
Dashboard (Tableau)

2017 Industrial pollution country profiles

Dashboard (Tableau) Published 06 Dec 2017
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These country profiles summarise key data related to industry: its relevance with respect to economic contributions, energy and water consumption, as well as air and water emissions and waste generation. Country profiles are available for each of the 33 EEA member countries individually. For a profile on all 33 EEA member countries as a group see link below.

More information

Industrial pollution country profiles 2017
Austria France Lithuania Slovenia
Belgium Germany Luxembourg Spain
Bulgaria Greece Malta Sweden
Croatia Hungary Netherlands (the) Switzerland
Cyprus Iceland Norway Turkey
Czech Republic Ireland Poland United Kindgom
Denmark Italy Portugal
Estonia Latvia Romania EEA-33
Finland Liechtenstein Slovakia


Although industry makes a significant contribution to the economic welfare and development of a country, pollution from industrial activities can also negatively affect people and the environment.

Pollution from industry is subject to national, European and international regulations, and standards that limit releases, waste and resource use.

Industry here refers to the production of goods within an economy. Activities included are energy industry, metal production, cement and lime production, mining and quarrying, the chemical industry, manufacturing, the waste industry (including water and sewage management), and the distribution of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning. The energy used for transport related to these industrial activities is not included.


Methodology and sources

The methodology underpinning the country profiles is available in this report: Methodology report for the development of EEA33 industrial pollution country profiles, ETC/ACM Technical Paper 2017/5

Sources are as follows (more detail available in the methodology report):

  • Significance of industry

Energy consumption data originates from Eurostat's Annual Complete Energy Balances, gross value added from Eurostat's Annual National Accounts and water consumption data from Eurostat's dataset on Water use by supply category and economical sector.

  • Air pollution

Percentage of total country pollution originates from the national emissions reported to the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP Convention).

Data for trends in air pollution are sourced from the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR).

Data for total country pollution and trends in pollution from carbon dioxide are sourced from the national emissions reporting under the GHG Monitoring Mechanism Regulation (MMR).

  • Water pollution

Data for water pollution overall are sourced from the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR).

  • Non-hazardous and hazardous waste generation

Data originates from Eurostat's dataset on Generation of waste.


Geographic coverage

Temporal coverage




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Filed under: industrial pollution
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