality objectives for large marine areas and their application for future management. The work has to take into account the interim results of the Ecosystem Approach WG (EAM) under the Strategy expected in May 2004.
2. Evaluating to what extent the concept of the ecosystem approach developed i.e. under the Marine Strategy (EAM) is equivalent to assessments based on the LME concept. This could e.g. focus on the impacts arising from sectoral policies and the respective human activities affecting the marine environment.
3. Proposal for an outline for pan European marine assessments for the most important environmental issues, mentioned under 2). A review of assessments available at the regional level including necessary tools and available data is available from the work of the WG EMMA. This has to be used and in cooperation with EEA (as member in the EMMA ad hoc group on pan-European assessments) further developed towards a planning of the future assessments
4. Identification of possible strengths and weaknesses of assessments based on the LMEapproach when used for pan-European assessments to be developed in the context of the Marine Strategy (under the WG EMMA)
5. Recommendations for a framework for future pan-European assessments. This should include organisational and structural needs for doing the assessments, take into account the latest achievements under the Marine Strategy as well as the structural framework, which could be derived from the LME approach (see UNEP GEF Baltic Sea Regional Project (BSRP)).
5. GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE The study has to cover the major European seas and there catchments, North East Atlantic with North Sea, Arctic, Baltic Mediterranean, and Black Sea.
The work should begin within two weeks of signing the contract and be executed in discussion with the respective EEA Project Manager over a period of five months. A detailed work plan must be elaborated at the start of the project and submitted at least one week before the start-up meeting for approval by the EEA Project Manager.
There are no special requirements regarding the location of work. It is envisaged that up to 4 meetings with the EEA Project Manager or visits to the EEA will be necessary:
The tenderer should submit the following deliverables:
Detailed work plan for the project, one week before the start-up meeting (three hard copies and one WORD file);
- An interim report on task 1) and 2) and a first draft on task 3)
- A draft final report on the outcome of tasks 3) and 4) and 5)
- Final report on the results to all tasks
| Site or location of works, place of delivery or performance:
European Environment Agency.
| Nomenclature
| Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV):
| Other relevant nomenclature (CPA/NACE/CPC)
| Division into lots:
| Will variants be accepted?:
| Quantity or scope of the contract
| Total quantity or scope (including all lots and options, if applicable
| Options if applicable). Description and time when they may be exercised (if possible)
| Duration of the contract or time limit for completion:
Period in months 5 (for the award of the contract).
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
| Conditions relating to the contract
| Deposits and guarantees required (if applicable)
| Main terms of financing and payment and/or reference to the relevant provisions (if applicable):
General terms and conditions applicable to contracts awarded by the European Environment Agency.
| Legal form to be taken by the grouping of suppliers, contractors or service providers to whom the contract is awarded (if applicable)
| Conditions for participation
| Information concerning the personal situation of the contractor, supplier or service provider and information and formalities necessary for the evaluation of the minimum economic, financial and technical capacity required.
| Legal position - means of proof required:
| Economic and financial capacity - means of proof required:
Grounds for exclusion
Irrespective of the award procedure used, any contractor may be excluded from participating in a contract if:
- They are bankrupt, being wound up or has suspended business activities, his affairs are being administered by the court, he has entered into an arrangement with creditors or similar measures or is the subject of any proceedings of that nature;
- They have been convicted of an offence concerning his professional conduct by a judgement which is not open to appeal;
- They have been guilty of grave professional misconduct;
- They are guilty of serious misrepresentation in supplying the information required by the authorising department.
Potential contractors must certify that they are not in one of the situations listed. Financial and economic standing
Evidence of financial and economic standing may be furnished by one or more of the following references:
- statements from bankers
- balance sheets or extracts from balance sheets
- a statement of overall turnover and turnover relating to the relevant supplies, works or services.
| Technical capacity - means of proof required:
Evidence of technical and professional competence must be furnished by the following references:
- The educational and professional qualifications of the proposed consultants
- A list of relevant contracts provided in the last three years
- A statement of the service providers average annual manpower and the number of managerial staff for the last three years
- A description of the service measures for ensuring quality
- An indication of the proportion of the contract, which the service provider may intend to sub-contract.
| Conditions specific to services contracts
| Is provision of the service reserved to a specific profession?
| Will legal entities be required to state the names and professional qualifications of the personnel responsible for execution of the contract? Yes
Section IV: Procedure
| Type of procedure:
| Have candidates already been selected?
| Justification for the choice of accelerated procedure (if applicable)
| Previous publication concerning the same contract (if applicable)
| Prior information notice concerning the same contract (if applicable):
Notice number in OJ content list: 2004/S 104-,084521 of 28.5.2004.
| Other previous publications
| Envisaged number of suppliers which will be invited to tender
| Award crieria:
The most economically advantageous tender in terms of criteria as stated below (in descending order of priority where possible):
1.1.2 Award criteria
The contract will be awarded to the most advantageous offer taking into account:
- Expertise - the consultants' knowledge of large scale assessments of the marine environment in general and especially with respect to the LME concept as evident from their previous projects and publications/reports;
- Methodology - the degree to which the methodology and detail of the consultants' work plan shows the capacity to provide the required deliverables;
- Project management - based on the quality of the team organisation and project management procedures, which should be clearly outlined in the tender;
- Understanding - the degree to which tenderers have taken into consideration all the aspects of the tasks required by the contract, such as they appear above, as well as the contents of the deliverables; and
- Value for money - total price and number of working days offered in comparison to overall project output.
1.1.3 Points system
A points system is used to choose the best tender. The distribution of maximum points to each criterion is as follows:
30 points to 'Expertise'
30 points to 'Methodology'
15 points to 'Project Management'
10 points to 'Understanding' 15 points to 'Value for money'.
In descending order of priority: no.
| Administrative information
| Reference number attributed to the file by the contracting authority:
Ref. No EEA/EAS/2004/006
| Conditions for obtaining contractual documents and additional documents
| Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate:
52 days from dispatch of notice.
| Dispatch of invitations to tender to selected candidates
| Language or languages in which tenders or requests to participate can be drawn up:
Spanish, Danish, German, Greek, English, French, Italian, Netherland, Portuguese, Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian and Islandic.
| Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain its tender:
6 months from the deadline stated for receipt of tenders.
| Conditions for opening tenders
| Persons authorized to be present at the opening of tenders:
Officials from the Agency and finacial controller.
| Date, time and place:
Section VI: Other information
| Is this notice a non-mandatory one?
| If applicable, indicate whether this procurement is a recurrent one and the estimated timing for further notices to be published
| Does the contract relate to a project/programme financed by EU funds?
| Additional information:
| Date of dispatch of this notice:
Annex A
1.2) Address from which further information can be obtained
1.3) Address from which documentation may be obtained: European Environment Agency, for the attention of Mr. Jimmy Flindt, Kongens Nytorv 6, DK-1050 Copenhagen K. Tel.: +45 33 36 71 50. Fax: +45 33 36 71 51. E-mail: URL:
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