Is this contract covered by the government procurement agreement (GPA)? No.
I.1) | | Official name and address of the contracting authority:
European Environment Agency, Att.: Ronan Uhel, Kongens Nytorv 6, DK-1050 Copenhagen K. Tel.: +45 33 36 71 30 . Fax: +45 33 36 72 93. E-mail: URL:
I.2) | | Type of contracting authority:
EU institution
II.1) | | Type of contract:
Services.Service category: 27.In case of contract for service categories 17 to 27, do you agree to the publication of this notice? Yes.
II.2) | | Is it a framework agreement?
II.3) | | Nomenclature |
II.3.1) | | Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV):
Main object: 90311000.
II.3.2) | | Other relevant nomenclature (CPA/NACE/CPC) |
II.4) | | Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority:
Framing and assessments of the main interactions between Europe's environment and worldwide developments.
II.5) | | Short description:
a) compilation of information sources in the form of a database structured around the main interactions between Europe's environment and the global dimension; b) processing of data for the production of indicator fact sheets; c) development and writing of an assessment report; d) concrete operational recommendations for regular assessments in this area, in particular global trade and environment.
II.6) | | Estimated total value (excluding VAT):
150 000 EUR.
IV.1) | | Type of procedure:
IV.1.1) | | Justification for the choice of negotiated procedure without call for competition |
IV.2) | | Award criteria:
The most economically advantageous tender in terms of:1) solid knowledge and understanding of international developments related to environmental matters in the context of global responsibility, including trade and environment issues (maximum 25 points);2) proven experience in undertaking, writing and publishing high quality work on integrated environmental assessments, including data compilation, processing and indicator development and analysis (maximum 20 points);3) soundness of the methodological approach (maximum 20 points);4) competence of working team, as appearing from CVs (maximum 20 points);5) solid knowledge and understanding of environmental information activities undertaken at the European level in recent years in connection with European policies (maximum 15 points).Price: the bid offering the best value for money will be chosen, providing minimum 50 points are achieved from the award criteria. The best bid is the one which achieves the lowest number when dividing the price by the number of points awarded.
V.1) | | Award and contract value |
V.1.1) | | Name and address of successful supplier, contractor or service provider:
Contract No 3473/B2004.EEA.51826.Consortium led by University of York - Stockholm Environment Institute, Attn: Mr. Keith Goodey, University of York, Heslington, YO10 5DD, York, United Kingdom. Tel.: +44 1904 43 2897. Fax: +44 1904 43 2898. E-mail: Internet address:
V.1.2) | | Information on value of contract or on lowest and highest tenders taken into consideration (excluding VAT):
Price: 133 461 EUR.Currency: EUR.
V.2) | | Subcontracting |
V.2.1) | | Is the contract likely to be subcontracted? |
VI.1) | | Is this notice a non-mandatory notice?
VI.2) | | Reference number attributed to the file by the contracting authority:
VI.3) | | Date of contract award:
VI.4) | | Number of tenders received:
VI.5) | | Was this contract subject to a notice in the Official Journal? Yes.Notice number in OJ content list:
2004/s 48-040734 of 9.3.2004.
VI.6) | | Does this contract relate to a project/programme financed by EU Funds?
VI.7) | | Other information:
VI.8) | | Date of dispatch of this notice:
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