Ozone-depleting substances 2015

This report summarises the data reported by undertakings in accordance with the ODS Regulation for 2015 and looks at the major trends since 2006. Aggregated data reported by companies on the import, export, production, destruction, and feedstock and process agent use of ozone-depleting substances in the European Union

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Different emission estimates produced by EU bodies/institutions

The objective of this paper is to give a snapshot of the key GHG emission estimates which are regularly published by EU bodies.

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Analysis of key trends and drivers in greenhouse gas emissions in the EU between 1990 and 2014

This paper briefly analyses the major factors that accounted for decreased greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions excluding land use, land use changes and forestry (LULUCF) in the EU-28. It consists of two parts: the first part looks at the year 2014 compared to 2013 and the second part looks at the whole period between 1990 and 2014. The data is based on the EU’s GHG inventory submission to UNFCCC in 2016. The paper ends with a quick overview of emission estimates for 2015 from other sources.

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Annual European Union greenhouse gas inventory 1990–2014 and inventory report 2016

This report is the annual submission of the greenhouse gas inventory of the European Union to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. It presents the greenhouse gas emissions between 1990 and 2014 for the EU-28 individual Member States by IPCC sector.

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Annual European Union greenhouse gas inventory 1990–2014 and inventory report 2016. Full report

This report is the annual submission of the greenhouse gas inventory of the European Union to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (the Executive Summary). It presents the greenhouse gas emissions between 1990 and 2014 for the EU-28 individual Member States by IPCC sector.

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Evaluating 15 years of transport and environmental policy integration — TERM 2015: Transport indicators tracking progress towards environmental targets in Europe

The report analyses the evolution of the transport sector (freight and passenger) and its pressures on the environment since 2000, including the impacts of the economic recession in 2008. It makes use of the latest available data in order to assess key trends, measures and overall progress in meeting policy targets. It concludes that a fundamental decarbonisation of the transport sector will require not just technological solutions but also policies that stimulate significant behavioural changes, including the correct pricing of transport externalities and planning approaches that stimulate the use of sustainable modes of transport.

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Fluorinated greenhouse gases 2014

Summary of data reported by companies on the production, import and export of fluorinated greenhouse gases in the European Union. This report is based on submissions for 2014, the first reporting year under the new F-Gas Regulation 517/2014. The new regulation requires, among other things, that companies report on produced, imported and exported quantities of fluorinated greenhouse gases, including mixtures.

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Overview of reported national policies and measures on climate change mitigation in Europe in 2015

Information reported by Member States under the European Union Monitoring Mechanism Regulation. The report presents a synthesis of the information on climate change mitigation policies and measures (PaMs) reported in 2015 by EU Member States. It aims to provide an overview of the main characteristics of the PaMs implemented, adopted or planned by Member States, such as their objective, type, targeted sectors, entities responsible for their implementation, etc.

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Different emission estimates by EU bodies/institutions

EU GHG inventory submission to UNFCCC (EEA and DG Climate Action)

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Annual European Union greenhouse gas inventory 1990–2013 and inventory report 2015

This report is the annual submission of the greenhouse gas inventory of the European Union to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. It presents the greenhouse gas emissions between 1990 and 2013 for the EU-28 individual Member States by IPCC sector.

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Monitoring CO2 emissions from new passenger cars and vans in 2014

This report provides an overview of the performance of car and van manufacturers in meeting their 2014 CO2 emission targets. In order to evaluate the progress that manufacturers are making towards their targets, the EEA has collected and quality checked data on CO2 emissions from passenger cars and vans registered in all EU Member States since 2010. The reported CO2 emissions data presented in this report are based on measurements performed in the laboratory using a standard European vehicle test cycle. Such measurements may not reflect real-world driving performance.

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Trends and projections in Europe 2015 — Tracking progress towards Europe's climate and energy targets

The 2015 edition of the annual European Environment Agency (EEA) 'Trends and projections' report provides an updated assessment of the progress of the European Union (EU) and European countries towards their climate mitigation and energy targets. The assessment of Member States’ progress towards their climate and energy targets is based on: national data on GHG emissions, renewable energy and energy consumption for 2013; and projections reported by Member States concerning expected trends in greenhouse gas emissions until 2035. The report also presents preliminary ('approximated' or 'proxy') data for the year 2014. The report supports and complements the annual assessment, by the European Commission, of the progress of the EU and its Member States towards meeting the Kyoto and EU 2020 objectives, as required by EU regulation (the Monitoring Mechanism Regulation).

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Trends and projections in the EU ETS in 2015

This report provides an analysis of past, present and future emissions trends under the EU ETS, based on the latest data and information available from the European Commission and Member States. It also analyses the balance between supply and demand of allowances in the market. The report's annexes provide extensive material describing the functioning, scope and cap of the EU ETS, as well as a specific analysis of emissions of non-CO2 gases covered by the EU ETS.

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Approximated EU GHG inventory: proxy GHG estimates for 2014

This report provides proxy estimates of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the European Union (EU) and its Member States for the year 2014, covering the full GHG inventory (all sectors, except Land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF), and all gases). The proxy estimates in this report are based on data reported by Member States to the European Commission under existing EU legislation and on calculations made by the European Environment Agency (EEA). The proxy estimates are not based on complete activity data and should be considered as preliminary until the official inventory submissions for years 1990-2014 are reported to UNFCCC in 2016. The proxy estimates greatly improve the timeliness of information on GHG emissions and are used for analysis of emission trends and progress to EU climate targets.

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Ozone-depleting substances 2014

Aggregated data reported by companies on the import, export, production, destruction, and feedstock and process agent use of ozone-depleting substances in the European Union. This document summarises the data reported under the ODS Regulation for the year 2014, and looks at the major trends since 2006.

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EEA Signals 2015 - Living in a changing climate

Signals 2015 focuses on climate change: Our climate is changing. Global average temperatures are increasing, sea levels are rising, precipitation patterns are changing, and extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and severe. In a series of short articles and interviews, Signals 2015 presents an overview of what causes climate change and what climate change means for human health, the environment, and the economy.

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Projections in hindsight

An assessment of past emission projections reported by Member States under EU air pollution and GHG legislation

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Application of the EU Emissions Trading Directive

Analysis of national responses under Article 21 of the EU ETS Directive in 2014

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Focusing on environmental pressures from long‑distance transport - TERM 2014: transport indicators tracking progress towards environmental targets in Europe

The EEA's annual Transport and Environment Reporting Mechanism (TERM) report presents an overview of transport demand and pressures from the sector on the environment, as well as selected related impacts and policy responses. The report makes use of the latest available data in order to assess key trends and overall progress in meeting policy targets. Part A of the report provides an assessment of the progress made in the environmental performance of the transport system as a whole. Part B presents a dedicated assessment of the impact of long‑distance transport activities on the environment.

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